

The story revolve around the lives of two different people who were destined to be together,but the circumstances sorrunding the personality of each character won't let the love last for long. They both got together with thier own motives,Arianna wanted a life away from her family while Lucian is secretly in search of his soulmate. Lucian had difficulty finding his soul mate for some reason he couldn't figure out,for so many years he believed that his soulmate was somewhere in the human world hiding amongst the mere humans. Arianna on the other hand wished for nothing but to find someone who would love her for once in her life but all thanks to her parents she was sold off for money or used to repay their debt. After sometime Arianna finally disclosed Lucian true identity which came as a shock to her. Do you think they will ever be compatible with each other?

Marvel_X · Fantasy
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Strange and familiar


In the deem light of the moon a tall muscular figure dressed in a white suit walked elegantly out of a bar standing in front of a black toyato camry,this man was identified to be Devlin Walters a member of a secret mafia group,he was on the phone talking when another figure approached him

Devlin Walters is a 31 year old man and the only son of the Walters family,mr walters and his wife were the head of a mafia group which was secretly organized by them, Devlin being their only son was a rare gem to them and they would do anything possible to save his life no matter the outcome.

"What is it" Devlin asked glaring at the man in front of him

"You father called and he wants you to be home before morning" The man said

"Send him a reply telling him that I can't make it to Brooklyn tonight, I will have to take care of some issues" Devlin replied before returning his attention to the phone

"Yes sir! I will do that right away" The man replied

"I will be spending the weekend at Lucian's house so get a car ready for me" Devlin said to the person in the phone

"Sir I thought your Dad had issues with Lucian's family last year" The man asked Devlin

"How is any of that your business mikel? you should focus more on whatever I ask you to do" Devlin replied

"I'm sorry sir I didn't mean to interfere" Mikel replied

"Bring it out" He ordered mikel as soon as he hunged the call

mikel walked towards the boot of the toyota camry and opened it revealing another figure who appeared to be a female whose hands and legs was tied up,her head was covered with a brown hostage bag.Mikel dragged the woman out of the boot putting her in a kneeling position.

"What do you want from me?please don't kill me! spare my life" the hostage said in a muffed voice

Devlin bent over to him and pulled the hostage bag up slightly revealing some part of the hostage face.

"I won't kill you....all I need is just a little favour" he whispered in her ear before covering her face with the bag and leaned towards her neck

His fangs found her flesh and pierced into it, the soft warmth giving way like a ripe melon, filling his mouth with thick, delicious blood. She shuddered in his hands as he drew deep, gulping mouthful after mouthful, reveling in the strength and life that filled his veins, jolted his limbs, granted him his semblance of life.

His victim began to moan softly, her body growing limp as his strong arms supported more of her weight. He could pick up the traces of her desire and pain in her sweat.

He drank and drank, sucked at her neck until there was nothing left to suck, and then he dropped her to the ground, where she fell in a crumpled heap. Smirking, he blew her a kiss.

And with that,he was satisfied for one more night

* * * * *

(Next morning)

In the living room in the first floor Lucian was sitting there silently staring at the fireplace in front of him with an unreadable expression.He almost looked like a troubled father who was being bothered by his kids.However there was still a difference between them Lucian was still looking damn gracious as he sat there looking into the fire, crossing his elegantly long legs like a king.

The memory of the past event of yesterday replayed in his head rendering him baffled and mentally disoriented.

His eyes found it's way to the stairway on hearing Arianna and Ms Natasha's voice,his nervous glance at Arianna revealed his apprehension.

"Good morning sir" Ms Natasha greeted while Arianna stood like a lost lamb

"Morning Natasha is there any problem" Lucian asked

"No sir, Ma'am wanted to see you as soon as she woke up" she answered

"Is that so?" Lucian asked and Arianna nodded like a kid who has a request

"you can leave" Lucain said sending the old woman away

Lucian cleared his throat as Arianna stood still like a mannequin creating a thick tension in the scenerio,they weren't speaking to each other.

"What's going on?" A voice interrupted the couple

They both turned to one direction and their gaze landed on Jasmine Lucian's elder sister who Arianna saw last night,but didn't know what kind of relationship she had with Lucian.

"Oh thank goodness Jasmine you are here..... Arianna meet Jasmine my sister and Jasmine meet..."

"No need I know who she is" Jasmine said looking at Arianna who was silent the whole time

Jasmine sigh and observed Arianna from every angle and nodded her head for some reason best known to her,Lucain wanted to tell her the strange event that happened yesterday but he couldn't spill the beans since Arianna was here.

"I hope she last a week" Jasmine said walking out of the building

"Leaving so soon?" Lucian asked

"Don't worry about my absence Lucian! just focus on the mission" She said before walking out the door

"What mission?" Arianna finally spoke up with her face full of expectations

"Oh it's some personal matters, speaking of mission what's your mission here vamp?" Lucian says with a suspicious look on his face

"Vamp? As in vampire? I don't know what you are talking about" Ariana said genuinely with a perplexed expression on her face

meaning she is completely human but how come I felt those energies around her.

"Okay let's drop that aside, you broke the rules and it's time to face your punishment" Lucian says as a smirk formed in his lips

"Wait is this some kind of a school or what? I asked for a husband not a teacher to lecture me about the things I did wrong" Arianna says boldly without fear

Lucian gasped dramatically and said "Did you just called me a teacher?"

"Yeah that's what you are,we were supposed to celebrate a wedding and go out for an honey moon but non of that happened,instead they were traded for a contract marriage or something like that" Arianna said in one breathe and Lucian burst into laughter

"You are indeed a gutsy woman, I haven't met anyone like this before... you even made me laugh" Lucian thought to himself

"Non of that will happen Arianna,I gave you a simple task and you couldn't even do it so why on earth would you expect a wedding?" Lucian said under his breath while laughing

"You think it's funny right? and by the way what task did you gave to me?" She asked

"You tend to forget things so easily, remember last night I told you to find out what my name was without asking any of my employees but you couldn't do that" He says trying to stop himself from laughing

Arianna looked at him like she had just lost a bet to him,she couldn't believe she didn't know her spouse name up till now to her she felt Lucian was heart broken by it but in reality the man just finds it amusing.

"Alright I admit I don't know your name" She said with an innocent face

"Hello Lucain!" A male voice called

"Devlin!" Arianna called which made Lucian confused

How on earth did this woman know about Devlin?....this left Lucian confused

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