

One day as I was walking down the hallway from the bedroom I met general Ramon, "good morning your Majesty" he mentioned bowing down with respect, "you have some visitors".we walked together towards the meeting room.

as I was approaching I saw a very familiar face, King Doren, King of Johen, surprising, what is he doing here without an invitation from me?

"I'm so sorry my brother, I never meant to intrude" he said ironically. "it ok, have a seat" "good morning King Doren, what a surprise" I smirked. "King Joel I sent a letter like a week before but for my surprise i was never replied."

"A letter?" shockingly I don't remember. "I never miss my letters maybe I misplaced it unknowingly"

"it was a very important letter, containing very important confidential information for you or the queen" he continues

"Queen will be here shortl... there she is.." I said pointing towards Sara, the Queen of Andria.

"Good morning your Majesty" King Doren greeted. "Good morning King Doren, what a surprise to have you this morning" Queen Sara replied

"As I was saying, I sent a letter to you and your husband but I was never replied"

"sorry for the misunderstanding, it wasn't intentional, I and my husband have received more than a thousand letters lately... maybe yours is among" Queen Sara mentioned respectfully

I have never seen the queen so respectful, is it because it's the King or maybe it's because planet Johen is more advanced even in it's army... or maybe the queen is in good shape today, I'm made of questions right now.

"I may take my leave right now see you soon" he said vaguely.

I never understood what King Doren was saying all along, about the letter what's so important about it?. my thoughts were interrupted by My wife

"good gracias, what is so important about the letter, I mean I heard him a mile away and his main topic was about it, why did he leave immediately after mentioning it, something is not right."

I think we have to look for it, things might get a mess, we don't know what's in the letter

" General Ramon? "

" Yes, your Majesty"

" call Ayala for me"

" yes sir"

Ayala is our message deliverer, we have high intensified portals to travel allover the universe in less minutes

in less than a minute, Ayala appeared "Yes your Majesty, you mentioned for me"

"Yes Ayala, it's about the letters, I need you to find King Doren's letter right away"

"ok your Majesty" he bowed and walked away

my wife looked at me and asked "what do you think is in the letter?" "are you that carried away by this?" I asked hugging her tightly she's the only one I have, even though kings are allowed to have more than one wife, I find happiness in her, and she gives me a reason to not look for another.

"and where are the kids?" curiously.. I know I woke up a bit early but it's past 9 they should be awake for morning training.

"don't mind them maybe they are already awake"