

WARNING!!! ADULTS ONLY AREAS (21+) Alea is a beautiful and calm writer with potential in the action and gore trailer genre. Each of his works has always been a best-selling book. Readers melted in the plot that he made. But, who would have thought, scene after scene in the novel was his actions which he immortalized in a work with a psychopath theme. So, can Alea change? And can he have a love for the opposite sex? While psychopaths are known as figures

All1110 · Urban
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10 Chs


Aren't you tired of living your own life?" asked Mr. Max, one afternoon in the office cafeteria during recess.

Alea only answered with a shake of her head, then took a sip of orange juice in front of her. The girl looked down, not wanting to see the face of her big boss. Shows shyness.

"Don't you have a friend, Lea? A friend to confide in, as someone who is always there when you are in trouble?" Asked the half-blood man again, as if not satisfied with Alea shaking her head.

"I have. But, that was then. Now to start a new friendship with someone new is very difficult. Old friendships leave scars." The girl's eyes were still downcast, staring at the orange juice in her hands.

Max frowned, staring intently at the beautiful and calm face in front of him. "Why, Alea? Did he betray you? Or, snatch your girlfriend?" asked the man in surprise.

"No! He's very good, and probably the best!"

"So?" Max looked at Alea intimidatingly. But, it seems the man should not expect an answer. Because he won't get it.

There was no answer from Alea's lips, she ignored Max. Focus more on food and his laptop, because he's already tight on his deadline.

"From now on, how about I become your friend, Alea?"

"Father, you are too kind," Alea replied, showing a slight smile. A shy smile, and a sense of unworthiness to be more precise.

From this conversation, Max concludes that Alea is a cool person. However, he is too secretive and very shy. He is also polite to everyone. It's just that he's too secretive as a person. But, the value of his work performance in the office is good. Seldom once did he make a mistake in his two years of work. Whatever the responsibility, everything is always done well and satisfactorily. That's why he chose Alea as his assistant in the office. If there were any other advantages, she was beautiful, and Max liked her.

"Sir, it's already working hours. Come on, let's go back to the room," said Alea, breaking the man's daydream.

"Eh, oh... yes, Lea," Max said nervously.

"Why are you nervous, sir? You're secretly watching me, aren't you?" Alea asked with a faint smile, there was a slight teasing on the beautiful face.

"Yeah. hehehe!" Max scratched his head non-itchy. Then, got up and helped bring Alea's laptop, because she saw that the girl was busy with her cup of drinking. He seemed to want to bring her into the room.


"You're beautiful."

Instantly Alea's face turned red. he was just about to reach for his laptop. however, Max quickly grabbed it and said. "I'll help bring it."

Alea looked at that face. A face that always looks calm and full of dignity. The rest... he's handsome. Coupled with two pairs of blue eyes.

Alea immediately lowered her head in shame, when suddenly those eyes also looked at her.

"Why, Alea?" the man asked. Acting not knowing if the girl in front of him was admiring his good looks.

"Uh, no sir. Let me take it myself. Don't be helped."

"You are a workaholic girl, aren't you?" Max said with a chuckle. He didn't know what Alea was doing with her laptop. Because the girl never allowed anyone to look at her monitor screen while she was doing her hobby. Besides Wulan, the editor.

"Workaholic? What is it?" Alea frowned she did not understand what the boss said.


"Oh," was all that came out of Alea's mouth. He said hobby. But, also make money. Ah, maybe what Mr. Max said is true. He is a workaholic. If it's not being chased by editors and not making money, how is that possible? 'Maybe starting tomorrow I can just write on my cellphone, so it's not flashy,' Alea thought.