
Welcome to create on WEBNOVEL

 In a land where mythical creatures roam and uncertainty prevails, our story begins...

Once upon a time, there lived a young boy. His heart was filled with dreams and aspirations, until fate intervened, leading him to a love that would change his life forever.

 Love... the one emotion that can transcend time, space, and even worlds. Our protagonist had discovered this profound feeling and was willing to fight every obstacle to keep it alive.

But sometimes, despair lurks in the most unexpected places. A menacing dragon, driven by hunger and fury, descended upon their peaceful realm, intent on destruction.

Determined to shield his beloved from harm, the boy stood valiantly in the face of danger. With trembling but resolute steps, he confronted the beast, determined to safeguard their love.

 The battle was fierce, but the boy's valiance and love propelled him forward. Every swing of his sword carried the weight of his affection, but alas, it was not enough.

 In a tragic turn of events, the dragon's vicious jaws closed around the boy's fragile body, ending his journey of love and bravery. His sacrifice would be forever etched in the annals of this mythical realm.