
Love's Unexpected Fortune: Billionaire Meets Ordinary Girl."

Being that heartless billionaire who could destroy a nation if I choose, command a thousand people, move with aura which makes people gets scared meets an ordinary girls whose never smell or touch a pint of riches and lived a normal lives. Hi I'm Alex Grande known as the cold heartless billionaire. I'm someone who enjoys making people suffer. I am the CEO of the Grande's groups which is the best and most famous around the globe. meeting this girl named Jenny Core's change my lives. Will there be a spark between us find out as you read it. Let me show you a glimpse of the book Jenny POV This thing was boring and If I had known I wouldn't have come. I decided to turn and saw him. He was truly the one because I felt something. Alex POV Jenny why do you make me feel this way. Why do I feel she's mine. Jenny POV We stared at each other intensively and I could feel a deep connection. Why does it feels l belong to him. l quickly averted my gaze. The book is already completed.

Ogu_blessing_Ojima · Urban
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72 Chs

Chapter 51

Jenny POV

My phone started ringing and I picked it up and answered the call.

I'm at your home now. Come out he said and he ended the call.

I stood up and went outside to meet him. I saw the Rolls-Royce packed outside and got in it.

What did you need me for?

I want us to take some pictures because my dad is asking for pictures of us l lied.

Okay he said.

I brought out my phone and came closer to him and took some pictures. I saw him not smiling.

You have to smile Alex I said tapping his chest.

If you want me to smile then you will follow me to my hotel room he said.

What are you planning? I asked suspiciously.

Nothing. I won't do anything stupid to you so stop what thoughts you might be thinking of he said.

Let's go then l said.

The car drove to the hotel compound and packed. We came out and he took me to his hotel room.

Alex POV

I saw her looking around as she entered. She doesn't know I had something in mind for her.

Let's snap around these corner she said pointing at the curtains side.

Sure l said and we went there and took some pictures.

We sat on the bed to take some pictures. I wrapped my hands around her waist and forced a smile on my lips.

That will be all for today she said looking satisfied at the pictures we took.

I carried her.

What are you doing Alex? She asked surprised.

I didn't say anything and threw her on the bed. I went on top of her and pinned her two soft hands on the bed. She looked at me shocked.

Tell me the truth. What do you need the pics for? I asked. 

I want to show my friend. She doesn't believe I'm getting married so I want to show her proof that I'm not joking she said. 

You should have said that earlier. I hate lies so your punishment today l will torture you slowly today. 

What do you mean? She asked. 

Just watch and see l said and I wanted to kiss her lips but stopped when I saw her closing her eyes. I came closer to her neck to smell her scent. 

You smell like something I could eat now l said. 

Then eat it she said in a whisper voice. 

I slowly started kissing her neck and l could see she was reacting to it already. I went to her ear and whispered we are going shopping tomorrow before turning over. 

She opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling. 

Hmm ok. I want to ask you something.

What's that?

I want to know your likes and dislikes she said. 

Likes, l love working and the rest you will get to know soon. My dislikes, l hate laziness I said. 

You aren't serious I hope you know that she said. 

No. I know it sounds weird to you but basically that's what I like and dislikes. The rest you will know later. 

Okay she said. 

You l asked. 

I love ice cream, karate, singing and many fun stuff. My dislikes, l hate avacado she said. 

Noted. We should take some nap. Sleep well wifey I said pulling her close to me and closed my eyes. 

You too love she said. 

We slept after that.