
Love and distance

It is said that love stories that arise in the shadow of wars do not Forgotten and immortalized in memory and history, they are stories that were born Out of the womb of suffering, grown in a wasteland, dancing There are feelings on the melodies of the missiles, stories that are not strong Life is all about being demolished. And here in the Holy Land... the Promised Land... the Land of the Lost, In the refugee camp where the ugly face of life, suffering Those who lost their fathers and mothers, and even the homeland, only remains Love, sacrifice, and many more stories that are immortalized In memory of everyone who sacrificed himself for the holy homeland. The usurped and occupied homeland, Palestine...this spot Blessed and for whom everything is easy, nothing More precious than Palestine, neither the soul, nor the family, nor Friends...not even love.

Asmaa_Nada_1664 · LGBT+
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11 Chs

chapter 10

Chapter 10

Al-Qasim: You are in Palestine in the city of Jenin, and I am a colleague of yours in medicine. We work together in the city hospital

The girl closed her eyes a little, then opened it again, and before speaking, Arafat entered the room with a smile

Arafat: - Good morning, my daughter, how are you?

Girl: I feel a great pain in my head and I do not know who these people are and which hospital they are talking about. All I remember is that I work in a hospital in Britain and I do not remember how I came here

Arafat approached and started looking into her eyes, then measured the pulse and answered

Arafat: Initially, your condition is stable, but tell me. What else do you remember?

The girl tried to remember: I don't know, I don't know anything, how did I get here who you are and why my way of speaking is different from yours

Arafat: Just calm down and tell me what's your name

She was silent for a while as she pressed her hand to her head. Al-Qasim hurriedly grabbed her hand and pushed her away while he told her to beware of the wound.

The girl crying: I don't know who I am. How is this what happened to me? How do I remember the hospital in Britain and I don't remember my name?

Arafat: What is the last thing you remember? Try to help me to answer you

She closes her eyes, moves her head left and right, then opens it again, and the tears don't stop while hesitating

Girl: I don't know, I don't know, my mind is blank, I don't remember anything

Al-Qasim: OK, this is possible because you were in a coma for a long time. Give me a little gift and wait for some time.

Salha approached, carrying a tray with a bowl of soup

Then I sat next to her on the right, opposite to the side where Al-Qasim was sitting

Salha: Come on, dear, you should eat this soup so that your body regains some energy and strength. Be patient, dear. With time, you will remember everything.

The girl was about to get straight and sit down, and was helped by Bayan, who went into the room when her mother brought the soup, and while Saleh was feeding the girl, Arafat and Al-Qasim went out of the room, heading to the hall of the house, as far away as possible from the girl's hearing.

Arafat: The neurologist who is supervising her will attend shortly

Al-Qasim: We are waiting for your report impatiently. I feel that it is Mary, but there is no evidence in my hand, especially that she lost the identity card that was attached to the medical coat. We do not know where it was. Was it the place of the accident that they rushed and erased all its traces, or inside the car in which we were transported

Arafat: - No, I spoke with the owner of the car and he did not find anything. Of course, the card has disappeared. The place of the painful accident. This is not important, my son. Now, God willing, not remembering it will be from the effect of a long fainting, and with rest you will remember.

Al-Qasim: I hope so, dad. Has there been no news from Britain about girls and DNA tests?

Arafat: No one gives me news, unfortunately, as if it never happened.

An hour passed and everyone was waiting for the neurosurgeon, and as soon as Dr. Essam entered the neurosurgeon, Al-Qassem took him to the room of the girl who had finished her meal after tricks from Salha and Bayan. But she will follow up with Dr. Basem Amer (the director of the Bassem Amer Center for Medical Consultations and works in a recovery institution for the treatment of mental disorders and addiction. He was with a medical aid convoy in Jenin after the accident for a limited time). Then Al-Qassem took him outside the house and asked him about the state of not remembering, and he replied that it was temporary And you will remember everything when the wound is gone and recovering, and after the doctor went, Arafat sat next to the girl, smiling at her and spoke softly.

Arafat: My daughter, don't worry about anything. The doctor told us that what you are going through is a temporary situation and until you remember, you will stay here with us. You can consider me as your father and this is your family. All I ask of you is not to tire yourself with thinking now.

The girl after I closed her eye she quietly said: - My name is Mary I am an Egyptian and I was held in Britain, but what I do here. He smiled the denominator despite the sadness that filled his heart: - I leave you a little rest and the next days I will explain what you're doing here. Arafat: - And of course when you recover your aafit we will communicate with your family. Arafat came out of the room leaving it to sleep again and she needs comfort and decided to return to work. He has a lot of work and on the way he left the house. He returned after the doctor and told him: Arafat: - Abbas I remembered that her name Mary but did not remember The semi-natural life has returned to the city, and the denominator made an appointment with the doctor on behalf of Amer and then took Mary to reveal and follow it, and on the date of the reservation, so he was based on the crowd so that he could move away from her feet in Gypsum and after