
I don’t love you

As Ethan stepped out of the grand mansion, the morning air greeted him with a crisp embrace, carrying with it the promise of a new day. With a sense of urgency gnawing at his insides, he quickened his pace, his footsteps echoing against the cobblestone pathway as he made his way towards his sleek BMW parked at the curb. The sun had barely begun its ascent into the sky, casting long shadows across the immaculately manicured lawn. The mansion, with its stately facade and sprawling grounds, stood as a testament to Ethan's success—a symbol of the life he had built for himself in the wake of his father's legacy. But on this particular morning, the opulence of his surroundings offered little solace to Ethan, his mind consumed by thoughts of Olivia and the rift that had formed between them. With each passing moment, the weight of uncertainty grew heavier, pressing down upon him with an almost suffocating intensity.With a heavy heart, Ethan slid behind the wheel of his BMW, the engine roaring to life with a low, throaty growl. He wasn't one to arrive early at the office, but today was different. Today, he needed answers, needed to find out if Olivia was at work, if she was safe.As he navigated the winding streets of the city, Ethan couldn't shake the feeling of unease that clung to him like a second skin. The world seemed to blur past him in a whirlwind of motion and noise, the cacophony of the city streets a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within him. Arriving at his office building, Ethan was met with curious stares from his employees, their whispers trailing after him like wisps of smoke. He could feel their eyes on him, their silent questions hanging in the air like an unspoken accusation.For a moment, Ethan hesitated, unsure of how to proceed. He wasn't dressed in his usual corporate attire, his appearance disheveled and unkempt. He must have looked like a man on the edge, his confusion and stress laid bare for all to see.But Ethan pushed aside the nagging doubts that threatened to overwhelm him, steeling himself for the challenges that lay ahead. With a determined stride, he made his way through the lobby, the polished marble floors cool beneath his feet.As he stepped into the elevator, the doors closing behind him with a soft hiss, Ethan felt a surge of anticipation course through his veins. The journey ahead would be fraught with uncertainty, a test of strength and resilience he never could have imagined. As the elevator doors began to slide shut, Ethan's gaze was drawn irresistibly towards the figure of Olivia, her presence like a beacon of light in the dimly lit lobby. She moved with a grace and poise that captivated him, her every step imbued with a quiet strength that belied the turmoil within.For a fleeting moment, their eyes met across the expanse of the lobby, a silent exchange passing between them like a whisper in the wind. Ethan could see the confusion etched into Olivia's features, the furrow of her brow betraying the tumultuous thoughts swirling beneath the surface.But before he could gather his wits to speak, the elevator doors closed with a soft thud, sealing him off from the world outside. The moment was gone, lost in the shifting currents of time and circumstance.As the elevator began its ascent, Ethan's mind raced with a thousand questions, each one vying for his attention. Why had Olivia arrived separately? What secrets lay hidden behind the facade of their marriage? And most importantly, how could they bridge the growing divide that threatened to tear them apart? The journey upwards seemed to stretch on for an eternity, each passing floor a testament to the distance that had grown between them. Ethan could feel the weight of Olivia's absence like a physical ache in his chest, a constant reminder of the void that had formed in her wake.And yet, even in the midst of uncertainty, a glimmer of hope flickered within Ethan's heart—a spark of optimism, however faint, that dared to defy the darkness that threatened to engulf them both. For deep down, beneath the layers of doubt and despair, he knew that their love was worth fighting for, worth risking everything to save.As the elevator doors slid open on the top floor, Ethan stepped out into the bustling chaos of the office, his thoughts consumed by the enigma that was Olivia. The employees' murmurs followed him like a shadow, their curious glances lingering in his wake.As the day wore on, Ethan found himself ensnared in a web of frustration and discontent, his once steady resolve crumbling beneath the weight of mounting pressure. The office buzzed with activity, the air thick with tension as deadlines loomed and tempers flared.For Ethan, the day had been a relentless onslaught of challenges and setbacks, each one chipping away at the fragile facade of composure he had painstakingly crafted. From missed deadlines to botched presentations, it seemed that nothing was going right. As the afternoon sun cast long shadows across the office floor, Ethan's patience wore thin, his temper simmering just beneath the surface. With each passing moment, the pressure mounted, threatening to boil over at any moment. And then, in a flash of frustration, it happened. A minor setback, a missed opportunity—something so insignificant in the grand scheme of things, and yet it was enough to push Ethan over the edge.With a roar of anger, Ethan lashed out, his voice echoing through the office like thunder on a stormy night. His words were sharp, cutting through the air like a knife, leaving a trail of hurt and confusion in their wake.The employees recoiled in shock, their eyes wide with disbelief as they watched their usually composed boss unravel before their very eyes. This wasn't the Ethan they knew, the Ethan they admired and respected. This was someone else entirely—a stranger consumed by rage and frustration. But even as the words spilled from his lips, Ethan couldn't shake the nagging sense of unease that gnawed at his insides. Why was he so angry, so consumed by bitterness and resentment? And why did Olivia's presence, just on the second day of their arranged marriage, have the power to drive him to such depths of despair?In the quiet moments that followed, Ethan found himself grappling with a truth he had long denied—that perhaps, just perhaps, there was more to his feelings for Olivia than he cared to admit. Beneath the veneer of indifference lay a storm of conflicting emotions, a whirlwind of longing and desire that threatened to consume him whole.And yet, even as he confronted the turmoil within, Ethan couldn't shake the sense of guilt that washed over him like a tidal wave. He had never wanted this marriage, never wanted to be bound to Olivia by the chains of obligation and duty. And yet, here they were, trapped in a tangled web of lies and deceit, their hearts at war with their minds.As the echoes of his outburst faded into the silence, Ethan was left to ponder the wreckage of his own making—the shattered remnants of his carefully constructed facade lying scattered at his feet. In the days and weeks to come, he knew that the road ahead would be fraught with uncertainty and peril, a test of strength and resilience he never could have imagined. As Ethan made his way through the bustling corridors of the office, his footsteps echoed with a hollow emptiness that mirrored the turmoil within. The weight of the day's events hung heavy on his shoulders, a burden he carried with the stoic resignation of a man resigned to his fate.As he approached Olivia's office, a flicker of hope ignited within him—a desperate longing for connection, for understanding, for some semblance of the bond that had eluded them thus far. But as he peered through the glass pane, his heart sank like a stone sinking into the depths of despair.Olivia's office sat empty, the desk pristine and untouched, a stark reminder of her absence. He had seen her evade him throughout the day, her presence like a fleeting shadow that vanished at the slightest hint of his approach. And yet, he couldn't shake the gnawing sense of unease that gripped him, the fear that something was amiss, something he couldn't quite put his finger on.With a heavy heart, Ethan turned away from Olivia's office, the bitter taste of disappointment lingering on his tongue. He knew that he should leave her be, respect her space and her boundaries. But try as he might, he couldn't silence the voice in his head that whispered of doubt and suspicion.As he stepped into the elevator, the air thick with tension, Ethan's thoughts raced with a thousand questions, each one more terrifying than the last. And then, just as the doors began to slide shut, he saw her—Olivia, standing just a few feet away, her face a mask of reluctance as Mr. Clarke hovered over her like a vulture circling its prey. Ethan's heart skipped a beat as he watched the scene unfold before him, his mind reeling with shock and disbelief. He could see the hesitation in Olivia's eyes, the unspoken plea for help that hung in the air like a silent prayer.And then, in a moment that seemed to stretch on for eternity, Mr. Clarke raised his hand—a gesture of aggression, of dominance, of power. And in that instant, something inside Ethan snapped.With a roar of fury, Ethan lunged forward, his instincts taking over as he moved to protect Olivia from harm. His hand collided with Mr. Clarke's outstretched arm, the impact ringing out like a gunshot in the confined space of the elevator. For a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still as Ethan and Mr. Clarke locked eyes, a silent battle of wills raging between them. And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the moment passed, the tension dissipating like smoke in the wind.As the elevator doors closed with a soft thud, Ethan's mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions. Anger, betrayal, confusion—all vied for dominance as he struggled to make sense of the chaos that had erupted around him.And then, as if by some cruel twist of fate, the elevator doors opened once more, revealing a figure standing in the doorway—a figure whose presence sent a chill down Ethan's spine, a figure whose very existence threatened to unravel the fragile threads of his sanity. For in that moment, Ethan knew that he was facing not just an adversary, but a force of darkness—a shadowy figure with the power to bend reality to its will, to twist the fabric of his mind until nothing remained but madness and despair.As Ethan's father stepped into the elevator, a wicked smile played across his lips, casting shadows of suspicion and doubt in the confined space. The air crackled with tension, each breath heavy with the weight of unspoken words and unresolved emotions. "What is going on here?" Ethan's father's voice cut through the silence like a knife, slicing through the thick veil of uncertainty that hung in the air. His eyes, sharp and piercing, bore into Olivia with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine.Olivia stood her ground, her gaze locked with Ethan's father's, her eyes ablaze with a fire that burned with a fierce intensity. There was no fear in her gaze, no hint of hesitation—only a steely resolve that spoke volumes of the strength that lay within her."You don't have to look at me that way," Ethan's father chuckled, the sound echoing off the walls of the elevator like a sinister melody. But Olivia remained unmoved, her expression unyielding, her defiance a silent testament to her unwavering determination. Ethan stood beside her, his features a mask of stoic composure, his mind racing with a thousand questions and a million doubts. His father's presence was a reminder of the shadows that lurked in the corners of his past, the secrets that threatened to tear his world apart.And yet, even as the tension reached its breaking point, Mr. Clarke slipped away, his presence fading into the ether like a ghost in the night. The elevator doors closed with a soft thud, sealing Ethan and Olivia in a cocoon of silence, their thoughts swirling in the turbulent currents of uncertainty. As the elevator descended, Ethan's father's laughter echoed in the empty space, a haunting refrain that lingered long after he had gone. And in that moment, Ethan knew that the battle was far from over—that the shadows of the past still loomed large, casting a pall over the fragile peace they had fought so hard to find.But even as doubt and suspicion clouded his mind, Ethan refused to surrender to despair. For deep down, beneath the layers of uncertainty and fear, he knew that there was still hope—a glimmer of light in the darkness, a beacon of strength and resilience that refused to be extinguished.As the elevator descended, the air grew heavy with anticipation, each passing moment fraught with tension and uncertainty. Ethan's father's laughter lingered in the air like a malevolent specter, casting a pall over the otherwise stillness of the confined space. Olivia stood beside Ethan, her posture rigid with defiance, her eyes blazing with a fire that threatened to consume all in its path. Despite the weight of their shared ordeal, she remained resolute, her resolve unshaken by the presence of Ethan's father.Ethan, meanwhile, struggled to contain the storm raging within him. His father's sudden appearance had dredged up memories long buried, stirring a tempest of emotions that threatened to overwhelm him. Doubt gnawed at the edges of his consciousness, its tendrils reaching out to ensnare him in their grip.As the elevator reached its destination, the doors slid open with a soft hiss, revealing the bustling lobby of the office building beyond. The world outside seemed to blur into a blur of movement and noise, the chaos of the city streets a stark contrast to the stillness of the elevator.Ethan's father stepped out first, his gaze lingering on Olivia with an intensity that made her skin crawl. There was something unsettling about the way he looked at her, something predatory lurking beneath the surface of his facade."You don't have to be afraid of me, my dear," Ethan's father said, his voice dripping with false sweetness. But Olivia remained silent, her jaw clenched with determination, her eyes flashing with defiance.Ethan followed suit, his footsteps echoing against the polished marble floors of the lobby as he made his way towards the exit. His mind buzzed with a thousand questions, each one more pressing than the last. What was his father doing here? And what did he want with Olivia? But before he could find the answers he sought, a sudden commotion drew his attention—a familiar voice calling out his name from across the lobby. Turning, Ethan's heart skipped a beat as he saw his sister, Amelia, rushing towards him with a look of urgency etched across her features."Ethan, thank goodness I found you," Amelia exclaimed, her breathless words tumbling out in a rush. "There's something you need to know—something about Dad."Ethan's blood ran cold at the mention of his father, a sense of unease settling over him like a shroud. What could Amelia possibly have to tell him about their father? And why did her words fill him with a sense of dread?But before he could press her for answers, a sudden realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. Olivia—where was she? In the chaos of the moment, he had lost sight of her, her presence slipping away like a wisp of smoke in the wind.Frantically, Ethan scanned the lobby, searching for any sign of Olivia amidst the sea of faces. But she was nowhere to be found, her absence a gaping hole in the fabric of his reality. And then, just as panic threatened to consume him, he saw her—a fleeting glimpse of Olivia slipping out the door, her figure disappearing into the throng of passersby beyond. His heart clenched with a mixture of fear and desperation, his instincts screaming at him to follow, to find her before it was too late.But before he could take a single step, Ethan's father's voice cut through the chaos, his words laced with a chilling warning."Ethan, my boy," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "There are some things in this world that are best left buried. Trust me when I say, you don't want to go digging up the past." The words hung in the air like a sinister omen, their meaning clear and unmistakable. But Ethan refused to be cowed by his father's threats, his determination burning bright within him like a beacon of hope.For in the depths of his soul, Ethan knew that the truth was worth fighting for, worth risking everything to uncover. And as he stepped out into the bustling chaos of the city streets, his mind ablaze with determination, he vowed to find Olivia, to confront the demons of their past, and to emerge victorious on the other side. As Ethan's eyes darted around the lobby, searching desperately for any sign of Olivia, he felt a sense of disorientation wash over him. The events of the past few moments had left him reeling, his mind struggling to process the whirlwind of emotions that threatened to consume him.His father's unexpected appearance, Olivia's silent defiance, and the cryptic warning echoing in his ears—all of it swirled together in a maelstrom of confusion and doubt. And now, as he stood in the bustling lobby, his heart pounding in his chest, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong.But try as he might, Ethan couldn't find any trace of Olivia amidst the throng of people milling about. It was as if she had vanished into thin air, leaving behind only a lingering sense of unease in her wake.Sweat beaded on Ethan's brow, trickling down his temples in rivulets as he fought to regain his composure. He could feel the weight of his father's words bearing down on him like a leaden cloak, their ominous implications hanging heavy in the air."You don't want to go digging up the past," his father had warned him, his voice dripping with malice. But what did it all mean? And what did his father have to do with Olivia's sudden disappearance?Lost in thought, Ethan barely registered the passing minutes as they slipped by like grains of sand through an hourglass. It wasn't until he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder that he snapped back to reality, the touch pulling him from the depths of his reverie.Turning, Ethan found himself face to face with his sister, Amelia, her expression filled with concern. "Ethan, are you okay?" she asked, her voice soft with worry.Ethan nodded, though the gesture felt hollow, his mind still racing with unanswered questions. "I'm fine," he replied, though the words rang hollow in his own ears. "Have you seen Olivia? I can't seem to find her anywhere."Amelia's brow furrowed with concern as she glanced around the crowded lobby. "No, I haven't seen her," she admitted, her voice tinged with worry. "But I'm sure she's around here somewhere. Maybe she just needed some time alone. "But Ethan couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at the edges of his consciousness. Something didn't feel right, and he couldn't shake the feeling that Olivia's sudden disappearance was connected to his father in some way.With a heavy sigh, Ethan pushed the thoughts from his mind, determined to focus on finding Olivia before it was too late. Stepping away from his sister, he wove his way through the crowd, his eyes scanning the faces around him in a desperate search for any sign of her presence.But as the minutes stretched into hours, Olivia remained elusive, her absence casting a shadow over Ethan's every move. He questioned the wisdom of leaving her alone in her time of need, but try as he might, he couldn't shake the feeling that she was slipping further and further away with each passing moment.Hours passed in a blur of frenzied activity, the lobby slowly emptying as the day drew to a close. But still, Olivia remained nowhere to be found, her absence a gaping hole in Ethan's reality. As the last of the stragglers made their way out of the building, Ethan found himself alone in the empty lobby, the echoes of the day's events ringing in his ears. With a heavy heart, he realized that he was no closer to finding Olivia than he had been hours before.Feeling defeated and exhausted, Ethan sank down onto one of the empty benches, his head in his hands. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had failed her, that his inability to find her had only driven her further away.But just as despair threatened to consume him, a glimmer of hope flickered to life in the darkness. Through the haze of his exhaustion, Ethan's mind latched onto a single thought—a single thread of possibility that offered a sliver of hope in the face of overwhelming uncertainty.Rising to his feet with newfound determination, Ethan knew that he couldn't give up—not now, not when Olivia's fate hung in the balance. With renewed purpose, he set out into the night, his heart pounding with the promise of redemption.For in the depths of his soul, Ethan knew that he would stop at nothing to find Olivia—to unravel the mysteries that bound them together and to forge a future free from the shadows of the past. And as he ventured forth into the darkness, his resolve burned bright within him, a beacon of hope in the face of adversity.But little did he know that the path ahead would be fraught with danger and deception, that the darkness that lurked in the shadows held secrets far more sinister than he could have ever imagined. As Ethan left the empty lobby and made his way home, a sense of heaviness settled over him like a suffocating blanket. The events of the day weighed heavily on his mind, each step echoing with the weight of unanswered questions and unresolved emotions.As he stepped out into the cool night air, the city streets stretched out before him like a maze of shadows and secrets. But amidst the chaos of the night, one thought burned bright within him—a flicker of hope that refused to be extinguished.Olivia. The mere mention of her name sent a surge of emotion coursing through Ethan's veins, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and longing. Despite everything that had transpired between them, he couldn't shake the feeling that their fates were irrevocably intertwined, bound together by a thread of destiny that refused to be broken.As he approached their shared home, Ethan's pulse quickened with anticipation, his mind racing with a thousand questions. What had happened to Olivia? Where had she been all this time? And most importantly, was she safe?But as he stepped through the door and into the familiar confines of their home, Ethan's heart sank at the sight that greeted him. Olivia stood in the dimly lit hallway, her posture rigid with defiance, her eyes flashing with a fire that burned bright with resentment. For a moment, Ethan was rendered speechless, his mind struggling to comprehend the sight before him. Olivia's presence filled the room like a storm cloud on the horizon, casting a shadow over everything in its path.But as Ethan gathered his wits and approached her cautiously, a wave of relief washed over him like a tidal wave. She was here, she was safe, and for that, he was eternally grateful."Olivia," Ethan breathed, his voice trembling with emotion. "I've been so worried about you. Are you alright? What happened?"But Olivia remained silent, her gaze fixed on some invisible point in the distance, her expression unreadable. The tension between them hung thick in the air, palpable and suffocating, threatening to consume them both in its wake.Ethan took a step closer, his heart pounding in his chest. "Please, Olivia," he implored, his voice barely above a whisper. "Talk to me. Tell me what's wrong."But still, Olivia remained silent, her silence a barrier that Ethan could not breach. It was as if she had erected walls around her heart, walls that Ethan could not hope to penetrate.Frustration bubbled up inside him like a tempest on the horizon, threatening to engulf him in its fury. He couldn't understand why Olivia was shutting him out, why she refused to let him in."Why are you doing this to me, Olivia?" Ethan pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion. "What happened? Are you hurt? Are you in danger?"But Olivia's response was as cold as ice, her words cutting through the silence like a knife. "I'm fine, Ethan," she said, her voice devoid of emotion. "There's nothing for you to worry about." The words landed like a blow to Ethan's chest, knocking the breath from his lungs. He had hoped for reassurance, for some semblance of understanding in the face of the unknown. But Olivia's dismissive tone only served to deepen the chasm between them, widening the gulf that stretched out before them like an unbridgeable divide.Ethan felt a lump form in his throat, a bitter taste of disappointment tainting the air. He had hoped for so much more—for understanding, for empathy, for some shred of compassion in the face of their shared turmoil. But Olivia's cold indifference shattered his hopes like fragile glass, leaving him adrift in a sea of uncertainty.For a long moment, they stood locked in a silent standoff, the weight of their unspoken words hanging heavy between them. Ethan searched Olivia's face for some sign of understanding, some flicker of emotion that would bridge the gap between them. But all he found was a wall of stone, impenetrable and unyielding, closing off any hope of reconciliation.With a heavy heart, Ethan turned away, his footsteps heavy with defeat. He had hoped to find solace in Olivia's presence, to find comfort in the familiarity of their shared home. But instead, he found only emptiness—a void that echoed with the echoes of their shattered dreams.As he retreated to the solitude of his room, Ethan couldn't shake the feeling of desolation that clung to him like a second skin. He had hoped for so much more—for understanding, for connection, for some glimmer of hope in the darkness.But as he lay alone in the darkness, the weight of Olivia's indifference pressing down on him like a leaden weight, Ethan couldn't help but wonder—what had gone wrong? And more importantly, was there any hope left for them in the face of their shared despair?Only time would tell. And as Ethan drifted into the fitful embrace of sleep, his mind awash with unanswered questions and unresolved emotions, he knew that their journey was far from over—that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges and trials, but also with the possibility of redemption. But little did he know that the darkest days were yet to come—that the shadows that lurked in the depths of their shared past held secrets far more sinister than he could have ever imagined. And as Ethan surrendered to the embrace of sleep, his dreams haunted by the specter of Olivia's indifference, he couldn't shake the feeling that their journey was far from over—that the worst was yet to come.As night descended upon the quiet confines of Ethan's room, a sense of unease settled over him like a suffocating blanket. The darkness seemed to press in from all sides, casting eerie shadows that danced across the walls in a macabre ballet.Ethan tossed and turned restlessly, his mind swirling with a maelstrom of half-formed thoughts and fragmented dreams. Sleep eluded him like a fleeting shadow, slipping through his grasp with each passing moment.And then, as if from the depths of his darkest nightmares, a figure materialized at the foot of his bed—a specter cloaked in shadow, its features obscured by the inky blackness of the night.Ethan's heart leaped into his throat, a primal instinct urging him to flee, to escape the clutches of the unknown. But before he could make a move, the figure lunged forward with a menacing intent, its hands outstretched like talons poised to strike.In an instant, Ethan found himself engulfed in a struggle for survival, his senses reeling as the figure bore down upon him with relentless force. Panic surged through his veins like wildfire, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he fought to break free from the suffocating grip of his assailant.But the figure was relentless, its grip unyielding as it pressed down upon him with a weight that threatened to crush his very soul. Ethan's heart hammered in his chest, each beat echoing like a drum in the silence of the night.And then, just as he felt his strength slipping away, a surge of adrenaline coursed through his veins like a bolt of lightning. With a primal roar, he fought back with every ounce of his being, his muscles straining against the oppressive weight that bore down upon him.In the darkness, the struggle raged on—a battle between life and death, hope and despair. Sweat poured from Ethan's brow, mingling with the tears that streaked his face in silent desperation Ethan lay trembling trying to fight for his life, each mins, he tried to breathe from his mouth, but the force increase each time he does try to. Ethan's mind raced with unanswered questions, one thing became painfully clear. The echoes of his ordeal lingering in the air like a lingering specter, he knew that the true horrors of the night had only just begun. As Ethan's heart hammered in his chest and his breaths came in ragged gasps, the room seemed to close in around him, suffocating him with its oppressive silence. Sweat beaded on his brow, mingling with the tears that streaked his face in silent desperation. What was he to do at this point … why is he dated for this type of happenings