
What happened to Iruk

"Mother what happened to Iruk?" I asked the second time, the first time my mother pretended like she didn't hear a thing.

"Iruk? Why do you insist on knowing what happened to her?" Her grey eyes flushed red, she is angry now.

"Mother I don't mean to upset you, it's just that I can't stop thinking about what Iruk said to Father.."

"And what did she say?" She looked even more angry.

I can't believe I ruined her whole mood with just a simple question... (Simple question? simple question I guess)

"She said that, King Joel is responsible for her loss of one eye and her wings-"

She looked so down and her face frowned then started

"Iruk was one beautiful Fairy with colourful wings and orange beautiful eyes, she was tall built and stronger than other fairies, she was so prideful and ego slung out of her. She was so strong that you could feel her presence a mile away."

she paused and took a sip of her cold fresh juice, she gestured the guard to evacuate and continued.

"And she liked the Prince very much that she could have done anything to snatch him no matter what it would take. Prince Joel was just a Prince back then." Queen Sara drooped her face and sighed, I and Sara could feel the spirit of sorrow in my mother's emotions.

All that time we were silent and attentive.

"But some days after we heard that the king has kicked the bucket it was so unbelievable because it happen so sudden."

Queen Sara rubbed her eyes and cleared the tear that was about to fall.

we were so silent as a grave.

"Joel automatically became the king, this made Iruk drool excessively, but Joel was a man of searching for his own gold. That's when I met your father."

"Mom wait, you ain't telling a story without us, ain't you?" Cara and Karel joined in out of nowhere.

" Where were you sleepyheads?" Queen Sara loves Cara the most because Cara is self driven and responsible.

"I am not from a Royal family but your father chose me anyway. While Iruk came from a wealthy family and she thought she can get anything through her wealth. I and your father lived together for some full moons but Iruk had had enough. Since she was powerful, her light powers became dark and she started killing any girl that drooled on Joel."

Trying to jump into conclusion, I decided to just keep quiet. I continued to take my breakfast and gave Sara a side eye sign 'wink', Sara smiled back.

"My life wasn't at peace now. One time, Iruk went too far and kidnapped me. Joel knew that Iruk loved him but he didn't love back but you know something? when someone like you and admits it there is high possiblity of you liking back. Joel heard of what Iruk had done and he ordered a direct search for the new Queen."

"Soldiers searched and searched and they found me in the woods, tied up and beaten thoroughly. Joel couldn't bare this humiliation, they started to fight. Iruk was very strong but Joel was stronger.