
Love's Unexpected Fortune: Billionaire Meets Ordinary Girl."

Title: Love's Unexpected Fortune: Billionaire Meets Ordinary Girl Synopsis: In a world where power and wealth reign supreme, a heartless billionaire, Alex Grande, rules with an iron fist. As the CEO of the illustrious Grande's Group, a global conglomerate, he commands respect and inspires fear. His aura is intimidating, his words are law, and his actions are ruthless. But beneath the surface, a spark of humanity remains, waiting to be fanned into a flame. Enter Jenny Core's, an ordinary girl with an extraordinary heart. She lives a simple life, untouched by the luxuries and excesses of the wealthy elite. Her world is one of humility and kindness, where love and compassion reign. When their paths cross, the unlikely pair finds themselves drawn to each other like magnets. Alex, the cold-hearted billionaire, is inexplicably captivated by Jenny's innocence and beauty. Jenny, the ordinary girl, feels an intense connection to Alex, as if she's found a missing piece of herself. As they lock eyes, the air is charged with an electric tension. Their gazes intensify, and the world around them melts away. For a moment, they forget who they are and what they represent. All that remains is the thrumming of their hearts, beating as one. Will this chance encounter ignite a spark that changes their lives forever? Can the cold-hearted billionaire find redemption in the arms of an ordinary girl? Dive into the world of Love's Unexpected Fortune to discover the secrets of their forbidden love. Book Excerpt: Jenny POV: This party was a snooze-fest, and if I'd known, I wouldn't have bothered coming. I turned to leave, and that's when I saw him. There was something about him that sparked a connection. I felt it deep within me. The music had shifted to a lively swing tune, but I didn't notice, my eyes fixed on him. Alex POV: I watched Jenny with a detached curiosity. She was a puzzle to be solved, a challenge to be overcome. I would uncover her secrets, exploit her weaknesses. And when I was done, I would move on. It was simply the way I operated. Jenny POV: Our eyes locked in an intense gaze, and I felt an undeniable bond. Why did I feel like I was meant to be with him? I quickly looked away, trying to shake off the feeling. The music, the laughter, and the chatter faded into the background as I struggled to process my emotions. The book is already completed, and their love story is waiting to be devoured.

Ogu_blessing_Ojima · Urban
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72 Chs

Chapter 57

Annie's POV:

I approached the duo, their laughter and conversation enveloping me like a warm embrace. "You're here already?" Alex asked, his voice tinged with a hint of surprise.

"Yes, big bro," I replied, my eyes locking onto the boy beside him. "This is Jack, right?"

Alex nodded, his expression serene. "Yes. Jack, meet my sis Annie."

"Nice to meet you, Annie," Jack said, his smile radiant.

I returned the greeting, my tone light. "Same to you. What are you guys talking about?"

"Parker, a film we just watched," Jack replied, his enthusiasm infectious.

I sat down beside him, drawn into their discussion like a moth to a flame.

Alex's POV:

The next morning, I emerged from my room, refreshed and composed. My wine-colored suit and bold derby shoes exuded confidence, while the Rolex watch on my wrist gleamed like a symbol of power. Downstairs, I found Mrs. Qilin already preparing breakfast. "Where's Jack?" I asked, my tone detached.

"He's practicing in the courtyard and has refused to eat until he's done," she replied.

I nodded, my expression unreadable. "Okay."

After breakfast, I sought out Jack, his dedication to martial arts admirable. "Good morning, boss," his bodyguards chimed in unison.

"Morning," I replied, my gaze fixed on Jack. "Big bro, why are you here?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"I'm here to check on you," I said, my voice calm and heartless. "You're really getting good at this."

Jack beamed with pride. "Yes, I'm totally in love with martial arts. Can't wait for Mr. Scott to teach me tomorrow."

I nodded, my expression unyielding. "I see that's good, Jack. I'll leave now. Make sure you eat breakfast."

With that, I turned and left, the sound of my footsteps echoing through the courtyard.

The Lexus purred to life, whisking me away to Grande's Groups. The elevator deposited me on the 32nd floor, where I settled into my office, ready to tackle the day's tasks.

Jenny's POV:

As I embarked on the journey to the city, the scenery outside my window blurred together like a watercolor painting, a kaleidoscope of colors merging into a haze of uncertainty.

My mind wandered to my life, a mix of emotions swirling like a tempest, each thought tangling with the next like the threads of a rich tapestry. I was about to become a part of the Grandes family, a thought both thrilling and terrifying, like standing at the edge of a precipice, staring into the unknown.

The city skyline materialized before me, a steel and concrete jungle that stretched towards the sky like giant sentinels guarding secrets and dreams. Alex's men escorted me to the mall, their silent presence a reminder of the life I was about to enter, one of luxury and privilege, but also of scrutiny and expectation.

I indulged in some retail therapy for Tasha, the soft rustle of clothes and the sweet scent of perfumes enveloping me in a sense of normalcy, a fleeting respite from the turmoil that churned within.

The Lamborghini waited patiently, its engine purring like a contented beast, its sleek lines and polished surface reflecting the city lights like a dark mirror. As we drove, the city lights whizzed by in a kaleidoscope of color, a mesmerizing display of sound and light that numbed my senses, a reminder of the world I was about to enter, one of glamour and glitz, but also of superficiality and pretence.

Upon arrival, I stepped out, the gate creaking open like a sigh, the sound echoing through the stillness like a whispered secret. Tasha flung herself at me, her embrace warm and tight, a haven of comfort in a world that seemed determined to pull me under. "I've missed you so much! I can't believe you came back."

I smiled, my heart swelling with affection, the tension in my shoulders easing, like a weight lifted, as I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close, the warmth of her body seeping into mine like a balm. "I wanted to surprise you. Let's go in."

Tasha's eyes widened as she opened the gifts, her squeals of delight music to my ears, a symphony of joy that filled the room with laughter and light. "Wow, Jenny, you bought jewelries, clothes, and heels! Oh my gosh, thanks!"

As we settled in, Tasha's curiosity got the better of her, her eyes sparkling with excitement, like diamonds in the sunlight. "So, is it true you're getting married to him?"

I nodded, my tone matter-of-fact, a calmness I didn't quite feel, a sense of detachment that had become my armor, my shield against the world. "Yes. Let me show you proof."

Tasha's eyes went wide, her mouth agape, like a flower blooming in fast motion, her shock and disbelief palpable, like a living thing. "I can't believe this. You're getting married to my celebrity crush!"

I chuckled, my heart light, a sense of wonder still lingering, like the echo of a dream. "Fate wants us to be together, I suppose."

Tasha's expression turned serious, her brow furrowed, like a storm cloud gathering on the horizon. "Jenny, marrying him will cause a stir on social media. Are you prepared for the backlash?"

I nodded, my resolve firm, like a rock, unshakeable, my heart steeled for the challenges ahead. "Yes, I am. I'm always ready, Tasha."

Alex's POV:

"Boss, Miss Jenny is in the city now. She's presently at her house," Leo announced, his voice like a gentle breeze on a summer day.

My gaze narrowed, my eyes flashing with annoyance, like a spark of electricity. "And she didn't call to tell me that. Really, Jenny. Is this how you behave?" My voice dripped with disdain, each word laced with venom.

Leo shifted uncomfortably, his eyes darting around the room like a trapped animal. "Boss, are you there?"

My tone turned glacial, my words icy and detached. "Just leave."

The door closed behind Leo, the soft click echoing through the office like a sigh of relief. I sat back in my chair, my eyes fixed on the city skyline, my mind working overtime to process the news. Jenny's defiance was like a challenge, a gauntlet thrown, and I would not hesitate to pick it up.

Leo's POV:

As I left the office, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss. "What's wrong with boss today?" I wondered, my mind racing with possibilities like a restless sea. The usual calm and collected demeanor of Alex had given way to a chilly detachment, his words slicing through the air like a winter breeze. I replayed our conversation in my head, trying to pinpoint the exact moment when the atmosphere had shifted, like a subtle change in the scent of the air.

The soft click of the door behind me echoed through the deserted corridor, a haunting reminder of the tension that lingered, like the whispers of a forgotten melody. I slowed my pace, my footsteps echoing off the walls, as I tried to make sense of the enigmatic boss, whose emotions were as elusive as a moonlit shadow.

Alex's POV:

I picked up my phone, the cool metal a stark contrast to the warmth of my skin. I dialed Jenny's number, the ringing a steady beat, like a metronome marking time.

When she finally answered, her voice was like a gentle brook, soft and soothing. But I was unmoved, my tone a frozen lake, unyielding and unforgiving. "Come to Grande's Groups now," I said, each word a cold, calculated drop, before ending the call with a decisive click.

Jenny's POV:

"Hello?" I said, my voice tentative, like a leaf rustling in the wind. But the response was abrupt, the line going dead, like a door slammed shut. I stared at my phone, incredulous, my mind racing with questions.

"What's wrong with him?" I wondered, my thoughts a jumbled mix of emotions, like a stormy sea. The silence was oppressive, heavy with unspoken words, like a challenge thrown, daring me to respond.