
Love's Unexpected Fortune: Billionaire Meets Ordinary Girl."

Title: Love's Unexpected Fortune: Billionaire Meets Ordinary Girl Synopsis: In a world where power and wealth reign supreme, a heartless billionaire, Alex Grande, rules with an iron fist. As the CEO of the illustrious Grande's Group, a global conglomerate, he commands respect and inspires fear. His aura is intimidating, his words are law, and his actions are ruthless. But beneath the surface, a spark of humanity remains, waiting to be fanned into a flame. Enter Jenny Core's, an ordinary girl with an extraordinary heart. She lives a simple life, untouched by the luxuries and excesses of the wealthy elite. Her world is one of humility and kindness, where love and compassion reign. When their paths cross, the unlikely pair finds themselves drawn to each other like magnets. Alex, the cold-hearted billionaire, is inexplicably captivated by Jenny's innocence and beauty. Jenny, the ordinary girl, feels an intense connection to Alex, as if she's found a missing piece of herself. As they lock eyes, the air is charged with an electric tension. Their gazes intensify, and the world around them melts away. For a moment, they forget who they are and what they represent. All that remains is the thrumming of their hearts, beating as one. Will this chance encounter ignite a spark that changes their lives forever? Can the cold-hearted billionaire find redemption in the arms of an ordinary girl? Dive into the world of Love's Unexpected Fortune to discover the secrets of their forbidden love. Book Excerpt: Jenny POV: This party was a snooze-fest, and if I'd known, I wouldn't have bothered coming. I turned to leave, and that's when I saw him. There was something about him that sparked a connection. I felt it deep within me. The music had shifted to a lively swing tune, but I didn't notice, my eyes fixed on him. Alex POV: I watched Jenny with a detached curiosity. She was a puzzle to be solved, a challenge to be overcome. I would uncover her secrets, exploit her weaknesses. And when I was done, I would move on. It was simply the way I operated. Jenny POV: Our eyes locked in an intense gaze, and I felt an undeniable bond. Why did I feel like I was meant to be with him? I quickly looked away, trying to shake off the feeling. The music, the laughter, and the chatter faded into the background as I struggled to process my emotions. The book is already completed, and their love story is waiting to be devoured.

Ogu_blessing_Ojima · Urban
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72 Chs

Chapter 20

Jenny POV

After Julia stormed out of the office, Alex approached me, his eyes locked on mine. He gently touched the cheek Julia had slapped, his fingers sending shivers down my spine.

"How did you know?" I asked, staring up at him in confusion.

Alex smiled calmly. "I have my ways."

I sighed, feeling a mix of emotions. "I thought you said we should stay away from each other. Why would you help me?"

Alex's expression turned cold. "This is not about us. It's about you. Let's focus on that."

I hesitated, unsure of what to say. "But one million dollars is too much. You shouldn't have done that."

Alex's voice was detached. "I can't rest when someone touches something important to me. Or, in this case, someone important to my sister."

He offered me his arm, and I took it, feeling a sense of unease. "Let's go home," he said, his tone firm.

But I persuaded him to let me return to work instead. Later, I received a notification that the money had been transferred to my account. I immediately called Mr. Bason, feeling uneasy about accepting the payment.

"Dad, I need to tell you something," I said, explaining the situation.

Mr. Bason's voice was firm. "Return the money, Jenny. We can't take someone's hard-earned money just because of that. Apologizing is all Julia needed to do."

"Okay, Dad," I said, ending the call.

I asked Lina where Julia was and made my way to her office. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for the confrontation ahead.

I stood outside Julia's office, taking a deep breath before entering. "Miss Julia, I want to talk to you," I said, my voice firm but calm.

Julia looked up from her desk, her expression icy. "I'm listening."

I approached her, my hands clasped together. "I want to return the money back to you. I don't need it. I'd rather have an apology than take your hard-earned money."

Julia sneered. "You should tell all this to Alex. I regret not firing you sooner. From the first day I saw you, I knew you'd be a headache."

I remained calm, despite her venomous tone. "I know you're angry, which is why I'm here to return the money. I'll talk to Alex myself."

Julia's eyes narrowed. "I've signed the document. If you return the money, the downfall of this restaurant begins."

I shook my head. "It won't happen. I'll talk to him after giving you the money back. Please send me your account number so I can make the transfer."

Julia hesitated, then provided the account number. I transferred the money, feeling a sense of relief.

"I want to ask for a leave today so I can go meet him," I said, but Julia cut me off.

"You don't have to ask for a leave again. You're fired. And one thing more - I'm sorry for slapping you."

I nodded, accepting her apology. "I forgive you."

With that, I left the office and headed to the kitchen to pack my things, feeling a sense of closure.

As I walked out of Macos Restaurant, Lina caught up with me, concern etched on her face. "What happened, Jenny?" she asked, her voice soft.

I forced a smile, feeling a mix of emotions. "I got fired, so see you, my best buddy," I said, hugging her tightly.

Lina hugged me back, her eyes welling up with tears. "I'll miss you," she whispered.

I nodded, feeling a lump in my throat. "You too."

With one last look at the restaurant, I turned and walked to the bus stop. The warm sun beat down on me as I waited for a cab. When one finally arrived, I got in and gave the driver the address. "Take me to Grande's Group," I said, my voice firm.

The driver nodded and started the car, pulling away from the curb. As we drove, I gazed out the window, watching the cityscape pass by. The cab eventually stopped at the company gate, and I got out, paying the driver.

Standing in front of the massive black gate, I took a deep breath, feeling a sense of trepidation. The gate loomed before me, imposing and intimidating. I knocked on the gate, and the gate man opened the door, his expression neutral.

"Can I help you?" he asked, his voice firm.

I stood up straight, my heart pounding in my chest. "I'm here to see Alex Grande," I said, my voice clear.

The gate man raised an eyebrow. "Do you have an appointment?"

I hesitated, unsure of what to say. But then I remembered the events of the past few days, and my determination surged. "No, I don't. But I need to see him."