
Love alarm (star)

Pinkivylady · Teen
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11 Chs


Wakey wakey

"Leave me alone do-do"

She realized she shouldn't have said that this morning cause the next thing that hit her was a freaking cold water!

"Jess !!!what did you do that for?"She sat up,her body almost freezing.

"Its called a tip of the morning ice pour" you get it right?she smirked.

"the only thing i'm going to get is your head shoved in the toilet!"Riele yelled

"oh so i'm gonna watch you that"she gave me an amusing look.

"Idiot"riele murmured

"Jess!!"She said in her supposed most adorable voice which probably sounded like a dog barking,"i'm starving!!"just in cue her stomach growled for confirmation.

"I get that,but you need to have your bath first, you stink girl."

"Spray should have been able to solve that" Riele muttered.

She grabbed her toiletries and went to the bathroom like a flash firstly because she was turning to an iceberg and secondly the hunger was too much.

After cleaning up and getting rid of her morning breath,She came out seeing jess texting on her phone

"Hey, what are you doing "she said while drying her hair.

"My mom change the breakfast plans,since she is in town for some time she would like for me to have it with her."

"That's not a problem,it just means more food for me"


"gourmand"she countered.

Her phone pinged,she opened it once she read something on the screen,she screamed so loudly that for a moment there i taught i was deaf.

"What did you do that for?" Riele asked already getting pissed

"My tiktok crush just replied my message !this is the best thing that has ever happened to me since my eighteen years of life riele!!"jess screamed.

"You must have really been an unlucky child then"Riele said making sure her sarcasm was clearly noted.

"I could insult you now but i'm too happy to do that" she said then made a squeal.

"Ok so I wonder whats so special about that--oh and that's not a question so let's get our ass moving."


The ride to jess house wasn't exactly far,they spent most of the time screaming their lungs out trying to sing "in my feeling by drake"riele's voice wasn't exactly perfect but it was manageable considering that a donkey singing sounds better than jess voice right now ,then "toosie slide"came up , the only problem with that song is that you can't perform the moves in a car, you can't even rise your legs to a certain angle properly without hitting the door or the dashboard' she thought

"I think Drake is one of the songs we have in common." Riele said coming out of the car and arranging her hair that was totally scattered due to jess high speed.

"You better be happy you have something in common with bedawncé" she said dramatically with one of her hands raised slightly and the other on her waist

"Just because you have the same name with dawn in Nickelodeon doesn't mean you are cool."

"I Smell jealousy!"she widened her nose,smelling riele.

"In your dreams"riele pushed her away.

From riele's conclusion about the house she was seeing right in front of her,jess family where the high class type which she found difficult to believe that jess was among.

"Don't mind my question but where you adopted?"

"No why?"

"No reason" Riele said smirking.

The door opened revealing a boy about the age of 12, he was wearing a white singlet with a short blue trousers,his blonde hair was neatly arranged and he was really cute.

"mom your daughter is here with her beautiful friend "he screamed but smiled at the last words.

Coming from a 12 year old she still found herself blushing

"You call this demon cute?oh ya I remember mom telling me she slipped and bumped her head when she had you, I think it affected your eyes." She said pushing him away from the door while walking away.

'Idiot'riele mumbled

"Nicky how many times did I tell you not to address your sister like that", a middle age woman came out with spoons in her hand, from resemblance one could tell that she is jess mother.

Dawn took the woman's eyes which was blue and her slender face while Nicky took her blonde hair,nose and mouth structure.

"Hey dear,how are you?"

"I'm good,the name is Riele downs"

"Nice name, come join me in the dinning room its almost ready."she said walking towards the door near the dining.

"Hey Riele guess what?"Nicky asked.

"Ok let me guess that hmm,you a boy! She answered in a not so interested manner."

"Obviously"he rolled his eyes

'Such resemblance with someone she knew 'she took a sneak peek at jess.

He raised is armpit"what do you see"

"Nothing i'm supposed to be seeing right now"She frowned.

"Ughhh! have got an hair Riele!i'm a man now"

She was about to say something when nature decided to clean up her nostril by sneezing she took another glance at the supposed hair and burst out laughing.


"I think I sneezed out your hair!"She laughed.


Nicky screeched while she snickered,She ad admired the room for the first time,she was absolutely surprised that this was actually someone's living room,it was extremely large but had this homey vibe the wall had a wooden brown colour,it had only two long couch and one single couch, a large TV directly facing one of the long couch-the wall behind the tv had a male and female pattern drawn in white only outlining there features-two speaker placed by its side. 'Enough of the admiration,don't want to end up stealing one or two items' she abruptly stopped her admiration.

"Where is jess?" she tried searching.

"She currently in my freezer stuffing her face with chocolates before breakfast, that girl needs help" jess mom answered while serving.

"Food is life ma'am"

"Then you guys life most be filled with lipids,vegetables is what you call life and just call me Jane."

Jess finally decided to leave her scavenger hunt in the freezer with her mouth filled.

"Do you care for an m'm?"

"You can eat that after breakfast honey "Jane answered just before riele could,but she didn't fail to grab it and stock it in her bag.

"What are you studying in college" she spoke after a few second.


"So we going to have a cool family Doctor, good choice though"

"Thanks "riele smiled proudly.

"Well, when i grow up I want to be a pimp"Nicky said putting is hands on his lips in a thinking style.

Riele tried to hold her laughter but jess couldn't,her eyes watering from laughing too much

"If you ever say that again i'm going to spank you and lock you up in the bathroom for a whole day,you could probably say hey to the visitors in the toilet for me!"Jane interrupted his thinking mode.

"But they said let the children be what the want to be! Can't a man have peace in this house huh?" Nicky grumbled while Riele and jess laughed their ass out again.

"Not when they are being a dumdum"jess said emphasizing the last part.

While Nicky glowered at her


"Quit staring more eating"Jane interjected the staring competition.

The meal was actually nicer than Riele expected,Jane was absolutely a great cook that She so badly wanted to lick her fingers,but she still had little dignity she 'assumed'

"Wow this was delicious"riele managed to say to Jane.

"Thanks girl"

"Thanks for the food Jane"riele said standing up and heading towards the kitchen.

"I would say don't mention but since you already mentioned it,the pleasure is all mine."she smiled widely


After doing the dishes, Jane and riele left the kitchen to the living room where they saw Jess standing on the couch,CD in her hands while Nicky was on the floor trying to reach it.

"What's happening again"Jane asked looking uninterested.

"Mom tell Jess to give me my game!" Nicky said still trying to grab the CD.

"You not going to see it again dumdum say your last prayers."

"Remember I told you guys to learn how to handle things between you guys by yourself?!"Jane said implying something riele didn't understand.

"So if I break the CD there isn't going to be any repercussion ?"Jess asked,while giving a mischievous smile.

She immediately broke the CD and sat on the couch.

"Do something you an adult!"Nicky said glaring at Jane.

"You also an adult you got an hair?"

"Jess has a moustache so whats your point?" Nicky said to Jane who didn't give him anymore attention and left the living room.

He snapped his head so fast Riele could have sworn she heard his bones crack.

"I'm going to get you back you would regret I was ever born"

"Already did that little brother"jess started picking her finger nails.

Nicky glowered at jess before walking off

"Too bad I didn't come with a pop corn today", Riele sighed while plopping on the couch near jess

"Remind me next time"

She took up the remote searching through the channels, luckily she found one of them showing "The Vampires Dairy"its been a while now,but off course jess wouldn't let her have peace,she kept on calling riele's name asking different things,which she didn't answer.


"What!"She finally answered loudly.

"You answered, I thought you where dead"

"I am,now leave me alone"she said still focusing on the tv.

"I just wanted to ask you whether you have plans this night?"

"Who doesn't have plans for the night?"

"Oh ,what's your plan?"

"Sleeping,what else"riele answered nonchalantly

"Stupid!i meant something more useful"she hit rieles head slightly

"Who said it wasn't,you know it helps develops the brains which you don't have apparently."

" You just emotionally killed me",she said faking her tone."Anyways let's go clubbing tonight you and i"she continued cheerfully

"so that's your useful plan"

"Pretty please" she said with an innocent baby voice.

"No dawn! I just want to sleep for Christ sake."riele sighed

"Riele" she said giving her the puppy eyes.

"You should know I won't fall for that."

"ok ok! if you go with me I would let you call me do-do for a day."

I would really need your thoughts on the novel,genuinely *puppy eyes*

Pinkivyladycreators' thoughts