
Love and Magic: The Gen Zequel

will add this soon.

totallycutiee_ · Fantasy
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47 Chs

chapter 26: guitar

[ i apologize if there would be any errors ( grammars, spellings and such more ). ]


Three hours after breakfast, I continued to do my graphic design works so that I could get distracted after what Rafael and I discussed during breakfast. I know I somehow sound rude, but he literally just kissed me like some girls in the movies where they fall for some playboy then they end up kissing and removing their clothes, getting pregnant in the next months—okay stop the overthinking side.

But that's what just made me confused because I'm sure Rafael isn't some type of guy that kisses me like that and acting all the playboy attitude. I must admit that I am not ready for any of this 18+ stuff, I know I had two boyfriends back in the days but neither of them ended up kissing me like that. I just wished Rafael could understand that I am not ready of this shit, when I am practically not ready for a relationship at the same time.

Anyways, enough of all the madness that happened, I finally finished all my graphic design works. I was supposed to be happy and relieved for it, but I can't stop overthinking of what happened between Rafael and I. With that, I needed someone to talk to. Someone who is always there for me, someone who genuinely cares for me and my feelings, someone who understands me. I looked around then I touched my earrings.

"J-Juliet? Are you there?" I asked as I whispered then I got a notification on my phone saying, 'Hey Heather, look I know you are dealing with something right now and I get it. But, we can't communicate and stuff, especially when you're in the living room with your lovey dovey in his room ten meters away.'

Aside of that, I am in the middle of a situation right now and I need all the focus on in here, okay? I'm really sorry, I promise I'll make it up to you :( She texted.

"Well, that's great." I mumbled then I got a notification that Jonathan posted a video on Instagram.

With no hesitation, I pressed the notification, then it lead me to Instagram.

"Hey everyone, it's me Jonathan and I will be playing the requested and favorite song of my Grandma called 'You are my sunshine'. Let's get it!" Jonathan said in the video, sitting down on a hospital chair and holding a guitar.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine." Jonathan sang as he plays the guitar and he smiled.

"You make me happy, when skies are gray." He continued singing and playing the guitar as I smiled.

"You never know dear how much I love you."

"Please don't take my sunshine away." We sang at the same time.

Suddenly, a memory appeared in my mind. It showed me a sunny day and a guy playing a guitar with the same song that Jonathan posted.


As I walked around the campus, I finally saw him playing the guitar and singing the song "You're my sunshine". Everytime I listen or hear to that song, it reminds me of a stranger playing the guitar of that song in the same day I met Romeo in the library.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine." Romeo sang as he plays the guitar.

"You make me happy, when skies are gray." Romeo continued singing as he looked up at the sky.

Romeo and Juliet. I've always thought about that ever since the day I met Romeo for the very first time.


"J-Juliet loved Romeo, she was in love with him." I mumbled as I smiled.

Then I snapped out and thought of what I should do next. I looked back at my phone as I stared at Jonathan's video. With that, I knew I had to call him. I get that he was scared of interacting with me, but he is the only person I can talk to right now. I left Instagram by exiting it then I went straight to phone calls and called him.

After a minute, he went straight to voicemail then I took a deep breath before I could talk to him.

"H-Hey Jon, i-it's me—um..Heather. I-I know we haven't been interacting to each other lately because of o-our busy schedules and all. But, if you have some time, I-I would love to bring that interaction and communication back with you. I-If that's okay to you, I completely understand if you won't tho." I said as I chuckled.

"Oh and just so you know, I-I am doing great already, b-better than before. Alright, catch you up later. Goodbye." I continued then I ended the voicemail.


Just like what Maria asked me to do, I started watched Heather from a distance to watch her every action the moment she records a voicemail to Jonathan.

"She surely does miss him." I said as I sighed.

"Well, why don't you get your butt off and do some romantic stuff for her to forgive you?" Maria asked as I touched my ring.

"I will, don't worry." I replied.

"But, do it right after you are done watching her so that we won't miss the interesting parts." She said as I rolled my eyes.

"You mean, until we solve if your theory is correct or false? When is that? Forever?" I asked as I scoffed.

"Will you just shut your mouth and do what I just said?" She asked in anger.

"Yes, Ma'am." I replied as I groaned.


Suddenly, my phone rang and it is a phone call from Jonathan.

"Jon?" I said as I answered the call.

"H-Hey Heather, i-it's been awhile." Jonathan said as he chuckled.

"Y-Yeah, did I interrupted anything? I saw your video that you are in a hospital room." I said.

"O-Oh no no, you didn't and yes I am in the hospital because my Grandma is in here." He said.

"If you don't mind me asking, how is she?" I asked as I frowned.

"Sh-She is doing fine after she fainted yesterday, so you don't have to worry about it." He replied as there was a background noise around him.

"I-I'm sorry, did I heard correctly that you said faint?" I asked in confusion.

"Y—I mean, no. I-I said, they said that she has p-pain yesterday. Y-Yes, pain." He nervously replied then he did a nervous laugh.

"Oh, I-I'm glad she is doing fine already." I said.

"M-Me too." He said.

"Hey Heather, I just want to say that I-I'm really sorry for wh-what-" He continued then I cutted him off.

"N-No it's okay, I completely understand and just so you know, that's not why I called you." I said as I chuckled.

"Oh, what is it?" He asked.

"I-It's about-" I replied then someone cutted me off.

"Hey Jonathan, Grandma is awake. Come on." Travis said from a distance.

"Great, I'll be in there for a bit." Jonathan said to him.

"What did you wanted to say, Heather?" He asked as I sighed.

"N-Nothing, I just wanted to check up on you, that's all." I replied as I chuckled.

"Thanks, but I have to end the call i-if that's okay for you." He said.

"Y-Yeah, it's totally fine." I said.

"Alright, th-thank you for calling Heather. It's great to hear from you after awhile." He said.

"Likewise, Jon." I said as I smiled then he ended the call.

After a few hours, I decided to head back to my room then I saw Rafael walking out from his room.

"Hey Heather, I-I know we shouldn't be talking right now since you still needed space. But I want to show you how sorry I am which is why I want to make it up to you." Rafael said as he walked towards me and he looked at me.

"It depends." I said as he stopped walking.

"I won't tell you too much details, but I suggest you wear something comfortable for outdoors and we will meet up outside our rooms at exactly 4pm." He said as he looked back at me.

"I know you're still mad at me or what do you feel towards me now, but I was really hoping that you will come." He continued.

"We'll see about that, McAdams." I said then I went inside my room and closed the door.

I swear he is setting up some plan to finally get away my virginity away from me. Alright, what did I just said about the overthinking side. Even though, I am still mad of him, I knew he wants to keep me company. Besides, he seems like he wanted to tell me something the moment he looked at me. For the past hour, I prepared my things and myself for this hang out thing we are doing.

"Heather, a-are you coming?" Rafael asked as he walked out from his room.

Then I opened the door and there was a whole silence. I walked out of my room with the hoodie he gave to me for my birthday, with a white dress underneath and my favorite Adidas shoes. He stared at me like he saw an angel, wait what—I'm such an overthinker at this point. But, damn he looks and styles like Johnny Orlando at this point. He went from Rafael McAdams to Mr. McAdams. His hair—argh, on fleek.


She is such a pretty angel—wait no. The prettiest and cutest angel I've ever seen, like I just want to squeeze her cheeks like a wittle baby. At the same time, I wanted to stare at her forever—wait, do I even look good? Oh no, now I'm panicking.

"Y-You look beautiful." I said as I blushed then she chuckled.

"You look h-handsome." Heather said as she smiled then I smiled back.

"A-And I'm coming, w-with you." She continued.

I can see in her eyes that she is feeling nervous of what might happened to us or atleast what I will do to her. But, this is the only way for me to make up to her. I can't just sit there and watch her every action without doing anything. I wanted Heather to feel loved, safe, protected and comforted with me.

"D-Do you mind if we take a picture before we leave?" I asked as I grabbed my phone.

"I don't mind at all." She replied then I nodded and we take a couple of pictures.

After a few minutes, we left the apartment and head straight to my motorcycle. Well, technically, a rent motorcycle since the original one costs the same money Maria gave to me.

"I hope you like motorcycles." I said as we walked towards it.

"Oh no, I don't like it." She said then I worriedly looked at her.

"I love it." She continued as she chuckled.

That scared me for a little bit. Suddenly, I began staring at her more than I have ever stared at her before. I started mesmerizing her beauty and cute little chuckle.

"Have I ever mentioned that you have the cutest wittle chuckle?" I asked as I smiled and she looked at me.

"Well, you just did." She replied as she smiled back.

Afterwards, we hopped on the motorcycle then I drive to our location. I hope she loves it.

~ mj <3