
Love's Unexpected Fortune: Billionaire Meets Ordinary Girl."

Title: Love's Unexpected Fortune: Billionaire Meets Ordinary Girl Synopsis: In a world where power and wealth reign supreme, a heartless billionaire, Alex Grande, rules with an iron fist. As the CEO of the illustrious Grande's Group, a global conglomerate, he commands respect and inspires fear. His aura is intimidating, his words are law, and his actions are ruthless. But beneath the surface, a spark of humanity remains, waiting to be fanned into a flame. Enter Jenny Core's, an ordinary girl with an extraordinary heart. She lives a simple life, untouched by the luxuries and excesses of the wealthy elite. Her world is one of humility and kindness, where love and compassion reign. When their paths cross, the unlikely pair finds themselves drawn to each other like magnets. Alex, the cold-hearted billionaire, is inexplicably captivated by Jenny's innocence and beauty. Jenny, the ordinary girl, feels an intense connection to Alex, as if she's found a missing piece of herself. As they lock eyes, the air is charged with an electric tension. Their gazes intensify, and the world around them melts away. For a moment, they forget who they are and what they represent. All that remains is the thrumming of their hearts, beating as one. Will this chance encounter ignite a spark that changes their lives forever? Can the cold-hearted billionaire find redemption in the arms of an ordinary girl? Dive into the world of Love's Unexpected Fortune to discover the secrets of their forbidden love. Book Excerpt: Jenny POV: This party was a snooze-fest, and if I'd known, I wouldn't have bothered coming. I turned to leave, and that's when I saw him. There was something about him that sparked a connection. I felt it deep within me. The music had shifted to a lively swing tune, but I didn't notice, my eyes fixed on him. Alex POV: I watched Jenny with a detached curiosity. She was a puzzle to be solved, a challenge to be overcome. I would uncover her secrets, exploit her weaknesses. And when I was done, I would move on. It was simply the way I operated. Jenny POV: Our eyes locked in an intense gaze, and I felt an undeniable bond. Why did I feel like I was meant to be with him? I quickly looked away, trying to shake off the feeling. The music, the laughter, and the chatter faded into the background as I struggled to process my emotions. The book is already completed, and their love story is waiting to be devoured.

Ogu_blessing_Ojima · Urban
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72 Chs

Chapter 65

Jenny POV:

As I entered Alex's office, I was met with a scowl that could curdle milk. But when our eyes locked, his expression softened, and he gestured for me to approach.

"What happened to you?" I asked, concern etched on my face.

"I'll tell you when we're home," he replied, his voice low and even.

I nodded, setting the lunchbox on his desk. "I brought your favorite - Pan-Seared Duck Breast with Cherry Compote. You must be starving."

He raised an eyebrow but sat down, his eyes never leaving mine. I opened the lunchbox, releasing the savory aromas into the air. He took a bite, his expression unreadable.

Later, as we settled into bed, I asked, "So, what happened?"

Alex's eyes clouded, his voice dripping with venom. "I met my ex, Tina Maff. She's the one who broke my heart, stole my trust, and bankrupted my company. I was blind in love, and she used me."

His words hung in the air like a challenge, his pain and anger still simmering.

"What do you plan to do to her?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

He smirked, his eyes glinting with malice. "I'll torture her. Show her my worst side."

I searched his face, looking for any sign of vulnerability. "Are you still hurt?"

He snorted. "Why would I be? I've found someone better than that fool."

I felt a pang of doubt. Did he truly care for me, or was he just using me?

"Do you trust me?" I asked, my voice laced with uncertainty.

He hesitated, his eyes narrowing. "I don't know, Jen. I don't trust anyone easily. Humans can't be trusted."

I turned away, a lump forming in my throat. "Good night, then."

As I lay there, I vowed to prove myself to him, to show him that I was worthy of his trust. But a nagging doubt lingered - what if he never learned to trust me? What if he was just pretending to care?

I turned to face Alex, my voice barely above a whisper. "Alex?"

He looked up from his thoughts, his eyes locking onto mine. "Yes?"

I searched his face, trying to read his emotions. "Have you started developing feelings for me?"

He paused, his gaze drifting away before returning to mine. "I guess so," he said, his voice low and even, without a hint of warmth.

I felt a flutter in my chest, a mix of excitement and trepidation. "Okay," I said, trying to sound nonchalant despite the turmoil inside me.

As I lay there, I knew I had to act. I couldn't let him remain emotionally closed off forever. I had to change him, to reach the heart he kept hidden behind his calm, heartless facade.

I made a silent vow to myself: I must penetrate his emotional armor, to awaken the feelings he kept dormant. It was a daunting task, but I was determined to succeed. For our sake, for our future, I had to try.

Alex POV:

I instructed Leo to dig up dirt on Tina, eager to uncover her secrets. The suspense was killing me.

Jenny POV:

I stepped into the opulent mall, surrounded by sleek marble floors, crystal chandeliers, and rows of designer boutiques. The air was thick with the scent of luxury perfumes and fresh flowers.

My husband's credit card burned a hole in my pocket, urging me to indulge in some retail therapy. I spent hours browsing through racks of designer clothes, trying on shoes, and admiring glittering jewelries. Finally, I decided to take a break and use the restroom.

As I washed my hands, I heard the sound of high heels clicking on the tile floor. A woman emerged from the toilet stall, her eyes locking onto mine in the mirror. It was the same woman I had seen storming out of Alex's office earlier.

"We meet again," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

I turned to face her, my heart racing. "Do I know you?"

"No, but I'm Tina," she replied, her smile dripping with malice.

I shook her hand, my mind racing with connections. Was this the Tina Alex had told me about?

"You're Alex's wife," she stated, her eyes narrowing. "Finally, someone who knows my significance."

I bristled at her tone. "Are you a fan of Alex? I could introduce you to him."

Tina's laughter sent shivers down my spine. "No, I'm his ex, and I want him back. Let's make a deal - divorce Alex, and I'll pay you $5 million."

Tina POV:

I had no intention of paying her a dime. I'd use her and discard her, with Jerul's help, if needed.

Jenny's words still echoed in my mind: "Sorry, Tina. I can't divorce him because he's mine."

My anger simmered, but I smiled sweetly. "I want him too."

Jenny's eyes flashed with anger, her voice rising. "See, what happened between you two is in the past. He's mine now, so get used to it, gold digger. Enjoy living in your miserable, pathetic life."

As she turned to leave, I grabbed her shoulder, my grip tightening. "I've had enough of you. You'll regret messing with me. I'll make sure you crawl back to your man and tell him Tina Maff dealt with his precious princess."

But Jenny didn't back down. She twisted my wrist, and I yelped in pain as she pushed me to the floor. "Maybe not, Tina. Let me warn you: stay away from my man, or I'll show you what I'm made of."

With that, she stormed out of the restroom, leaving me seething.

Jenny POV:

I emerged from the restroom, my heart still racing from the confrontation. But I felt a sense of determination wash over me. I wanted Alex more than ever, and I was willing to fight for him. I'd be there for him, support him, and help him in any way I could. No one would take him away from me, especially not Tina Maff.


I sat at the restaurant, sipping my wine and waiting for Alex. The door swung open, and my heart skipped a beat as he walked in, his eyes scanning the room until they locked onto mine. But before I could even smile, a hand grasped my arm, pulling me out of my seat.

"What the hell are you doing?" I demanded, trying to shake off the stranger. His grip was like a vice, his fingers digging into my skin.

"You're the one who's been asking for it," he sneered, his breath hot against my ear. "Let me go, you hooker. I'm not going to sleep with you."

I was stunned, confusion etched on my face. Alex appeared out of nowhere, his eyes blazing with anger.

"What's going on here?" he asked, his voice calm and authoritative.

"This woman was propositioning me, saying it didn't matter if I paid her," the man lied, his eyes darting between us.

Alex's eyes narrowed. "She's lying," I protested. "He just dragged me out of my seat and started spewing nonsense."

"Shut the fuck up, man," Alex growled, his voice dripping with disdain. "My wife would never say such things. If you value your life, get out of here before I unleash my wrath."

Leo stepped forward, his eyes glinting with a hint of violence. "Teach him a lesson, Leo," Alex instructed, as he pulled me into his arms.

I placed a calming hand on Alex's face, trying to soothe his anger. "Alex, there's no need for this. He should take this as a warning."

But Alex was unmoved. "I don't want it. He has to pay for what he did."

I tried again. "Fine, give him another warning rather than this."

Alex scoffed, his voice barely above a whisper. "This woman... Leo, put this fool behind bars and make sure he stays there for a very long time."

The man cowered, tears streaming down his face. "No, sir! Please!"

Alex's smile was cold and heartless. "Enjoy the little suffering in jail."

With that, we turned and walked away, leaving the man to his misery. We settled into a quiet corner, the waiter arriving promptly to take our order.