
Love's Unexpected Fortune: Billionaire Meets Ordinary Girl."

Being that heartless billionaire who could destroy a nation if I choose, command a thousand people, move with aura which makes people gets scared meets an ordinary girls whose never smell or touch a pint of riches and lived a normal lives. Hi I'm Alex Grande known as the cold heartless billionaire. I'm someone who enjoys making people suffer. I am the CEO of the Grande's groups which is the best and most famous around the globe. meeting this girl named Jenny Core's change my lives. Will there be a spark between us find out as you read it. Let me show you a glimpse of the book Jenny POV This thing was boring and If I had known I wouldn't have come. I decided to turn and saw him. He was truly the one because I felt something. Alex POV Jenny why do you make me feel this way. Why do I feel she's mine. Jenny POV We stared at each other intensively and I could feel a deep connection. Why does it feels l belong to him. l quickly averted my gaze. The book is already completed.

Ogu_blessing_Ojima · Urban
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72 Chs

Chapter 47

Jenny POV

No. Let me help you out I said. 

What will you do? He asked.

I will take you inside and maybe help you cook l said. 

Wife to be that's nice of you but I'm staying at a hotel so you can't possibly do that he said. 

Ohh didn't know. I will get going now. See you when next we meet l said and wanted to leave when he drag me back and kissed my cheeks. 

This should be your welcome greeting to me when we see each other next time he said. 

Okay love l said and I quickly opened the door and left. 

Alex POV

Hey... She's gone already. Love l said smiling. 

Writer POV

The driver and Rhino was looking at their boss. 

Boss has fallen in love Rhino muttered. 

Alex came down from the car and went to the hotel. He entered his hotel room and said finally time to get some beauty sleep. 

Alex POV

The next morning I woke up and got dressed. I picked up my phone and dialed Jenny number to call her.

I'm coming to your house today I said when she picked the call. 

I could hear from her voice she was panicking. 

Why? I haven't even prepared anything nor even told my Dad or Granny. Where do you want me to start from? She asked. 

Just tell them and get prepared. When you're done call me then I will come l said. 

Okay thanks she said and the call ended. 

Jenny POV

I went straight to the bathroom to shower, changed clothes and went to Dad room to inform him about Alex coming. He quickly got up too and called the staff that there would be an holiday today so no one should bother coming to work. 

After doing that we informed our relatives and Dad and I went to the kitchen to start preparing a rich man food. I left home and went to the market to get the necessary ingredients for the food before coming home. 

We made Foie Gras with Fruit Compote a delicacy made from the liver of a fattened duck or goose, is often seared or made into a silky mousse. It is commonly paired with a sweet and tangy fruit compote like fig or apple, offering a delightful balance of flavors.

And also Truffle Risotto, an indulgent dish featuring Arborio rice cooked to creamy perfection with the addition of earthy and aromatic truffle-infused ingredients. The dish is garnished with shaved truffles and drizzled with truffle oil, creating a decadent and memorable dining experience.

After making all these we dished the food on the dining table and my relatives were seated waiting for the guest. I called him and he said he was coming. 

So who is this guy coming to meet you? Dad asked. 

He's someone who wants to marry me I said. 

You have found a man already Granny asked surprised. 

Yes. You told me to fight for my love so I decided to accept him when he asked me out yesterday l said. 

That's good Granny said. 

Wait I'm lost tell me everything Dad said. 

The man I told you about that time asked me out yesterday l said. 

I thought you said that man has a girlfriend already Dad said. 

It's not true. I was just believing lies. The girl that came to claim that she's his girlfriend is not. She's just obsessed with him that's all l said. 

Are you sure?

I am Dad. There's no need to worry again l said. 

We heard a knock on the gate and I went outside to open the gate.