
Love And Mafia Ties

In the intricate web of fate, Scarlett, an unwitting pawn in her father's debt to the ruthless mafia boss Carlo, found herself wedded to a man shrouded in the shadows of crime. As Scarlett becomes a collector for her father's debt, a vendetta unfolds. Carlo’s past, scarred by the tragic loss of his parents at the hands of a rival mafia's driver, resurfaces when Scarlett is kidnapped by this very driver. In a desperate quest to rescue his wife, Carlo discovers the depth of his feelings for Scarlett. Unbeknownst to her, Carlo's dual life as a mafia boss complicates their relationship. The revelations unfold, exposing secrets and alliances. Amidst the chaos, an unexpected bond blossoms between Carlo and Scarlett, transcending the dark circumstances. As the truth unravels, Scarlett comes to terms with her husband's clandestine life. Despite the odds stacked against them, love triumphs, leading to a happily-ever-after. The couple's journey, marked by danger and deception, culminates in the joyous arrival of two children, sealing their destiny in a tale where love conquers the shadows of the past.

Oliviafabian · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Escape into darkness

The relentless pounding on the door echoed through the small hideout, each thud heightening the urgency and fear within Scarlett's heart. The once secure hideout now felt like a sealed coffin. The dim light twinkled, casting long shadows that danced ominously on the walls. Her brother, Liam, who had just recently re-entered her life, took charge of the situation, his voice a beacon of calm amidst the chaos.

"We need to move now," Liam whispered urgently, his eyes darting towards the trapdoor buried beneath a worn-out rug. Scarlett's breath caught in her throat as she glanced at Amber and Ethan, their faces mirrored her own fear and uncertainty.

"Scarlett, we have to go," Amber urged her grip on Scarlett's hand tightening for reassurance. Scarlett swallowed hard, nodding as Liam yanked the rug aside, disclosing an old, creaky trapdoor.

Liam opened the trapdoor, the hinges groaning in protest, revealing a dark, narrow tunnel below. A whiff of damp, musty air wafted out, making Scarlett crimp her nose. The echoes of the pounding above seemed to grow louder, more desperate.


"Go, go!" Liam urged, his voice now strained. 

Scarlett descended into the darkness, feeling the cold metal ladder rungs bite into her hands. The tunnel was suffocating, the air thick with moisture and decay. Every step down felt like a descent into an abyss.

Once they were all inside, Liam closed the trapdoor above them, plunging the tunnel into near-complete darkness. He flicked on a small flashlight, its beam cutting through the gloom. 

"Follow me," he instructed, taking the lead.

Scarlett's heart raced as she followed closely, her mind whirling with fear and the adrenaline of their escape. The tunnel walls were close, almost suffocating, and the floor was uneven, making each step a careful, deliberate movement. Her breathing echoed loudly in her ears, mingling with the distant sounds of their pursuers above.

Amber's hand found hers again in the darkness, a silent promise of solidarity. 

"We're going to make it through this," Amber whispered, her voice trembling with hope.

The tunnel seemed to stretch on endlessly, the air growing colder and the darkness more oppressive with each passing moment. Scarlett stumbled over a loose rock, her gasp swallowed by the tunnel's confines. Ethan was quickly at her side, steadying her with a firm hand on her arm. 

"Almost there, hang in there," he reassured softly.

At last, they reached a dead end, a heavy steel door looming before them. Liam pressed an ear to the door, listening intently. The tension in the air was real, every muscle in Scarlett's body taut with anticipation.

Satisfied that it was safe, Liam carefully turned the handle and pushed the door open, spilling them out into the open air of a dense forest. The difference was amazing, the cool, fresh air a stark relief from the stifling tunnel. Scarlett inhaled deeply, her senses overwhelmed by the damp smell of earth and the crisp scent of autumn leaves.

Liam gathered them in a tight circle, his expression deep.

 "We need to reach the old warehouse. From there, Maria will help us with new IDs and a way out of the city." His voice was steady, but Scarlett could see the worry laced in his eyes.

Scarlett nodded, determined to keep moving despite the fatigue chewing at her. The forest was dark, the path ahead dimmed by shadows and moonlight filtering through the canopy. They moved as quickly and quietly as possible, every rustle of leaves and snap of twigs underfoot making Scarlett's heart skip a beat.

The warehouse finally came into view, a looming structure in a small clearing. Its neglected exterior and broken windows were eerily silent, offering no clue of the refuge it was supposed to be. Scarlett couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, her nerves frayed by the omnipresent threat of Carlo's men.

Liam led the way cautiously to the entrance, his flashlight flickering on the rusted door.

 "Stay close," he whispered.

 They slipped inside, the air thick with dust and the scent of old wood and metal. Their footsteps echoed eerily, intensifying the sense of isolation.

Scarlett clung to Amber, her pulse a steady drumbeat of anxiety. The warehouse seemed deserted, every corner surrounded in darkness. As they moved further inside, a shadow detached itself from the wall, and a woman with sharp features stepped into the dim light.

"Maria," Liam said, relief evident in his voice. 

"We need your help, fast."

Maria's eyes scanned them quickly, her expression unreadable. 

"Follow me," she said shortly, leading them to a small office space cluttered with papers and old machinery. 

Despite the chaos, Maria moved with practiced efficiency, pulling out a set of documents and a bag filled with essentials.

Scarlett's stomach stirred with a mix of gratitude and fear. The pounding of footsteps and muted voices outside served as a constant reminder of the danger they were in. Time seemed to drag as Maria worked silently, the only sound the rustling of papers and the soft click of a keyboard.

Suddenly, the distant growl of an approaching engine broke the fragile calm. Scarlett's heart raced, her eyes darting to the window. 

"They're here," she breathed, panic rising in her throat.

Maria's eyes widened as she pushed the bag of IDs into Liam's hands. 

"You need to go now. There's a hidden exit at the back. It leads to the sewers."

Liam didn't hesitate, flocking them towards the hidden door. The narrow alley beyond was cold, the night air a sharp contrast to the oppressive warmth inside the warehouse. Scarlett glanced back at Maria, a silent thank you in her eyes, before plunging into the darkness with the others.

The alley was infused with moonlight, brightening its way just enough to reveal the rusted manhole cover ahead. The sounds of their pursuers were getting closer, an unsettling chorus of shouts and running footsteps. Liam and Ethan quickly worked together to lift the heavy cover, revealing the dark, gaping maw of the sewer below.

Climbing down the slippery, metal rungs, Scarlett's nerves jangled with every creak and groan. The air was thick with the awful stench of sewage and decay, making her gag. The darkness was almost impenetrable, the only light coming from Liam's flashlight and the faint moonlight filtering through the manhole above.

The tunnel was a maze, the walls slick with moisture and dirt. The echoes of their hurried footsteps and labored breaths filled the confined space, deepening her fear. Scarlett clung to Amber's hand like a lifeline, the darkness pressing in around them.

Liam's voice guided them, a steady reassurance amidst the chaos. 

"This way, keep going." His flashlight beam danced on the walls, casting weird reflections in the stagnant water pooling at their feet.

Every step felt agonizingly slow, their progress hindered by the slippery floor and the stifling air. Scarlett's muscles burned, her lungs screamed for fresh air, but she kept putting one foot in front of the other, driven by sheer willpower.

"We're almost there," Liam murmured, though Scarlett could hear the strain in his voice.

They came to another ladder, this one rusted and rickety, leading up to a manhole cover barely visible in the murky light.

Liam went up first, pushing the cover aside with a grunt of effort. Fresh air rushed down, a stark contrast to the sewer's fetid stench. Scarlett followed, her limbs heavy with exhaustion. They emerged into a deserted alley, the chill night air bracing against their sweat-soaked clothes.

For a moment, Scarlett stood still, gulping in the fresh air and appreciating the open space. The stars twinkled above, indifferent to their plight. Liam closed the cover behind them, and she could see the relief in his eyes. But their respite was short-lived; they were not out of danger yet.

Liam gathered them in a tight huddle, his voice barely above a whisper. 

"We need to get to the barn on the outskirts. From there, we can make a proper plan." His eyes flickered with determination, a silent promise that he would get them through this.

Scarlett glanced at her friends, drawing strength from their presence. Amber's dark eyes were resolute, her grip on Scarlett's hand firm. Ethan's face was a mask of controlled fear, his posture protective. They were in this together, and that gave her the courage to keep moving.

They started towards the barn, their steps quiet and measured in the deserted streets. The journey was long and fraught with tension, every shadow a potential threat, every sound an intro to danger. Scarlett's heart pounded, but she held her head high, determined to survive.

They reached the barn just as the first light of dawn kissed the horizon, casting long shadows over the dewy grass. The old wooden structure loomed before them, a sanctuary in the dwindling darkness. Relief washed over Scarlett as they slipped inside, finally out of immediate danger.

Inside, the barn was dark and dusty, the air filled with the scent of hay and old wood. They collapsed onto the floor, exhaustion overtaking them. Scarlett leaned against a wooden post, her body aching but her spirit unbroken.

As they caught their breath, Scarlett glanced at Liam, a silent question in her eyes. He nodded slightly, a promise that they had made it through the worst, at least for now. The weight of their journey pressed on her, but beneath it all was a flicker of hope. They had escaped the immediate threat, and now, with newfound resolve, they could plan their next move.

Scarlett closed her eyes for a moment, the first rays of sunlight warming her face. They had a long way to go, but for now, they were together, and that was enough.