
Love and Daggers

"Hear, Chae Young, whether you despise me or not, you must work for me. There is no other way to keep your brother safe. Threateningly, Min Su said. "Do what I say and follow my instructions if you don't want him to perish. I'll murder you and your brother if you disagree with me on it. I just want you to be my faithful dog, and after you've served your purpose, I'll either murder you or dispose of you like a dirty animal. ***** Best SPF spy Hang Chae Young embarks on a protracted expedition to recover a mission gemstone, with Kim Min Su—a rich businessman who leads a double life—as her sole objective. However, there is more to this case than first appears. When she is discovered, she is offered the choice to either join the mission or watch her loved ones perish. She eventually realizes that the legal system's complex webs is a maze that lead nowhere except deep below into a gloomy alleyways, so she must now cooperate with the guy she despises to sort it all out. A relationship that is as savage as daggers, where both parties constantly desire the other person dead, because you never know when the other person could draw their weapon on you, so keep your weapon close at hand at all times. It's risky and the stakes are huge. Will they both be able to survive this deadly game? Who will triumph, that is the question.

Aphrodite_Love · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter 4

'Fine, I will do what he wants.' She thought. 'I won't hold back.' 

Chae brought out the daggers that were hidden inside her clothes and slowly drew them out. Min Su's smirk grew wider as he took note of her actions.

'It looks like she has a lot of fighting spirit, he thought as he observed the situation in front of him.

She was ready to stab, but suddenly she got a shock; it was like an electric shock went through her body. A strong feeling of numbness spread across her entire body. She collapsed onto her knees and dropped the daggers.

"How did it feel?" He asked, chuckling.

"Ugh!" Chae replied, trying to control her body, which was still weak.

Min Su stood up and picked up the dagger. "The bracelet you are wearing is supposed to give you an electric shock if you try to attack me."

"Huh?"  Chae muttered as she lifted her head.

Yep, so if you want to keep experiencing these shocks, then attack me or stab me whenever you feel like." He said this as he twirled the dagger in his hand.

'This bastard.' She thought angrily.

"You are a coward." Chae spat, still unable to move due to the paralysis that was spreading rapidly throughout her body.

"Am not. I'm just showing you mercy." Min Su said it with a sly grin.

"Mercy! You're worse than a freaking demon." She screamed in frustration.

Relax; you need to rest for a while, so don't shout or say anything so we can have a peaceful flight."

Chae gritted her teeth in frustration. If only her body could respond to her mind. It was like all her thoughts were being controlled by something she couldn't even understand, and her every instinct was telling her to stay calm and quiet.

After a few more hours, the plane touched down at the airport. They walked quickly through the busy crowd and soon reached their reserved parking spot. Min Su looked at Eun, who was carrying two large suitcases on one hand and holding another suitcase in the other.

"Take the other car and go to the penthouse; Chae and I need to go somewhere." Min Su said to him:

"But boss, how can I leave you with this woman?" Eun asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about me; I can take care of myself." Min Su reassured him.

Eun looked uncertain before agreeing reluctantly. Chae noticed how Eun kept glaring at her with distrust in his gaze, so she glared back.

'I'm not scared of you.' She thought defiantly.

"Get into the car, Chae." Min Su ordered it as he entered the vehicle.

"You don't have to order me." She growled under her breath as she followed behind him.

Chae looked out the window and couldn't help noticing how beautiful and serene this place was. Traveling out of Korea has always been really hard, especially because of her job.

'I wonder how Joon is doing.'  She thought as she looked through the tinted windows.

"Where are we?" Chae asked as they drove past the beautiful buildings.

"San Francisco. My penthouse is in this area, but we need to pick up something from someone," Min Su answered casually.

"You haven't even told me what I'm going to do for you, or do you plan on sending me on a mission with no information whatsoever?" She questioned.

"Of course there's no information I am not willing to share with you." He replied.

"I bet that's a load of crap." She scoffed.

"Is it, though?" Min Su countered.

She huffed in annoyance.

The car came to a halt at a huge white building that looked like a designer's store with its luxurious interior.

Welcome, Mr. Kim." A man dressed in a dark blue uniform greeted him.

Hello, Min Su." Another man with short blonde hair approached as well.

"This is Han Jung, the owner." Min Su said "And my only cousin."

Han Jung held out his hand for Chae to shake it.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Hang. Please let's all go to my office so we can talk about the project." Han Jung gestured for them to follow him.

They entered a room and sat down opposite each other.

'This is definitely the office of a fashion designer,' Chae thought.

"Min Su, what kind of useless decision is this?" Han Jung said this without taking his eyes off Chae.

"It's not useless because it's for a good cause!" He exclaimed defensively.

"She's an SPF spy; how can you be sure she won't try to betray us?" Han Jung raised an eyebrow.

"I can't be sure." Min Su chuckled.

"Goodness gracious, this isn't a joke." Han Jung sighed, shaking his head as he rubbed his forehead.

"Hang Jung, just give her what she needs." Min Su spoke softly. He turned to face Chae. "The reason why I asked for your measurement is here, so he will give you that and some weapons."

"You never listen to me." Hang Jung sighed before getting two  large bags out of his desk and placing them on the table.

"Min Su is going to take you to a party. It's not my job to tell me about the details of that event; I'm only supposed to give you the dress that you will wear there." Han Jung continued, giving the two black bags to Chae. "One of those bags contains the dress, and the other has your uniform."

'Wow, it looks really pretty.'  Chae thought as she inspected the dresses. It looked expensive and quite beautiful.

"Take this as well." Han Jung handed her a jewelry box. "The earrings have a tracker in them so you can be helped if you need it; the necklace contains sleeping gas in it, so be careful with it; and the bracelet has a sharp blade; all you need to do is stab your enemy in their neck very hard." He explained calmly.

Chae nodded her head as she put everything together.

Jung looked at his cousin and sighed. "Does my mom know about this plan of yours?"

"Of course not." Min Su smirked.

"You want to kill me, right? What do you think my mom will do when she hears all of this?" Han Jung asked, raising his eyebrows. "So how is she going to react?"

"She'll probably scream and get angry, but oh well." Min Su replied indifferently.

"I have work to do." Han Jung groaned. He wasn't ready to deal with his carefree cousin.

"This mission is simple; we are going to attend an event that is being hosted by a powerful businessman; his name is Choi Seong Hyuk, and I'm pretty sure you are familiar with his name; he is one of the people suspected of trafficking children." Min Su pointed out for her as he showed her a photo of the man.

"So what do you want me to do?" Chae asked as she closed the small box of jewelry.

"Get close to him." Min Su trailed off, causing Chae to roll her eyes.

"What do you think I am? Are you trying to make me play a prostitute?" She snapped.

"I don't want you too. Just make sure you can use your skills to charm him." Min Su replied with a smirk. "You have a really dirty mind."

"What the hell does that mean?" Chae snapped again.

"You don't have to sleep with him to get information; just get him drunk and ask a few questions on the whereabouts of the gem and how he traffics people." Min Su replied, amused by her reaction.

"I can do that." She scoffed with her hands folded.

"Although if you feel a little naughty, you could just come sleep with me." Min Su suggested.

"Oh, my God, shut up already. What a horrible pick-up line." Chae scoffed in disgust.

"It's not horrible; you just have no taste." Min Su rolled his eyes and then got up and headed towards the door. "Anyways, hurry up and let's go; tomorrow is going to be really busy for us." He shouted before closing the door.

'Jerk face.'  She mentally muttered under her breath before getting up from the table and heading towards the door as well.