
Love and Magic: The Gen Zequel

will add this soon.

totallycutiee_ · Fantasy
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47 Chs

chapter 44: the Devilio team's combat (part 2)

[ i apologize if there would be any errors ( grammars, spellings and such more ). ]

[A/N: Play "Survivor" by 2WEI (1 hour loop) in the following part of this chapter.]


Reina activated her wind smoke magic as I coughed. Because of the huge wind around us, I started inhaling most of them. I knew from that moment that my asthma would happen for the last time before I lost my memories or atleast before I die. Little do I know, Maria reached out for my earrings. This is the best thing I could do at the moment.

"By the power of Magicia, I ask to transform me as Gemini." I said then I quickly transformed and I coughed.

"Didn't your guardian discussed with you that once the human being is weak, the Magicia will be less powerful than ever?" Maria asked then she did an evil laugh.

Maybe she's right, my magic power will surely be less powerful especially when I am already feeling the asthma attack inside of me. I tried to say the word 'super senses' to activate my power but I become weaker than ever. I slowly went back to the ground as I heard someone running behind me.

"He—I mean, Gemini!" Zane shouted as I slowly looked back at him and I panted.

"Let's finish this once and for all, Maria Greene." Saville said from behind.

"Saville! What a surprise, I didn't expect to see you in here including the other Magicia user who is missing-" Maria said from above.

"Move out of the way, Avior has arrived!" Avior said as Zane helped me to stand up.

"Th-That can't be!" Maria panickedly said.

"It's foir against three, Maria. Welcome to the end of the Devilio Magic. Super senses!" I said as I smirked then Maria growled and I got a notification from my phone saying, Heather, I am proud of you but please do finish them all before you lose your memories in the next 30 minutes.

"Gemini, what is your plan?" Zane asked as he whispered and I put back my phone in my pocket.

"Let's use all of our powers at the same time, make sure to use it wisely. Quick!" I replied then they nodded.

"Telekinesis!" Zane said.

"Destruction!" Avior said.

"Lightning!" Saville said at the same time with the rest.

All of us let out our powers towards them as Maria and another woman did so too towards us. Both of the magics hit towards each other as I saw a flashback. It was the day where the old Magicia and the Devilio team did the same thing as what is happening right now.

"Make way, the Guardians have arrived." Lauren said as Zane and I looked behind.

I gasped as I saw someone heading closer to me in the corner of my eye then I fall to my left as the man pushed me and my power cutted off from between the magics.

"Get off of me!" I shouted as the Magicia team looked at me.

"Mind reading!" Travis shouted as he puts his hands together.

"Gemini!" Saville said as he worriedly looked at me.

"Your time is over, girl." The man said then they grabbed me upwards with my neck as I started panting.

The man pushed me to a stone wall from behind as the Magicia team and Saville shouted and they cutted off their magic between the Devilio Magic. I panted as I tried to breathe, I can feel blood coming out but that didn't stop me. Zane brings out his hand as he controlled the man walking towards me. Meanwhile, Maria brings out her staff as the Devilio Magic went towards Zane.

"Duck!" Avior shouted as he pushed Zane down which cutted off his magic to control the man.

"Leave them alone!" Saville said as he brings out his hands and he used his magic towards Maria.

"Keep them safe young man, let me handle this." Lauren said as she walked towards Saville then she created a portal in between them.

"No! I mean—no, this is war between Maria and I." Saville said as they looked at each other.

"Typical Magicia guardian, do you have any clever ideas aside from that?" Maria asked as she scoffed and Reina worriedly looked at them.

"Give me your earrings darling or else I will do it myself." The man said as I glared at him.

"You wish." I said as I kicked him in the b*lls then he grunted in pain.

"The police are on their way." Romeo said from behind as I turned at him and I saw my parents.

"Romeo! Mom, Dad! Get out of here!" I shouted as I punched the man and Zane and Avior slowly stood up.

"Grandpa?" Saville mumbled.

"Well, well, well, isn't this an unexpected reunion between the original Magicia users and the Devilio team?" Maria asked as she evilly grin then Zane controlled her.

"Lauren, you must hide now!" Travis shouted as I looked at them.

"Don't you just stand there with your worried faces at those peasants! Do something this instant!" Maria said as she looked at the woman next to her then the woman sighed as the man pushed me to the ground.

The woman next to Maria used her powers to activate the wind smoke once again but this time it is very huge that the rest of them except the Devilio team flew away and that I can barely see them. I closed my eyes as I coughed that I can barely breathe this time. Juliet, I know you cannot hear me because I am only thinking to myself but we need you. Please. The next thing I know is that the man quickly grabbed my earrings as I grunted in pain then I detransformed into my civilian form. I immediately opened my eyes as I tried to look at my surroundings and that it suddenly turned into black. I panickedly walked backwards as I heard someone walking towards me.

"You have no one to help you now, Heather Vespaire. You lost, you and your team did for the first time in such a long time. Thanks to the most powerful Magicia you have, I will finally pursue all the plans I have back when I was alive." Maria said in an evil tone.

"Forget all about me already, Maria Greene?" A familiar voice said behind Maria as Maria turned around then a huge glow appeared.

It's Juliet, Juliet Fitzroy. I smiled as I panted.

"How was the parallel universe, Juliet?" Maria asked as Juliet appeared from the huge glow.

"Oh I will tell you, right after I defeat you." Juliet replied as she scoffed then she grabbed Maria's staff as Maria hold on to it as well.

I slowly bring out my hand as I looked at it. The blood I have all over me before is twice as many as what I have right now. I couldn't just stand there and do nothing so I pulled Maria from behind but she kicked me from behind as I went back to the ground.

"Heather!" Juliet shouted as she worriedly looked at me then Maria finally let go her staff from Juliet.

"Go back to the parallel universe Juliet, you don't belong in here." Maria said then she brings out the staff as the power from the staff pushed Juliet back to her portal.

"NO!" I shouted as I started tearing up and I stood up.

"It's between the Devilio team against you, Heather." Maria said as the woman and man awhile ago appeared behind her.

"Maria, please don't do this, w-we can unite as one. We can make our world a better p-place, I know you are a kind person, I know that." I said as they walked towards me.

"You know Heather on why I started this Devilio Magic? Because I wanted revenge, I wanted them to taste their own medicine, especially on how I felt many decades ago. I tried the first time I fought with them but I received the same pain just like what I felt back in my college days. But apart of all of it, the day finally come that I can seek my revenge on those who betrayed and broke me, for the last time. It wasn't really in my thought to include you or your other friends because the rest of you are just the next generation of the past Magicia users." She scolded as I nervously looked at her.

"Just the same old Maria Greene, the whole betrayal thing happened a long time ago and you still find a way to defeat us? You're making a huge mistake Maria, remember that." I said as I glared at her.

"Yeah I know the whole college betrayal happened a long time ago but the only reason why the Devilio team and I are here is because of you and your precious earrings. All we have to do is make you feel weak just so the power of the Magicia inside of you will pass on to me who will hold on to your earrings." She said as the man next to her nodded then I growled.

"I-I am not weak and I will fight for my team whatever it will take." I said as I sighed.

"How, darling? Kick our asses?" She asked as she evilly smirked.

"You bet." I replied as I kicked the staff from the bottom then it hit the roof of the black surroundings as it disappeared and I grabbed the staff.

I looked around and noticed that the rest of them have already stood up. All of them except the Devilio team stood behind me.

"Avior." I said as I handed him the staff then he nodded.

"Destruction!" Avior said then he destroyed the staff and the Devilio team did an evil laugh.

"I think all of you forgot that you must destroy this too." The man said as he brings out the Devilio's crystal ball.

"Oh we will, Mister." Zane said then he brings out his hand.

"Sad to say that you're a little late." Maria said then she puts the Magicia earrings inside as a huge dark glow appeared inside of the crystal ball.

There was a screeching noise which made all of us cover our ears as Maria did her evil laugh then she and the Devilio team slowly fly upwards, holding the crystal ball upfront. From that moment, everything happened so fast. I grunted in pain as I slowly went down to the ground and the rest of them looked at me.

"Heather? No, no, no!" Saville said as he caught me with his arms.

"What are you doing, Matthew? Hit the ultimate power already!" Maria yelled as I tried to open my eyes.

"Sweetie, a-are you okay?" My Mom asked from behind.

"Her memories." Travis nervously said.

"8:10." Romeo said as he panted.

"You will pay for this!" Lauren shouted as her voice started shaking.

"Princess, please stay strong, I-I am here for you. Don't give up just yet, alright?" Saville said with his shaking voice as he started tearing up then I slowly looked at him.

"P-Princess?" I said as he puts his hand on my cheek.

"O-Only Rafael calls me that." I continued.

From that moment, my eyes are shut close. That was it, that was the end of the whole Heather Vespaire era.

~ mj <3