
Love Agreement With The King

When two people unsatisfied with their already written fate meet, what they can do to finally live the life they desire is enter into an agreement. The agreement is sanctioned by Prince John, a man who was never seen before, because of that he’s considered like a ghost by the inhabitants of the city. John is a cold-hearted man, ruthless and unsympathetic. He’s unable to love, having a rich history with breaking hearts he came to the conclusion that he wouldn’t date anymore. The only person he ever cared about, besides himself, was his father. After his sudden death, Prince John had to ascend the throne. When he met Roselyn, a girl who was known for her skeptical thoughts about love and her free spirit who had simple desires which didn't include a man to be fulfilled he sees in her the potential to achieve what he always wanted. The agreement required them to fake their marriage and pretend they are in love deceiving the whole world including their own family. In return, they could live the life they always wanted to live. As the story develops more mysteries and hindrances threaten their perfect plan, such as Roselyn’s supernatural rare powers and sudden wars. -------------------------------------------------- Abstract: "I like to think this is a strange twist of fate. You’re the kindest person I know. So beautiful and precious while I am a cold-hearted guy hunted by his demoniac nature." John leaned over to her, gently lifting her chin so that she could meet his gaze. When Roselyn did, he smiled. "Your nature allows you to create life, mine allows me to take it." He chuckled shyly. "I am not forcing you to accept my darker side, but maybe we were destined to meet. You are the peace to my senses, the sun to my darkness, the reason that wakes me up in the morning. I hate the way you make me feel, so vulnerable and sensitive." His gaze moved to her peachy lips. He stroked her hair behind her ear. "At the same time I love it because, in all my immortal existence, I have never felt more alive." Roselyn finally smiled, as she understood that he didn’t have two opposite sides. He just had one, the evilest vampire in the village. But when with her, his heart melted that ice shield to reveal a completely different person who only she could have access to. --------------------------------------------------- Link server: https://discord.gg/rVkRwbHk join to find updates, new, and coins free The book contains intense smut, read at your own risk Extra chapters will be posted on sunday based on the number of golden ticket collected during the week! Send summoning pens to get an anticipated release! . [The book cover belongs to their respective owner.] ALERT warning: 18+ smut -> however the chapters with smut will contain an alert of start and end smut so you can freely skip that part if uncomfortable!

Elle_Lynn · Fantasy
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361 Chs

Bad joke

Kathy walked toward the hall, Roselyn reached her in the corridor and both of them were staring at the infinite course, wondering how it might be to live there.

Roselyn's gaze went to analyze the portrait that was in front of her. It was imposing and natural size.

"Look at his mustache." Roselyn giggled, pointing at the portrait in front of them that pictured an old Sir. "He has more hair there than he has on his head!"

Kathy tried to suffocate the imminent laugh but the more she stared at the picture, the more Roselyn's joke was making her laugh.

"I bet he got his hair moved onto his mustache." Roselyn pretended to caress her imaginary mustache, assuming a funny expression. "Lady Kathy, you look very gorgeous. Do you find my mustache attractive??"

Kathy exploded in laugh, as she couldn't take it anymore.

After a shared laugh, Roselyn scoffed and spoke, "now my sisters will complain all the time because he looked at me for like two seconds." She rolled her eyes. "Why is everyone obsessed with him? Look at the castle I would get lost looking for the bathroom." Kathy smiled, giving her a supportive look.

"And the ladies who glowered at me for enjoying the pastries? What was I supposed to do? Paint a still life from the food that was specially put there for us to eat." She shook her head, but Kathy's smile faded away, turning in a red face while her eyes widened.

"I hate them and the King too. Why is everyone so obsessed with him? He's such a mistery, for instance, where is he now? He invited us here and then disappeared after few minutes." Roselyn kept complaining, Kathy's eyes became more and more widened, she seemed extremely embarrassed.

"You're right. I was not supposed to disappear like that, indeed I was finding my way back inside." A warm voice resounded from behind her, causing Roselyn to widen her eyes before turning around. It was the King in flesh and blood.

Roselyn bowed down at the sigh. He returned the bow and then raised an eyebrow.

"After all, I'm glad you appreciated the pastries. Surely my intention was not to have you paint a still life of the food."

"I'm sorry, your highness, I didn't mean to offend you." Roselyn murmured.

He took few seconds to check her down, like if he could perceive from her something different, yet couldn't figure out what.

"Introduce yourself," Kathy suggested, who was almost as red as the underlying carpet they were standing on.

"Oh... I'm Roselyn of Clayton House, I'm glad we got acquaintance," she said.

"House of Clayton..."

Roselyn nodded, but before he could speak, both her sisters intruded.

"Your highness." Abigail bowed down, followed by Sharon.

"Don't mind our sister. She was looking for the bathroom. We brought you those." Sharon handed the baskets to him, but he gave a quick gaze to look back at Roselyn.

"Thank you for your kind thoughts, Ladies Claytons."

"We've been looking forward to meeting you. All our family loved how your father ruled. We are very grieving your lost." Abigail commented catching the gaze of the King when she mentioned his dad.

"You knew.. my father?" he questioned.

"My...our mother used to work in a bakery in which he usually bought deserts from," Sharon explained.

"I see..." He commented, then took few seconds to think. "He always had a sweet tooth."

"I heard, my highness, you love meat instead." Abigail commented, staring at him, smiling.

"I do.. Everyone has its.. weakness. I suppose."

"I also love meat, well cooked." Sharon lied. She rarely ate meat, and when she did she just ate chicken.

Roselyn tried to suffocate a chuckle, hearing her sister's secure tone of voice that accompanied her obvious lie.

He took a light bow, then he glanced at the three sisters before speaking. "I'm heading back to the ballroom to make an announcement. Find me there. It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance, ladies." He said, before giving a light nod to Roselyn and then made his way toward the ballroom.

"I've never seen someone as charming and as nice. I can't understand how can people say he's bad looking or rude," Sharon took a deep breath while she cupped her chin, staring at him walking away like a teenager girl would do while looking at her high school crush.

"You barely know him. You just talked to him for 10 minutes!" Roselyn scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"By the way, what were you doing here with him?"

Sharon raised an eyebrow and folded her arms.

Roselyn was prepared for that question, but joked about it, "he fell in love with me, he couldn't control his eager intentions so pushed me in the corridor to consume our premature love."

Both her sisters went to glower at her as they didn't appreciate her response, so Roselyn opted to tell the truth instead, "Kathy and I wanted to explore around the castle and when I saw this portrait," she pointed the finger to show the portrait in front of them, "I joked about it and the King heard it."

Abigail widened her eyes and went to slap her forehead with her hand, shaking her head. "Please tell me that didn't happen." She said concerned, trying to remain calm hearing what her sister said.

Roselyn shrugged, but her second sister, Sharon, intervened, as always. She never missed the chance of scolding her sisters, even if it was unnecessary. "Rose, that's his grandfather. You basically made fun of. his. grandfather ." She spat out, emphasizing the last words.

"At least, thanks to my bad joke he now knows about our existence, you shall thank me." Roselyn showed a proud smile, but her sisters frowned even more.

"Let's go now, he will wonder what we're doing here." Abigail scoffed, making a gesture to go.