
Love And Mafia Ties

In the intricate web of fate, Scarlett, an unwitting pawn in her father's debt to the ruthless mafia boss Carlo, found herself wedded to a man shrouded in the shadows of crime. As Scarlett becomes a collector for her father's debt, a vendetta unfolds. Carlo’s past, scarred by the tragic loss of his parents at the hands of a rival mafia's driver, resurfaces when Scarlett is kidnapped by this very driver. In a desperate quest to rescue his wife, Carlo discovers the depth of his feelings for Scarlett. Unbeknownst to her, Carlo's dual life as a mafia boss complicates their relationship. The revelations unfold, exposing secrets and alliances. Amidst the chaos, an unexpected bond blossoms between Carlo and Scarlett, transcending the dark circumstances. As the truth unravels, Scarlett comes to terms with her husband's clandestine life. Despite the odds stacked against them, love triumphs, leading to a happily-ever-after. The couple's journey, marked by danger and deception, culminates in the joyous arrival of two children, sealing their destiny in a tale where love conquers the shadows of the past.

Oliviafabian · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

The weight of choices

The evening passed in on Scarlett, the oppressive weight of her father's revelation still heavy on her shoulders. She sat at her desk, textbooks opened in front of her but her mind was far from the pages of notes. 

The thought of being tied to Carlo Luciano, the enigmatic figure from the criminal world, was suffocating. She needed a way out, a glimmer of hope, the darkness threatened to consume her. 

Amber burst through the door, her face masked with determination. 

"Scar, we need to do something. We can't sit and fold our hands without putting up a fight?"

Scarlett looked up, her eyes hollow with worry .

"I know, Amber. I just… I don't know where to start. This feels like a nightmare."

Amber grabbed Scarlett's hand, her grip firm and unwavering. 

"We start by looking for options. We look for loopholes, for allies, for anything that can help us fight this."

Scarlett nodded, a flicker of resolve igniting within her. 

"You're right. We have to be proactive. We can't let fear consume us."

Together, they delved into research, scraping the internet for any glint of hope. But the more they dug, the more clear the reality became. The Lucianos' reach extended far and wide, their power casting a dark shadow over every route they explored.

As they sat in silence, the weight of their predicament settled heavily in the room. Scarlett's phone buzzed, a message from an unknown number flashing on the screen. With trembling hands, she opened it to reveal a cryptic message: 

"Look beyond the obvious. Answers lie in the shadows."

Her heart raced with the message of a cryptic puzzle she desperately wanted to solve. 

"Amber, look at this. What does it mean?"

Amber read the message, her brow furrowed in thought. 

"It's mysterious, that's for sure. But maybe it's a sign. Maybe there's a way out we haven't considered."

They mulled over the message, letting its words seep into their consciousness. As the night wore on, a plan began to form, a daring stake in the face of impossible odds.

The following day, Scarlett found herself walking back from college, the weight of Carlo Luciano's looming presence heavy on her mind. Her steps were lifeless, her usual energy exhausted by the forthcoming threat hanging over her head.

Turning the corner toward her house, Scarlett froze. A sleek black SUV was parked outside, two burly men lingering by the car. Her heart leaped to her throat, the tendrils of fear curling tight around her chest.

Amber's voice rang in her ears,

"We won't let this happen. We'll find a way out." It was time to act on that promise.

As she approached the house, a surge of determination drowned out the whispers of doubt. She pushed open the door, stepping into the living room where her parents sat, their faces filled with worry.

"We need to talk," Scarlett said, her voice stable despite the rush of emotions stirring up inside her.

Her father nodded, rising from his chair.

"Scarlett, we understand this is hard, but we have to think of the larger picture here. Your safety, our safety, it's all at stake."

Scarlett squared her shoulders, meeting his gaze head-on. 

"I know, Dad. But I can't just accept this fate. I need to fight back, find a way out of this misery."

A tense silence filled the room, each heartbeat echoing in the stillness. Her mother spoke up, her voice laced with resignation. 

"We're with you, Scarlett. Whatever it takes to keep you safe."

Scarlett felt a surge of gratitude for her parents' support, for their unwavering love in the face of misfortune. 

"Thank you. I won't give up. I'll find a way to break free."

As the conversation unfolded, a knock on the door shattered the fragile peace. Scarlett's heart skipped a beat, anticipation and dread warring within her. Her father thought twice before opening the door, revealing a man in a tailored suit standing on the entryway.

"Mr. Harrison, I presume," the man said, his voice smooth and computed. 

"I represent the Luciano family. We need to discuss Scarlett's future."

Scarlett's breath caught in her throat, the reality crashing down on her in an instant. This was it. The moment of reckoning she had been dreading. But as the man's eyes stayed on her, a fierce resolve ignited within her, her fear morphing into defiance.

"I don't plan on being anyone's pawn," Scarlett said, her voice mirroring with newfound strength. 

"I have a say in my own future, and I won't let anyone dictate it."

The man regarded her with a mix of surprise and curiosity, perhaps sensing the persistent determination steaming beneath her words. 

"You may have spirit, Miss Harrison, but you should remember who you're dealing with. The Lucianos always get what they want."

Scarlett met his gaze, her eyes ablaze with defiance.

 "Not this time. I won't go down without a fight."

The man's expression hardened, a shadow of warning flickering in his eyes. 

"You may find that fighting against us isn't a battle you want to start. But you'll soon learn that lesson firsthand."

With a final glance, the man turned on his heel, disappearing down the path. Scarlett felt a surge of adrenaline running through her veins, the first stirrings of rebellion awakening within her.

Amber approached her, a fierce glint in her eyes. 

"We can't let them intimidate us, Scar. We have to stand together, fight back against this injustice."

Scarlett nodded, her heart beating with a newfound resolve. 

"We will find a way, Amber. No matter what it takes."

As the sun dipped below the , casting long shadows across the room, Scarlett knew that the fight had only just begun. The road ahead was filled with uncertainty, but she refused to back down, not when her future was on the line.

Together, with Amber by her side and a glimmer of hope in her heart, Scarlett braced herself for the challenges to come, ready to face the shadows that hung over her.

The weight of choices tugged at her, but she was determined to carve out her path, no matter the obstacles that came her way.