

                    "JOLIE'S POV"


I really regretted doing that, but I had to it's really annoying. I pushed the taught to the back of my head, the last thing I want is someone reminding me of what happened.

So today I had to go to work in the morning after making breakfast I ate mine, I greeted iris then when she didn't noticed I left for the hotel cause I kinda found out she knew already and she wasn't going to let me go.

I entered into the hotel, I noticed the way people kept on looking at me but seriously I don't care, I walked to the bar tender but daniel wasn't there, I sighed walking to the changing room I met some girls there also discussing about the stuff that happened yesterday, like I really don't have any friends here except daniel.

"She's really doomed, how dare her, I can't believe she has that kind of courage, but I hope she doesn't lose her job she's really nice because I guess she was really angry to have done that" they all said I was really getting tired of this shitt, u walked right passed them that's when they noticed I was there, they were a looking at me surprised, while some were given me scornful looks some were looking at me pitifully they all went out, am not at all bothered about it, I was about changing to my uniforms when I heard my name from the speakers I was called to the manager's office, oh god now am danm scared.

I took a few deep breaths before knocking on the door "come in" it almost came as I knocked, I walked in

"Ma'am an really sorry about the incident I didn't really mean to do that am really sorry, you can tell me my punishment and I would do it but I don't really want to lose my job" I said rubbing my hands together

"Miss Jolie it's actually fine it's just that I received a word from the CEO, that you shouldn't do anything from now onwards, but you are to come to work every day and stay here with me" she said.

"Wait ma'am that's almost like losing my job and that isn't a punishment" I said "I think the CEO would be the one doing that" she said and my heart skipped a bit "so you're staying here" she said and continued with what she was doing.

I looked around the room and sat on the sofa, the tv was on but God am bored, I picked my phone I played games to while away time but it isn't helping so I listened to music from my phone and didn't know when I fell asleep.

                      "YINS POV"

"Sir she's here" I sent to Preston, I got an immediate reply "make sure she doesn't leave until her dismissal" he sent, God am so happy, Jolie is my ticket to get to Preston. I mean he replied my text, even he doesn't like me at least he could notice me am okay with that, I taught about keeping the chat a little longer so I sent

"Sir do you want me to give her anything I think she's sleeping" I took a picture of her and sent it to him

"No don't even give her a single drop of water" Preston is really harsh but come to think of it, he hasn't done anything like this before the first of its kind. Normally he would just say I should handle it, but now it's her he even told me to write a fake contract, I mean she's pretty but she comes from a poor background, a girl whose scared to lose her job, Preston isn't her type so I pushed everything to the back of my head.

Someone knocked on the door it opened even without my permission westly and iris came in, I stopped on my tracks. Iris rushed there as she tapped her she opened her eyes "iris what are you doing here" she asked totally shocked "to take you home of course,I don't permit you doing this job anymore" she said "pick your things were going home" iris added.

"No am not going I love my job you remembered you promised me you won't stop me from doing what I love" Jolie said

"Jolie that's not the case" iris said but Jolie was unwilling to stand up "em ma'am sir said she shouldn't go home until her dismissal" I said a little bit scared I made sure I didn't mention Preston's name because he had warned me not to.

Westly picked his phone "am talking her home today, she would be here tomorrow, you don't have a choice" he said and ended the call "Jolie you're coming with us" he said as he held her hands and they left the office, immediately I called Preston "sir iris and westly just took Jolie out" I said into the phone "don't worry it's fine. " he said in rather a calm tone gish I was already melting Preston never picks my call wow I guess he really respect westly

                    "JOLIE'S POV"

We came out of the compound and entered the car, iris I really damn worried "am fine okay" I said to her "why are you doing this" she asked "I like it here, I guess it's where I feel like to be in" I replied she kept quiet afterwards. When we got home I went straight to my room they left me alone, I slept like no man's business. But I was actually greatful they came to rescue me.

  Am fucking tired of this whole sereno, I really want it to stop, why do I have to sit all day and night without doing anything I wasn't even allowed to eat anything thank goodness iris sent me food on a daily basis, it's been a week now and school is resuming soon and the so called CEO never came up for a glimpse.

"JOLIE go get me something from the receptionist" yin said, I stood up happily my butt hurts from all that sitting. I walked into the main hall it was buzzing with life, I saw daniel at the bar tender, hes6 always flirting I said in my head, I was about going to him when I remembered I didn't ask yin what she actually wanted me to get, I ran back to the office or should I say my prison yard.

"Ma'am you didn't tell me what you wanted" I said as soon as I got there.

She looked at me I taught maybe you could figure it out yourself, I never really wanted anything, I only gave you a break time so you could get to walk around a bit, but I guess it's all over cause you came back a bit early, so you can take your seat young lady "she said dropping her head focusing on what she was doing.

What the u screamed in my head, I ball my hands into a fist, I slumped into the chair obviously frustrated, I picked my phone I already received lot's of text from iris, kai, daniel, westly bearly text me.

Iris is always worried about me but I was glad she broke the happy news to me " school resumes tomorrow "god I can't wait. Daniel is always joking around, while kai just came back and obviously can't wait to see me, I replied more text, seriously I kinda have night class today cause to prepare for school tomorrow, I bet it's going to be lit and like every other day except some people would sleep if their idol didn't come.

I can bet on westly he won't come at all, even Mr arrogant, there's a fifty- fifty percentage kai would come, I just sat there watching the clock tick, then it finally came I stood up bided yin good bye I walked tot he bar ten8 to meet daniel.

" hey Jolie you're out of detention, wow amazing "he said moking me " I wish "I replied thn I rolled my eyes

" am leaving already I have night classes "I said " wooh, you guys resumed already "he asked " leaving bye "I said as I walked away before he would engage me in series of talks, daniel is really a big mouth " but Jolie... "I was already as the door so I couldn't hear him adding to the noise.

I took a cab to school but I stopped at the entrance, walking into the main school before walking down to class, I didn't wanna go home first because I was already feeling tired, u went straight to the restroom, I splashed water on my face then I dapped it with some tissues, just as I was stepping out I ran into kai, be was standing at the other side with girls all over him, I sighed and walked to class.

I don't think am ready for any relationship stuff now, iris words pocked into my head " kai has feelings for you but do you"I don't think I can answer that now, he's popular and am not, we're from two different parts, he's the horror type while am the romance type, I don't think we well fit. Kai never gets jealous he thinks life is trade by bartal and he could get any girl on his bed no matter what, he isn't scared of what life brings and I don't want that.

I want someone who cares about other people's feelings even if it would hurt him, someone who's scared of what would happen the next minute, who's scared of life but acts brave to it. But kai isn't that kind of person I taught as I entered the class.

Kai didn't come to class it was kinda quiet, a lot of people were sleeping, few were battling with sleep, iris texted me to meet her at the private parking lots that she was talking me home, iris is really scared of me geez...