
Love Amidst Pain

It's a story about a young girl whose business got crashed because of a failed business. Rosalie was young and virtuous but she was in dire need of money after the unfortunate turn around in her company. She didn't want her company to be closed down and she wasn't ready to face mockery from families and friends too. Rosalie decided to see if her life would changed if she volunteer to be a surrogate mother for a handsome young man who was in dire need of a child. Logan was a very handsome man and he was among the top most handsome Asian men. He had a wife but they never had a child and it was getting them frustrated until they decided to look for a surrogate mother. Rosalie volunteered and became Logan's surrogate mother but things went wild and love bloom between them. Will they be able to run the race of their love? What about the first wife of Logan? What will be the outcome of their forbidden love? Read ................. and find out about Rosalie and Logan's love life!

DaoistpePCYv · Urban
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter two

Rosalie was lost. Her brain was too dead to even process who Mr Logan was.

" Who is Mr Logan?" She thought but she was not ready to think much about it so she decided to ask her best friend.

" Evelyn, who is Mr Logan? I can't remember anyone bearing that name~" she said with a low voice as she knew she was in for another round of scolding!

There was silence at the other end of the call but then... " You! You idiot! You don't know Mr Logan??! The one and only CEO of Logan's group of company?? One of the top most handsome Asian men?!" Evelyn was surprised her friend denied knowing Mr Logan because each and every lady in their country had a thing for Mr Logan.

The man was most people's dream man and Rosalie was no different but fate was so cruel on the ladies when Mr Logan shared his wedding invitation cards and married a young woman.

Many criticised the young lady but there was nothing they could do but his love never died in their crazy hearts.

Rosalie mouthed an "Ohh!" As she remembered her friend was talking about her old days crush but she stopped crushing on him the day he got married.

" Ohh! Him? Why does he need a surrogate mother?" Rosalie asked not really interested.

" Have you forgotten that this Man we are talking about doesn't have any child?? I heard his wife had lost almost five pregnancies and they need a child badly!" Evelyn explained. It was obvious she felt bad for the couple but she soon shrugged it off and changed the topic.

" Hey Babes! You know that my foreign boyfriend, right?" Evelyn asked with a very cheerful and bright voice.

" Yes. What about him?" Rosalie knew she was in for a long talk so she started thinking of an excuse to end the call.

" Ah! He is coming to this country tomorrow and I will be visiting him! Will you go with me babe? Say Yes please... please..." Evelyn changed her voice totally, making it soft and somehow babyish.

Rosalie wanted to outright say No but with the baby voice of her friend, she found it difficult to say No. Her friend really knew how to make her do her biddings " I will go with you " she replied and sighed.

" Wow! Thanks bestie!!! I love you!!" Evelyn was literally dancing on the phone and Rosalie couldn't help but smile.

" Yes Rosalie ~ You know Ray loves me right??? He actually said..." Evelyn was about to start her hot gist but Rosalie wasn't ready for it so she interrupted Her!

" Ha! Oops! Let's talk later Evelyn!"

" What? Why?"

" I've got to.. I've got to.. Bye!" Rosalie wanted to make up some excuse but nothing reasonable came to her brain so she decided to just end the call and she did!

" Argh!" She grunted as she dropped her phone and rested her head on her wheel.

" Evelyn talks too much!" She complained.

" But wait... I just promised her I will be going with her to meet her boyfriend tomorrow... can I really go?." She asked herself out loud but then shrugged.

" Well... I actually need something to clear my mind anyway!" She said and started her engine.


In a very large, well furnished bed room with a blue dim light were two people sitting in a large bed at the corner of the room.

" I don't know what to do anymore honey! We just agreed to hire a surrogate mother and this happened again??

I'm fucking tired baby! I'm so tired!" The lady cried to the man beside her who seemed to be her husband. They were both in their robes with the woman showing her cleavage but the situation didn't permit them to even savour any pleasurable thing as they were too bothered.

The man let out a deep breath. He was frustrated too but he had to hide that from his lovely wife. He hated it when she was unhappy and he had always made sure to make her happy but it just so happened he had no way to make her happy anymore!

" It's okay babe... I'm sure we will get someone very soon who will volunteer. I just have to increase the money " he assured his wife and wiped her tears.

The lady looked into his eyes and asked " Are you sure we will get someone? I want to have my own child soon! I want to have a baby soon please..." She pleaded with her husband with her head on his chest.

The man rubbed her hair and patted her back, he hummed slowly to comfort his wife as a single tear ran down his face.

He quickly wiped the tears and focused on comforting his wife. He could deal with the problem. He assured himself but there was no determination in his blue eyes.

Soon, his wife stopped crying and he knew she was already sleeping "baby..." he called slowly but there was no response.

" Seems she is sleeping " he mumbled and sighed.

The young man carefully carried his wife and placed her in the bed. He covered her with a duvet and kissed her forehead before standing up and leaving the room.

" Argh!" The young man screamed with frustration immediately he got to his sitting room.

" When I was young, when I saw the stress and struggle my mother was going through to raise me alone while my father was busy with another woman, I promised myself then that I would do everything to make sure my children live life to the fullest.

I told myself that my children will never grow up in a broken home like me! I fucking had many hopes and I still have great plans for my children up till now but it's like I'm hopeless…

Maybe I just have to accept the fact that I will never have a child in my life!" The man lamented as tears rolled down his face.

" I have money, I have everything and I am popularly known but what is the benefit of all this if I don't have a child of my own??

" Oh No! Logan!!" He screamed as he dishevelled his hair.