

From purple to pink, then to red and orange until yellow. It's amazing how those many colors appear all at once at the same time at the same place. Oh, how I love sunsets. What I'd give for every moment like this to never end. Sitting by the shore, wind gently blowing, waves gently crashing, hand intertwined with the man I love while watching as the sun bids its farewell and the moon slowly says hello.

I rested my head on Tristan's shoulder so he snaked his arm around my waist and faced me a little to kiss my forehead. I closed my eyes as his lips touched my skin. Memories from how we started as that "campus couple" flashed into my mind.

"Hey! What the heck, are you out of your mind?", I heard a someone yell and a hand gripped my arms and pulled me causing me to fall and land on whoever that person is but I'm sure that it's a guy based on the masculine voice he have. I took that opportunity to look at his face. He have a fair skin and he have that nose that greeks have. His eyes are tightly shut causing his face to wrinkle. Yes, he's cute but why the heck did he pulled me? Doesn't he know that it's rude to stick his perfectly sculptured nose into someone else's business? I stood up, turned my back at him, and started to walk away.

"Hey! Don't you know anything about manners?", he said while still sitting on the ground. I ignored him and continued to walk.

"You can at least thank me"

I turned to him with confusion written all over my face.

"Thank you for what?"

He stood up, one hand on his waist and the other on his mouth as if what I said is unbelievable.

"If you are not aware of it, I just saved your life, miss", he scoffed.

"Oh, sorry to disappoint but you didn't."

I turned my back against him and continued to walk away while my eyes are fixated on each foot I step with and both of my hands are inside the pocket of my oversized hoodie. I heard him laugh sarcastically but I didn't mind him. I'm now heading home. Home, tss.

That place is my favorite. It is a famous skyscraper here in our city. Many people go there to see the city lights, mostly couples while me, I go there during midnight until dawn when the crowd have already subsided. I can see how the moon is slowly being replaced by the sun. How the light is slowly spreading across the darkness. It's beautiful. Peaceful. Perfect. A perfect place to die.

The guy a while ago might be correct if he just came a little earlier. Yes, I was thinking of jumping, of ending my life. But while I was standing there at the edge of the building, the wind blew softly then I thought if I die, I will stop feeling the cold breeze brushing my cheeks. I will stop feeling the warmth of my favorite jacket. And yes, those petty reasons kept me alive.