

The alarm rang and I woke up with frown wanting to sleep more, the thought of my vow made want to get ready for the new day. I stood up from the bed and fell down with a thud my legs where shaking and I couldn't work properly. I silently cursed him!

The old lady delivered another dress and this time it was an even shorter one that could barely cover my butt and the chest only covered my nipple, as I was wore I frowned at how slutty it was as I resched for the door the man from yesterday came in he looked at me with an evil smirk dangling on his face. He came closer squeezed my boobs and butt and walked out I immediately felt embarrassed as I imagined what people would think if they found out that the honorable Yun Nuan was being touched this way.

After he left i calmed myself down and walked out as I was wandering around I realized that the mansion was huge and had no light,the windows where all closed too, so the place was basically just dark it gave the mafia type of vibe as soon as I thought of that I slapped my forehead and told myself " mafias only exist in books, wake up nuan"

I found a door at the end of the hallway and opened it I realized it was leading to the gate outside as I observed and noticed that they were alot of men in black that look like bodyguards that stood around the compound. While observation I was yanked backwards and I realized that it was the mysterious man that dragged me. Fear immediately gripped me as I thought of what happened last night. He shouted " Do you want to escape, let me tell you no one has ever escaped from I Pei Chenheng and gets out alive"