
The Change

There was no way to fight the intense pull and connection that the oath had created. Terminus became blood-frenzied and pulling me to his chest and holding me close, but tender. Though his iron grip is strong, I don't feel afraid anymore; I feel safe and secure in his embrace. I take in a deep breath readying myself for his bite into my neck.

As he holds me, he whispers softly in my ear, "Run, my sweet honeysuckle."

I tilt my head and offer my neck to him as I wrap my arms around his muscular torso. It is the only thing I want to do. I need him to bite me. I don't want to run—I am truly his now. After taking the oath, he owns my body and soul. Even if I wanted to run, I don't think I could.

He has a hand at my waist and another on my shoulder, he presses me to his body, and licks my neck where he wants to bite. It's the sweet spot; right above the collar bone where the neck meets the shoulder. A shiver runs down my back at the touch of his tongue. His breath is cool after his tongue tickles my skin. His embrace is cold, yet warm at the same time. I feel heat rushing through my body. I take a deep breath, then I feel his fangs pierce my skin. He drinks deeply, pressing my body tightly to his. I grab the back of his shirt to pull him closer, though it doesn't seem possible. Our bodies feel as if they've merged into one, leaving not an inch of space between us.

It feels like he will kill me. A tear slips down my cheek. Not in pain or fear, but as a goodbye to the life I knew. The longing I feel from him as his hand pins my hips to his body, awakens something in me. I need him and want him—I never want to let go. Weakening I begin to go limp in his arms, his bite slowly changes. As he stops drinking, it feels as if something is being pushed into my blood. I feel pain in my heart as if it will stop; it must be the vampire venom. As it burns and surges through my veins, I grip the back of his shirt with all of the strength I have left. With my face soaked in tears, I try not to scream out in pain.

He pulls his fangs out and supports me with his arm around my waist. He brings up his wrist and bites it, taking some of his own blood in his mouth. He places his mouth to mine and releases the sweet, metallic-tasting liquid into mine. Its flavor shocks my taste buds and I pull away a bit, staring into his eyes, longing for more.

Holding up his bitten wrist, his husky voice commands me.

"Drink it."

The puncture in his skin calls to me as a thin, crimson trickle escapes its opening. I hesitate, unsure if it's really okay for me to crave his intoxicating blood. A devious, yet seductive smirk graces his face, and he nods in sinful approval. I grab his wrist, and lick the wound in delight before drinking his blood like a thirsty child.

My body feels strange. Euphoria quickens my heartbeat as strength surges and grows within me. I feel his venom and blood overwriting my human blood. My skin itches and burns for a moment, but it goes away when my heart suddenly stops, leaving me feeling blissfully empty. I pull my mouth away from his wrist and lick the remaining blood from my lips. My eyelids grow heavy and my vision blurs. He leans forward and gently presses his forehead to mine as he caresses my left cheek with his thumb.

"Good girl," he croons.

His voice seems distant, but his words soothe the traces of pain in my body. I manage to put on a meek, satisfied smile before my knees grow weak and I pass out. He catches me and carries me with my body draped over his arms like a princess. He covers me up and gives me a sweet and tender kiss. He makes his way over to the couch and takes a seat, watching me as my body slowly changes.

As he waits, he starts to regret the choice that he made.

What have I done? Did I make the right choice? Why does she remind me so much of my beloved Shelly? Have I killed her too? No… she's different. I must have faith that she is stronger and can pull through this. Her blood is sweeter than any blood I've ever tasted, but why? I mustn't become addicted to it. Maybe one day I'll be able to teach her and make her mine. No! How could I think such a thing? I'm not ready to move on from loving you, Shelly. I have heard that a royal's blood is the sweetest there is. She can't be a royal can she?

He sighs heavily. I lay silent and still. I don't want to appear weak and incapable. I begin to think about what happened when he drank my blood.

What was that unspoken connection? The need, the want… Do I dare say desire? I had no idea my lord had that kind of feeling hidden deep within himself. Was it only the oath that bonded us so tightly? Or is it some unspoken love for each other? I can't replace Lady Shelly nor do I want to. I will love the lord in my own way forever. It just has to be the oath that binds us there is no way my lord can love me. At that thought a tear slips from my eyes.