
Love and Crosses~ Kim Sunwoo

"You sold me"? Was I now going to live with someone I don't know about? "Are you Kim Sunwoo?" "I think I fell for you"

Jaeversez · Others
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14 Chs

Gentle touch

[Chaewon's POV}

The ride to Sunwoo's friend's party was filled with a silence which was pretty uncomfortable.


We soon reached and it was almost 11:45 PM, almost midnight. Sunwoo gave me his arm to grab.

Chaewon: "What?"

Sunwoo: "We have to go in as a couple"

Chaewon: "Why? We're not a couple"

Sunwoo: "Jesus, just do it"

I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed his arm by intertwining my arm with his. We entered the hall and man wasn't it crazy. All types of celebrities were there, politicians, designers, and singers too. This was a dream.

Sunwoo: "First time?"

He whispered in my ear

Chaewon: "Yeah"

I replied still not taking my eyes off the people.

Sunwoo: "Don't melt Kitten, you have a standard since you're with me. Keep your chin up and make eye-contacts"

Chaewon: "How the heck do I make eye contact with fucking celebrities."

Sunwoo: "With your eyes"

He said as he dragged me to the table on which there was a card placed there with 'Mr.Kim Sunwoo'

I sat on a chair there as Sunwoo sat opposite me. I decided my best to sit elegantly.

???: Sunwoo!!

I heard a guy calling Sunwoo's face as Sunwoo looked behind me.

Sunwoo: "Juyeon Hyung!"

He stood up as I did the same to meet the guy. They both hugged and then Sunwoo turned to me.

Sunwoo: "This is Juyeon and Juyeon this is Chaewon"

I smiled and he smiled back.

Juyeon: "Nice to meet you Chaewon"

Chaewon: "You too"

Sunwoo: "We'll go grab drinks, you won't have a problem sitting here right?"

Chaewon: "No it's fine!"

He nodded.

Juyeon: "If you want to grab a drink or something, that's the bar"

He pointed at an area and I nodded.

Juyeon: "And believe me, the tequila shots are amazing"

Chaewon: "Never drank tequila before, I'll try it"

Juyeon: "Okay then, we'll see you later"

I smiled and they disappeared into the crowd. This place was huge, a whole town could fit here. Showpieces everywhere. I decided to go towards the bar area since I had nothing else to do.


Drinking my 7th shot of tequila, I loudly placed down the glass but thankfully no one noticed since loud music was banging in everyone's ears.

Chaewon: "I need another one!"

Bartender: "You're gonna get wasted miss"

Chaewon: "Oh come on, can't a pretty lady drink?"

I spoke as my cheeks burned from all the shots.

Chaewon: "Just one"

I held my finger to him and pouted.

Bartender: "Fine"

I giggled as he poured another. The bitter taste rushed down my throat.

Chaewon: "Ahh...Fun!...Excuse me, Mr.Handsome"

I spoke to the guy sitting next to me drinking his mint margarita.

???: "Yes?"

Chaewon: "You're really handsome"

I could feel him smiling as he took a sip of his drink and turned towards me.

???: "And you're really pretty!"

I smiled.

???: " I'm Jay, Park Jay"

Chaewon: "Chaewon, Kim Chaewon...No wait Hwang Chaewon"

Jay: "Who did you come with here?"

Chaewon: "An asshole named Sunwoo, Can't find him now"

Jay: "Probably because you're drunk"

I pouted and replied.

Chaewon: "I'm not drunk, I barely did 2 shots"

[Sunwoo's POV]

I was sitting with my friends and literally forgot about Chaewon.

Sunwoo: "Hey Juyeon, I'll go check on Chaewon"

He nodded as I got up and went outside the room.

I looked towards my table and she wasn't there, then she would probably be at the bar. I walked towards it and saw her literally laughing with a guy while her hand was on his chest.

I walked towards them, doing my best to not make a scene, I just grabbed Chaewon's hand and dragged her to the balcony.

Chaewon: "The hell?"

She said as she jerked her hand away from her.

Sunwoo: "What were you thinking?"

Chaewon: "I just made a celebrity friend, can you be less rude?"

Sunwoo: "That guy is a jerk, and I knew what he was thinking about you."

Chaewon: "Am I not supposed to have fun?"

Sunwoo: "He was staring at what's mine!"

I loudly spoke as she went silent. Fuck I did not just say that. She just scrunched her nose and kept staring at me.

My eyes fell on her red lips, I looked at her as she started walking towards the fence. The cold breeze hit her face and her hair moved because of the wind. I couldn't help but stare at how her body was so curved and fitted right in the dress.

I walked towards her and stood beside her and found her staring at the sky.

Chaewon: "I'm sleepy"

Sunwoo: "How much did you drink?"

Chaewon: "I don't know, I drank 6 myself and then 8 or something with Jay"

That jerk. The urge to just end him.

Sunwoo: "You're wasted, let's go home"

I grabbed her because she can fall at any moment.


I opened the main door with the passcode while holding Chaewon with my other.

Chaewon: "Leave me I can walk"

She jerked her hand off and immediately lost balance. I grabbed her waist to prevent her from falling to the ground.

Sunwoo: "Sure"

I sighed and helped her stand straight and her next move make me speechless.

[A/N's POV]

Chaewon smashed her lips onto Sunwoo as Sunwoo couldn't focus on anything else. Grabbed his collar pulling him close. Sunwoo gave in and sneaked his hands around her slim waist and took dominance. His plum lips now had her lips around them. Sunwoo held her back so she wouldn't lose balance. His touch sent shivers down her spine. She parted her lips from his. Her chest moving up and down while trying to catch her breath.

Sunwoo: "You're gonna regret that"

She stayed quiet, them still in each other's embrace. The atmosphere was filled with awkward silence. That was when Sunwoo felt something for you. A feeling only he knew.

Chaewon: "I'll go sleep first, Night"

Chaewon lets go of him and walks upstairs as Sunwoo stands there trying to process what happened. It was the first time he let someone touch his lips and he liked it.



BA BYE GUYS!! Next Chapter later!

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