
Love's Triangle

Love Triangle tells us a story about Charlotte and the love story about the young lovers Charlotte and Lucian, Alex and Ivory, and Smith and Summer, but mainly revolves around the relationship between Charlotte and Lucian. What happens when she finds out about all the hidden secret? is there any secret? Find out.

longevity_immortal · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

The taxi pull over in front of the mansion and Charlotte came out and paid the taxi driver "your change" the man said seeing that she was already going "keep the change" she said and went into the house and saw her father's car in the garage. She went into the sitting room "good evening Dad" Charlotte said sitting down opposite the couch her parents sat on "am I invincible now? Evelyn said eyeing her "oh Mom good evening to you" Charlotte said smiling "how was your first day in college? Harold her dad said "it was quite interesting and I made two best friends today" Charlotte said excitedly "enough of the gist, go freshen up and come down for lunch, you stink" Evelyn said getting up "Mom you love complaining" Charlotte said and ran upstairs before her mom comes after her. She entered her room, striped off and wrapped her towel around her body before going to the bathroom. She came out of the bathroom, applied lotion and allowed her blue hair fall freely. She settled fy a pint crop top and a black jean. She fell on her bed and released a sigh when her mind drifted off to her encounter with Lucian "so boastful" she said and close her eyes not knowing when she dosed off. Ray Mansion. Lucian came into the sitting room and met his sister watching Netflix while eating popcorn alongside an orange juice "welcome bro" his sister said and drank her juice "Harley i hope you didn't enter my room" Lucian said coming to take her drink but she snatched it away "nope, you should have at least responded to my greetings" Harley said and glared at him "why giving me such look? Lucian stated out "tell me why your face is like this" Harley said and sat next to him "I met a psycho earlier today in school" Lucian said and sighed "and the psycho taught him a lesson" Harley said laughing at him "who told you that? Lucian asked unsure "who else if not Alex, immediately you close, he called me and told me everything" Harley said still laughing "that asshole" Lucian said and clenched his fist " brother have you forgotten you are an asshole yourself" Harley said and sipped her drink "you see Harley Ray I expected you to support your elder brother" Lucian said getting up "Lucian Ray is an asshole" Harley said and started laughing again "for calling your brother an asshole, you are grounded for three days" Lucian said moving upstairs "what bro you can't do that, come back here" Harley said and stood up to follow Lucian but he entered his room and locked the door.