
Love and Daggers

"Hear, Chae Young, whether you despise me or not, you must work for me. There is no other way to keep your brother safe. Threateningly, Min Su said. "Do what I say and follow my instructions if you don't want him to perish. I'll murder you and your brother if you disagree with me on it. I just want you to be my faithful dog, and after you've served your purpose, I'll either murder you or dispose of you like a dirty animal. ***** Best SPF spy Hang Chae Young embarks on a protracted expedition to recover a mission gemstone, with Kim Min Su—a rich businessman who leads a double life—as her sole objective. However, there is more to this case than first appears. When she is discovered, she is offered the choice to either join the mission or watch her loved ones perish. She eventually realizes that the legal system's complex webs is a maze that lead nowhere except deep below into a gloomy alleyways, so she must now cooperate with the guy she despises to sort it all out. A relationship that is as savage as daggers, where both parties constantly desire the other person dead, because you never know when the other person could draw their weapon on you, so keep your weapon close at hand at all times. It's risky and the stakes are huge. Will they both be able to survive this deadly game? Who will triumph, that is the question.

Aphrodite_Love · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter 6

"It's good to see you, Mr. Shin Jiyeon!" Choi Seong Hyuk chuckled as he hugged one of the men in front of him. "And you, Mr. Park Jihoon!" He continued before hugging the other man.

Chae stood frozen as she observed the scene before her.

"I thought the both of you wouldn't be able to make it today." Choi Seong Hyuk stated cheerfully as he let go of his friends.

"We wouldn't miss your party, Mr. Choi, even though it's really hard to attend because we are SPF officers." Jihoon answered with a smile on his face.

"I know anyway; how is everything?" He asked

"Everything is fine. Thank you, Mr. Choi, for asking." He answered. "You have organized such a wonderful party as always." He complimented.

"Well, it's easy to host these parties because I haven't been arrested yet, and I won't be anytime soon because the both of you will always continue to cover my tracks." He responded cockily.

Park Jihoon let out a chuckle. It was really easy to do that because they were higher officials in the SPF, so they could twist and bend any story they needed to.

"We have never failed you, so be rest assured that nobody will find out that you are into child trafficking." Park Jihoon reassured herself confidently.

"I'm happy to hear that." Choi Seong Hyuk replied happily. "But unfortunately, we still have to deal with that troubling group called The Underground. Those people are killing everyone who is into child trafficking, so they must be stopped; otherwise, they will continue disturbing our business."

"We are trying our best; whoever is the head of that group is extremely smart because they manage to avoid detection." Jiyeon explained, frowning. "Right now we are close to getting rid of the only person who might be dangerous to us if she found that the higher officers in the SPF are helping out in child trafficking."

"Ah, yes, what's her name again? I think it's Han Chae Yeong." Choi Seong Hyuk smirked. "What did you do to her?"

"We sent her on a goose chase mission to find one of the gemstones that were stolen from the government. Her target is Kim Min Su." Jiyeon informed him.

He scoffed in amusement. "Kim Min Su? That man hates SPF officers. Immediately he finds out she is one, she will be dead, right?"

"Exactly, but you know she is the best spy in SPF, so it might take a while, but she will eventually get what she deserves." Jiyeon promised. 

"No problem." Choi Seong Hyuk agreed with a smile as his phone buzzed. "Excuse me, guys, but you should go ahead and enjoy the party."

"Thanks, but we need to go." Jiyeon and Jihoon said a polite goodbye before waving goodbye to Choi Seong Hyuk. The three men left, and Chae couldn't believe what she heard.

'They are all involved in child trafficking, and they are working together?' She questioned herself. 'SPF officers are working with child traffickers? No! This is impossible. How would a SPF officer be involved in child trafficking? This means Min Su wasn't lying.'

A huge part of her felt betrayed that she was working for such fake and deceitful people.

'I should just kill all of them. She gritted her teeth as she brought out a dagger,  but before she could do anything,  she felt someone pulling her into a room. hands were on her mouth, and she struggled violently against the grip. The person also had their hands on the blade of her dagger.

"Ssssh, ssh..it's ok. Just relax." They whispered.

Finally, the person let go of her, and she looked up and glared at the person in anger.

"Min Su" was all she managed to say.

Hey, calm down." He tried to persuade her. "What were you trying to do?"

"None of your business." She hissed. 

"You want to kill three men with just a dagger in your state of anger." He pointed it out.

"I want to kill the people who betrayed me." She corrected him coldly.

"I see." Min Su chuckled. "A few days ago, whenever you spoke of your higher officers in the SPF, you were always filled with so much pride, but today your eyes are killed with so much fury that it almost makes you seem like an avenging angel."

Chae clenched her jaw in frustration. "Shut up. I'm sure you enjoy seeing me like this."

"Of course I do, when my enemies are so weak that their words are so useless and their actions are so cowardly." He spoke smoothly. "Listen and listen well; the mission I gave you is important, so don't you dare message it up. Keep your anger in check."

"Whatever." She growled before looking at her dagger, which was soaked in blood. "Your hand is bleeding."

"It's nothing serious." He shrugged nonchalantly.

"Don't shrug it off like it's nothing!" Chae snapped angrily. "You said I shouldn't try to mess up the mission, but don't you think this could cause problems? What will you say when someone asks why you are bleeding?"

Min Su smirked evilly as he walked closer to her. "How about I say I tripped and fell?"

"What a stupid lie." Chae scoffed. She looked around the room for anything that could stop the bleeding until her eyes landed on the bottle of alcohol.

'This should work.'  Chae thought as she grabbed the bottle and poured some in a glass before putting the knife away and pressing it to the wound.

Min Su gasped in pain. "Using alcohol on women is not really a safe thing to do."

"Shut up." She retorted.

"I'm being serious..."

"So am I!" She interrupted him as she poured more alcohol.

Min Su grimaced at the sting, and he quickly pulled his hand back before she could hit him with more of the liquid.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "So you do feel pain?"

"What kind of stupid question is that? Of course I do." He replied.

"If you do, then why did you use your hands to hold the dagger earlier?" She challenged. 

"Enough of the useless questions; we have to get back to the party, and you need to complete your mission." He told her. "And keep your anger in check. If there's one single mistake tonight, I will kill you."

She stared at him for a few moments before nodding. "Sure whatever." 

"Better now, let's get going." He said this before taking her arm to escort her outside.