
Love's Unexpected Fortune: Billionaire Meets Ordinary Girl."

Title: Love's Unexpected Fortune: Billionaire Meets Ordinary Girl Synopsis: In a world where power and wealth reign supreme, a heartless billionaire, Alex Grande, rules with an iron fist. As the CEO of the illustrious Grande's Group, a global conglomerate, he commands respect and inspires fear. His aura is intimidating, his words are law, and his actions are ruthless. But beneath the surface, a spark of humanity remains, waiting to be fanned into a flame. Enter Jenny Core's, an ordinary girl with an extraordinary heart. She lives a simple life, untouched by the luxuries and excesses of the wealthy elite. Her world is one of humility and kindness, where love and compassion reign. When their paths cross, the unlikely pair finds themselves drawn to each other like magnets. Alex, the cold-hearted billionaire, is inexplicably captivated by Jenny's innocence and beauty. Jenny, the ordinary girl, feels an intense connection to Alex, as if she's found a missing piece of herself. As they lock eyes, the air is charged with an electric tension. Their gazes intensify, and the world around them melts away. For a moment, they forget who they are and what they represent. All that remains is the thrumming of their hearts, beating as one. Will this chance encounter ignite a spark that changes their lives forever? Can the cold-hearted billionaire find redemption in the arms of an ordinary girl? Dive into the world of Love's Unexpected Fortune to discover the secrets of their forbidden love. Book Excerpt: Jenny POV: This party was a snooze-fest, and if I'd known, I wouldn't have bothered coming. I turned to leave, and that's when I saw him. There was something about him that sparked a connection. I felt it deep within me. The music had shifted to a lively swing tune, but I didn't notice, my eyes fixed on him. Alex POV: I watched Jenny with a detached curiosity. She was a puzzle to be solved, a challenge to be overcome. I would uncover her secrets, exploit her weaknesses. And when I was done, I would move on. It was simply the way I operated. Jenny POV: Our eyes locked in an intense gaze, and I felt an undeniable bond. Why did I feel like I was meant to be with him? I quickly looked away, trying to shake off the feeling. The music, the laughter, and the chatter faded into the background as I struggled to process my emotions. The book is already completed, and their love story is waiting to be devoured.

Ogu_blessing_Ojima · Urban
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Chapter 36

Alex POV:

The next morning, I woke up feeling restless, eager to escape the suffocating atmosphere of my family's demands. I reached for my phone and dialed my secretary's number, my mind racing with the need to flee.

"Book a flight for me back to Country X," I said, my voice firm. "I can't spend another day here."

After ending the call, I hesitated for a moment before dialing Annie's number. She answered on the first ring, her cheerful voice a stark contrast to my gloomy mood. "I need your help with something," I said, my words tumbling out in a rush.

"What's that, big bro?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

I took a deep breath before blurting out my request. "I need you to look for a suitable woman for me."

Annie's laughter was music to my ears. "That's simple. I have one in mind already."

My interest was piqued. "Tell me."

"Jenny," she said, her voice confident. "She's suitable for you, even perfect."

I was taken aback. "Jenny?" I repeated, my surprise evident.

Annie's enthusiasm was undeterred. "Yes, big bro. If you want to learn how to woo a woman, I can help you."

I shook my head, even though she couldn't see me. "No, I'm not doing that, and I don't think Jenny would agree to be with me."

Annie's voice was persuasive. "She will, I can see it in her eyes, the way she looked at you in that video. She wants you, big bro."

I ended the call, my mind reeling with the possibility. Could it be true? Did Jenny really feel that way about me? I pushed the thought aside, focusing on the task at hand. I had a flight to catch, and a new chapter to begin.

Annie POV:

I stood up, stretching my arms over my head. "Hello...he has court already, seriously big bro?" I said, walking to the bathroom.

Alex POV:

I thought to myself, "Jenny, I think she comes in handy. If she has feelings, then I'm sure she would agree to be with me." I called a maid to pack my clothes before leaving the bedroom. I stepped out onto the balcony, taking in the breathtaking view.

The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow over the landscape. I heard the door opening and closing, signaling the maid's arrival. I left home in the evening, heading to the airport. As I boarded the plane, I was greeted with a warm smile by the flight attendant. "Welcome, Mr. Grande. Can I offer you a refreshing tea?" she asked, her voice soothing.

Jenny POV:

I opened the restaurant at four am, the smell of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. My dad had entrusted me with managing the restaurant while he was away, and I was determined to make it a success. I cleaned the tables and chairs, the sound of sizzling meat and chatter filling the air as the kitchen came to life.

Customers started arriving around seven, and soon the restaurant was bustling with activity. I kept track of the sales, my mind racing with numbers. We made a fortune today - two thousand dollars! John, one of the kitchen staff, approached me with a phone. "Ma, your phone is ringing," he said, handing it to me. I answered, hearing Annie's voice on the other end.

The conversation continued, with Annie trying to persuade me to take Alex's number. I reluctantly agreed, saving the number on my phone. Later that night, I found myself curious about Alex, so I sent him a message on WhatsApp. "Hi," I typed, my heart racing.

"Hi" - Jenny

My phone buzzed, and I saw his response.

"Is this Jenny?" - Alex

How did he know I'm Jenny? I thought, feeling a flutter in my chest.

"No, it's a delivery guy. I heard you wanted pizza. A pepperoni pizza coming up" - Jenny

I was trying to play it cool, but my heart was racing.

"I see. When will it be delivered to my house?" - Alex

"Give us fifteen minutes, and you will see it at your door" - Jenny

"I will be expecting that, Jenny. Don't keep me waiting, or you will be my pizza" - Alex

I blushed reading that. Stop it, Jen, are you supposed to be blushing?

"I have to go now. Good night" - Alex

"Same too" - Jenny

I was not happy he was going offline. I wished we talked more.

Alex POV:

I sat in my hotel room, laptop open in front of me. I had arrived at Country X earlier that day and was currently staying at Paely Hom hotel. My phone buzzed, signaling a WhatsApp message. I clicked on it, seeing Jenny's name pop up. A smile spread across my face as I read her message. "Hi," she said, her words simple yet captivating. I responded, our conversation flowing easily. I couldn't help but feel drawn to her, despite my initial intentions. I responded, playing along with her pizza delivery guy charade.

"I'd this Jenny?" - Alex

I chuckled as I read her response.

"No, it's a delivery guy. I heard you wanted pizza. A pepperoni pizza coming up" - Jenny

I teased her, enjoying the banter.

"I see. When will it be delivered to my house?" - Alex

"Give us fifteen minutes, and you will see it at your door" - Jenny

I couldn't resist adding a flirtatious comment.

"I will be expecting that, Jenny. Don't keep me waiting, or you will be my pizza" - Alex

I ended the conversation, leaving her wanting more.

"I have to go now. Good night" - Alex