
Love And Mafia Ties

In the intricate web of fate, Scarlett, an unwitting pawn in her father's debt to the ruthless mafia boss Carlo, found herself wedded to a man shrouded in the shadows of crime. As Scarlett becomes a collector for her father's debt, a vendetta unfolds. Carlo’s past, scarred by the tragic loss of his parents at the hands of a rival mafia's driver, resurfaces when Scarlett is kidnapped by this very driver. In a desperate quest to rescue his wife, Carlo discovers the depth of his feelings for Scarlett. Unbeknownst to her, Carlo's dual life as a mafia boss complicates their relationship. The revelations unfold, exposing secrets and alliances. Amidst the chaos, an unexpected bond blossoms between Carlo and Scarlett, transcending the dark circumstances. As the truth unravels, Scarlett comes to terms with her husband's clandestine life. Despite the odds stacked against them, love triumphs, leading to a happily-ever-after. The couple's journey, marked by danger and deception, culminates in the joyous arrival of two children, sealing their destiny in a tale where love conquers the shadows of the past.

Oliviafabian · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Ghost of the warehouse

The warehouse lights flickered, casting long, shapeless shadows that danced across the crates stacked aimlessly around Dante. He squinted, willing his vision to clear. For a moment, he could have sworn... no, it couldn't be.

A scoff escaped his lips, sharp and humorless. Hallucinations. That's what years of staring at these dusty walls did to a man.  But the figure remained, emerging from the gloom, and with each step, dread tightened its icy grip around Dante's heart.

Liam Harrison.

The name ripped through Dante, a shard of forgotten memories lodged deep within. Memories he thought he'd buried along with any sliver of hope he'd once held. How long had it been? Ten years? More? The years blurred together in a haze of disappointment and betrayal.