
Love's Triad

Amid swirling emotions, Moxie finds himself caught between two captivating guys: Ares, who used to bully him but now stirs unexpected feelings, and Lucifer, a mysterious stranger whose arrival changes everything. As Moxie tries to figure out what he really wants and who he really is, he faces tough questions about love and connection. Will he give in to Lucifer's mysterious charm, or will he find comfort in the complicated relationship with Ares? In a journey full of intense feelings and uncertainty, Moxie's heart will be put to the test as he discovers what he truly desires. Ares's smouldering gaze promises a forbidden thrill, while Lucifer's whispered words hint at darkness tinged with irresistible allure.

Vivicxer · LGBT+
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18 Chs


Ah, young love. It's a time of innocence and discovery when everything seems new and exciting. But what happens when that love is just a memory, and you're left with a friendship that has stood the test of time?

I stepped out of my apartment and breathed in the humid air of New York City. The sound of car horns and chatter of people surrounded me as I made my way to meet my friends at the park. I spotted the towering buildings that seemed to stretch endlessly into the sky, a reminder of the fast-paced and busy nature of the city. I adjusted my black hoodie and Hot Topic t-shirt, feeling a sense of comfort in my clothing choice. Hot Topic was known for its unique and edgy style, and I couldn't help but feel cool wearing their merchandise.

As I walked, my eyes were immediately drawn to the group of builders hard at work. The sun was beating down mercilessly on this hot summer day, causing beads of sweat to glisten on their toned bodies. I couldn't help but stop and admire their sculpted physiques, their shirts clinging to their damp skin, revealing every ripple and curve of their muscles, glistening with sweat. My cheeks flushed as I couldn't help but admire their physical appearance. 'Ooh, sexy,' I thought to myself, feeling a sense of desire.

One of the builders caught my gaze and flashed me a friendly smile, causing my heart to skip a beat. I quickly averted my eyes, feeling a sudden rush of shyness wash over me. As a shy guy, I was always hesitant to strike up conversations with strangers, especially those as attractive as these builders. But the sight of their sweaty abs and bulging biceps was enough to make me want to overcome my shyness and introduce myself.

I couldn't help but watch as one of the builders removed his shirt, revealing a chiseled chest and defined abs. The sight was enough to make my mouth go dry. I couldn't believe my luck, being able to witness such an alluring display of masculinity in the middle of a busy street. The other builders were similarly dressed, their orange vests hugging their bodies in all the right places, accentuating their muscular chests and broad shoulders.

As they continued to work, I couldn't help but notice the veins popping out on their forearms and biceps, evidence of their hard work and dedication. The way they effortlessly lifted heavy equipment and moved around the site with ease only added to their appeal. I couldn't tear my eyes away, mesmerized by the strength and virility of these hot builders.

Despite my initial hesitation, I found myself yearning to introduce myself to them. However, as a man, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment, knowing that they were most likely straight. But that didn't stop me from admiring their physical prowess and appreciating their hard work. These builders were not just attractive, they were also skilled and dedicated individuals, working tirelessly to build a new apartment for others to call home.

As I finally tore myself away and continued on my way, I couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration and envy for these hot builders. They were not just physically attractive, but also strong, hardworking, and determined. And as I walked away, I couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, one day I would gather the courage to introduce myself and get to know these alluring men. But for now, I could only admire them from afar, their sweaty abs and veiny biceps etched in my mind as a reminder of their undeniable hotness.

I kept my eyes focused on the ground, trying to hide my embarrassment from being caught staring. 

'Why does it have to be like this? I just want love,' I sighed to myself, feeling a sense of longing. I shook my head and continued walking, trying to push those thoughts away. And finally, I reached the park where my friends were waiting for me. It was a beautiful park, filled with trees and flowers that added a sense of peacefulness amidst the bustling city.

I could see my best friend Lilith from a distance, her long black hair swaying in the gentle breeze. She had an hourglass figure and a big, beautiful smile. Sometimes, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy towards her. She always seemed to effortlessly attract attention from guys, while I struggled with my shyness. But no matter what, we always had each other's backs and couldn't be separated. One thing that has always caught my attention about Lilith is her stunning physical appearance. She is undeniably beautiful, with her long hair cascading down her back in soft waves. Her hair is her pride and joy, and she takes great care of it, making sure it always shines in the sunlight. Whenever she walks into a room, all eyes are drawn to her luscious locks.

But it's not just her hair that makes her so alluring. Her face is like a work of art, with her delicate features and flawless skin. Her nose is small and perfectly shaped, adding to the overall beauty of her face. And her mouth, oh her mouth, it's like a rosebud, full and plump, always adorned with a natural pink shade. I envy her perfect pout, wishing mine could be just as alluring.

But when it comes to her eyes, that's when I am truly envious of Lilith. Her eyes are like two pools of liquid gold, captivating anyone who looks into them. They are big and round, with long, thick lashes framing them perfectly. They are her most striking feature, and she knows it. She often uses her eyes to her advantage, fluttering them at boys who can't help but fall under her spell.

Moving down to her jawline, it's sharp and defined, giving her a more mature look. It's a feature that many girls desire, but Lilith was blessed with it naturally. And then there are her cheeks, which are always flushed with a rosy hue, giving her a youthful and innocent appearance. But don't be fooled by her innocent looks, for Lilith has a wild side that comes out when she lets her guard down.

And let's not forget about her figure. Lilith has an hourglass figure that most girls can only dream of. Her curves are in all the right places, and she knows how to rock any outfit she wears. Her boobs are perfectly perky, and she loves to show them off in low-cut tops. And her ass, oh her ass, it's like a work of art. It's round and firm, making heads turn wherever she goes. She often jokes that her ass is her best asset, and I can't help but agree.

Whenever Lilith and I go out together, I can't help but feel like I am standing next to a hot, sexy stripper. She has a way of commanding attention without even trying, and I admire her confidence. But despite all the attention she gets from boys, she remains humble and down to earth. That's one of the things I love most about her.

Lilith has what I want, a pretty face.

Next to her was Neuvi, he was undeniably good-looking.

We met when we were just ten years old and instantly became the best of friends. Little did I know, he would grow up to be one of the most attractive guys I've ever known.

Neuvi, with his blonde fluffy hair, always stood out in a crowd. It's the kind of hair that catches the sunlight and seems to glow. With its whiteish tint, it's like he's been kissed by the sun. And those eyes, oh god, those eyes. They're a mesmerizing shade of blue, like the ocean on a clear day. I could stare into them forever and get lost in their depths. But it's not just the color that makes them so captivating, it's the way they seem to hold all of his emotions. They're like windows into his soul, and I feel lucky to have been able to see them for so many years.

One thing that has always struck me about Neuvi is his resemblance to a male version of Billie Eilish. He has that same effortless coolness, with a hint of rebellion. His dark eyebrows add intensity to his face, while his nose and jaw give him a strong and masculine profile. And let's not forget about those lips. They're perfectly normal, but for some reason, everyone wants to kiss them. I can't blame them, I've thought about it too.

But it's not just his physical appearance that makes Neuvi stand out. It's his confidence and his fashion sense. He's not afraid to wear what he wants and he always pulls it off effortlessly. Today, he's wearing a shirt without sleeves, showing off his toned arms. I can't help but look at his biceps, they're kind of big. It's clear that he works out, and it only adds to his appeal. But I have to remind myself, he's straight, so I can't think about him in that way.

Neuvi is one of those guys who knows he's attractive, but he doesn't let it get to his head. He's humble and down to earth, despite being the object of many girls' affections. He's also incredibly charming and has a way of making everyone feel special. He's the kind of guy who makes you feel like you're the only one in the room, even when he's surrounded by people.

As we've grown up together, I've seen Neuvi go through different phases. One of his most notable is his love for tattoos. He now has a full sleeve on his right arm, with designs of skeletons and fire. It's a reflection of his personality, dark and mysterious, but with a fiery passion burning inside. He also has tattoos on his chest, but he's not one to show them off. He's modest in that way, not wanting to draw too much attention to himself.

Some may think that I have a crush on Neuvi, with all these descriptive sentences about him. But the truth is, we're just best friends. We've been through thick and thin together, and our bond is unbreakable. We may have known each other when we were young, but our friendship has grown and evolved over the years. And while he may be hot, I know him for who he truly is, not just his physical appearance.

In a way, Neuvi is like a rare gem. He's beautiful on the outside, but it's his inner qualities that truly make him shine. He's kind, funny, and always there for me when I need him.

But I quickly pushed any thoughts of attraction towards him away.

As I walked towards them, Lilith waved at me like a child, a big smile on her face. 'Hey Moxie, we were just talking about you,' she said teasingly, causing Neuvi to laugh. I couldn't help but feel flustered and embarrassed, knowing they were probably discussing my recent embarrassing incident.

We were hanging out by the bridge, our usual spot.

I raised an eyebrow, curious to know what they were discussing about me. 'Oh really, What's going on?' I asked, trying to steer the conversation away from me. But Neuvi couldn't resist teasing me further. 'About how you fell on the stairs and got saved by your bully, not gonna lie it was funny,' He said with a mischievous grin and chuckled, while Lilith added, 'I know, right?' while I gave Lilith a slight nudge, still feeling a little embarrassed.

I could feel my face getting red with embarrassment as they continued to tease me. 'Your face was red as hell,' Lilith said, causing them both to burst into laughter. I tried to play it off, saying, 'Oh come on, stop it.' But my cheeks were still burning and I couldn't look them in the eyes. I chimed in, 'I couldn't forget about it. I was so embarrassed.' Neuvi added, 'Oh yeah, it was for sure embarrassing. And that you have a crush on your bully.' in his deep teasing voice.

I felt a wave of panic wash over me as they both turned their attention to me. 'No, I don't have a crush on him,' I said, trying to defend myself.

But Lilith just laughed and said, 'The way he carried you was funny. You gotta admit.' They continued to tease me, making me feel flustered and embarrassed.

We sat on the benches by the bridge, enjoying the cool breeze and the sound of the flowing water.

But today, I couldn't shake off the embarrassment and worry about going back to school. 'Guys, stop. I've had enough of this. And I don't know how I'm gonna go back to school. Everyone is definitely gonna make fun of my fall,' I said, my voice laced with anxiety.

Lilith and Neuvi exchanged a knowing look, before Lilith said, 'Don't worry about it. At least it was a pretty fall.' She tried to lighten the mood, but I couldn't help but feel self-conscious.

Neuvi then chimed in, 'Yeah, and you got to connect with your soulmate.' I rolled my eyes, knowing they were just teasing me again.

I let out a sigh and looked at both of them, changing the subject. 'So, any news about your lives?' I asked, hoping to steer the conversation away from me.

Neuvi shrugged, 'Nothing really. It's just high school stuff. Oh, but I did meet somebody new...'

Lilith and I both screamed, 'Oh my god!' We looked at each other, sharing the excitement. 'Are you being serious? Do you love her?' I asked, genuinely curious.

Lilith added, 'Somebody's got a crush...' We playfully teased him, making him look scared and shake his head.

I couldn't help but laugh, 'Oh come on, spill the beans.' We continued to tease him

They were the ones who accepted me for who I am, without judgment or reservation. And even though I may have my own insecurities and struggles, being surrounded by their love and support made everything a little easier.

The park around us was filled with our past memories, from playing on the swings as kids to having picnics on the grass as teenagers. And I knew that no matter how much the world around us may change, our friendships would always remain constant and special.

Neuvi finally spilt the secret 'Fine, her name is Calista' I said 'Oh what a pretty name', looked at Lilith and she said 'Yeah it is, well describe her. Do u like her??' Neuvi said 'We are just at the talking stage. She is pretty, she has brown hair and blue eyes' his face looked like he was in love and he kept describing her with his hearty eyes. He told us about their conversations, her sense of humor, and how beautiful she looked with her brown hair and blue eyes. Lilith and I are looking at him, laughing. I said, 'Aww well I know for sure that u guys are gonna date.' Neuvi said, 'Calm down, we are just at the talking stage.' Lilith said, 'Yeah, right.' and we both laughed while Neuvi looked a bit mad.

As we continued talking and laughing about his new crush, a notification popped up on my phone. 'Mom: Go get those doughnuts that your brother loves, he is coming here.' I let out a sigh and looked at my friends. 'Well I have to go' I said with a hint of disappointment. 'Aww why? what happened?' Lilith asked concerned. 'I need to buy doughnuts for my brother, he is coming back from his trip.' Neuvi and Lilith nodded in understanding. 'Oh alright, tell him I said hi' Lilith said. 'Will do' I replied, getting up from the benches and leaving. 'See u at school!' I said while showing my fingers crossed. They laughed and said, 'Yeah, bye!'

As I walked to the busy shop we all locals love, 'Pâtisserie', I looked at the sign and stepped in, the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled my nostrils. I glanced around, taking in the warm and inviting atmosphere. The soothing sound of chatter and soft music playing in the background created the perfect ambience for a relaxed evening. My mouth watered as I looked at the display of pastries and desserts. There were a lot of people in there, but I wasn't in a rush. I was excited to get those doughnuts for my brother. As I got in the line, my mind couldn't help but wander back to those hot construction workers. I smiled to myself.

But as I reached the counter, I was brought back to reality. There were so many options and I couldn't decide which ones to get. I suddenly noticed a guy standing next to me, also staring at the doughnuts. He was tall, with a muscular build and a charming smile. I couldn't help but stare back at him, feeling a bit flustered. 'Ugh, Moxie stop thinking about hot guys. You are on a mission to get those doughnuts and buy yourself some coffee and get out' I thought to myself, trying to suppress my attraction towards him.

But he chuckled and I couldn't help but break the eye contact. He was so hot and his smile was just beautiful. I couldn't control the blush that spread across my face. 'This is so embarrassing' I thought to myself while mouthing to myself. But to my surprise, he replied, 'Don't worry, it's not embarrassing at all. In fact, I find it quite cute.' My face turned even redder at his words.

My eyes were immediately drawn to the tall figure standing in front of me. He was easily over six feet tall, towering over me at my short height of 5'7. I couldn't help but look up at him, my gaze fixated on his chiseled jawline and strong facial features.

But it wasn't just his height and facial structure that caught my attention, it was his curly black hair that fell effortlessly over his forehead. It was like something out of a magazine, perfectly styled yet still looking effortlessly messy. I couldn't help but imagine running my fingers through those thick curls.

And as my eyes trailed down, I couldn't help but notice his muscular build. His broad shoulders and defined arms were accentuated by the red flannel shirt he was wearing, the fabric stretching slightly over his biceps. I could see his toned abs peeking through the white t-shirt he wore underneath, the fabric fitting snugly against his chest.

But it wasn't just his front that was a sight to behold, his back was just as impressive. I could tell that he was a regular at the gym, his back rippling with muscles as he shifted slightly to dig through his wallet.

And as if his muscles weren't enough, my eyes couldn't help but be drawn to his exposed arms. They were like something out of an anime, the kind that every guy dreams of. And the fact that he was wearing a sleeveless shirt only made it better. I couldn't help but stare at his biceps, imagining how they would feel under my touch.

But then my eyes trailed back up to his face, and I couldn't help but notice how sweat was starting to glisten on his skin. It was a hot and humid day, and he must have been out and about, running errands that required him to look this good.

'He is probably in a rush,' I thought to myself, trying to justify the fact that I couldn't take my eyes off him. But as he flashed me a smile, my heart skipped a beat. His smile was just as captivating as the rest of him, making my insides go weak.

And as he spoke, his Adam's apple bobbed up and down, drawing my attention even further. I couldn't help but think about how perfect he looked, how every feature of his face seemed to complement each other.

There were so many things about him that caught my eye, and I couldn't seem to focus on just one. I felt like I was drooling, but I couldn't bring myself to look away. I was completely mesmerized by his hotness.

He said something to me, probably a greeting or a question, but I couldn't even register what he had said. I was lost in this fantasy world I had created in my mind, where I and this hot guy were the only two people existing in the store, having sex.

But then he chuckled, and it brought me back to reality. I blushed, embarrassed that I had completely zoned out while he was talking to me. I quickly responded, trying to play it cool, but inside, I was screaming.

The moment I see those bulging muscles, my heart skips a beat and I am left wanting to be dominated by them. Yes, you read that right – I want to be choked by them, I want to bite them, I want to touch them, and above all, I want to squeeze his huge pecs.

It's not just a mere physical desire; it's a primal instinct that takes over me. The broad, strong shoulders, the chiseled chest, and those biceps that seem to have a life of their own – it's like a moth to a flame. And just like a moth, I am drawn to it without any inhibitions.

But why am I particularly drawn to his biceps, you may wonder? Well, the answer is quite simple – it's the ultimate symbol of masculinity. Big biceps don't just represent physical strength, but they also exude confidence, power, and dominance. When I see a man with huge biceps, I know that he can protect me, take care of me, and sweep me off my feet with just one flex of his muscles.

I often find myself fantasizing about those muscular arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer to his chest. The thought of him pinning me down with his biceps, and kissing me all over, drives me wild. I can almost feel his warm breath on my neck, his muscles pulsating against my skin – it's like a dream come true.

But my desire for his huge biceps doesn't just stop there. I want to take it a step further and explore every inch of his glorious muscles. I want to bite them, not to hurt him, but as an act of primal instinct. I want to trace his veins with my fingers, feeling their power and strength. I want to touch them, feel their firmness, and be in awe of their size. And most of all, I want to squeeze them, just to see if they are as hard as they look.

It's not just about my desire for his biceps; it's also about my admiration and fascination towards them. I find myself mesmerized by their shape, their definition, and their sheer size. It's like a work of art, and I am just an admirer, lost in its beauty.

But let's not forget the ultimate fantasy – I want to suck his dick. Yes, I said it. There's something insanely erotic about the thought of a man with huge biceps receiving pleasure from me. The idea of him trusting his biceps forward as I pleasure him is enough to make my heart race and my body tremble.

I managed to respond with a shy chuckle and a thank you, but my mind was racing. 'God, what kind of response was that?' I thought to myself, mentally berating myself for not being smooth and charming in such a situation. But the handsome stranger seemed to be unfazed by my awkwardness and continued the conversation.

He asked for my name, and I stuttered out, 'Moxie.' He introduced himself as Lucifer, and I couldn't help but think that his name perfectly suited his charming and alluring presence. We talked a little more, and I couldn't shake off the feeling that he was incredibly sweet and sexy at the same time.

But as fate would have it, our conversation was interrupted by the cashier, who reminded us that we were holding up the line. We quickly placed our orders, and I said "Oh sorry, em let me get those chocolate doughnuts and strawberry ones and Iced Shaken Espresso" She replied, "Good choices, it's coming! "And as we waited for them, I couldn't help but steal glances at Lucifer. I noticed that he was also ordering some of my favorite doughnuts, and I couldn't help but comment, 'Those are my favorite doughnuts.'

He smiled at me and asked, 'Then why didn't you get them?' I sheepishly replied, 'I'm only getting doughnuts for my brother, and I'm on a diet.' I mentally kicked myself for revealing that I was on a diet in front of such a handsome and charming person. But to my surprise, Lucifer just shrugged and said, 'We all have to watch what we eat sometimes.'

As we waited for our orders, we continued to chat and got to know each other a little better. I couldn't believe how smooth and easy the conversation was, and I found myself enjoying his company immensely.

His words instantly put me at ease and we started talking.

Being a food lover myself, I was curious to know how he managed to maintain such a healthy physique while indulging in his love for food.

'Okay, I have to ask, how do you stay in such good shape while eating all this delicious food?' I couldn't help but ask.

Lucifer chuckled and shared some of his healthy eating tips with me. He emphasized the importance of portion control, regular exercise, and incorporating more whole foods into our diet. I found his advice not only practical but also refreshing, considering the overwhelming focus on fad diets and extreme measures in today's society.

I want you, Lucifer.

I want you to take care of me.

As we delved deeper into the topic of food and health, I found myself genuinely enjoying Lucifer's company. He was not the cold and intimidating person I thought he was, rather, he was kind, passionate, and funny.

And just as I started to feel a flutter of excitement, Lucifer began flirting with me playfully. His gestures and compliments took me by surprise, but I found myself enjoying the attention. He had a way of making me feel comfortable and special at the same time.

Our eyes met and a spark seemed to ignite between us. I felt my cheeks flush as Lucifer flashed me a charming smile.

"Oh, stop it. You're making me blush," I said, giggling and brushing my hair behind my ear.

"I can't help it, you're just too adorable when you blush," Lucifer replied, leaning closer to me.

I couldn't help but feel flattered by his attention. "You know, you're quite the charmer yourself," I said, feeling a little more confident.

"A compliment coming from you means a lot," Lucifer smiled, his eyes never leaving mine.

Our conversation flowed effortlessly as if they were old friends catching up. I found myself slowly opening up to this mysterious and intriguing man.

"So, what brings you to this cafe?" she asked, taking another sip of my coffee.

"I was in the neighborhood and couldn't resist coming in for a cup of coffee. And I'm glad I did, or else I wouldn't have met you," Lucifer said, leaning back in his chair.

I couldn't help but feel flustered by his words. "Oh, I'm flattered," I replied, cheeks turning a deeper shade of red.

"You should be. You have this energy about you, it's quite intriguing," Lucifer said, grinning mischievously.

"I'm just a little shy, that's all," I said, playing with my hair nervously.

"Shy, yet you have a fiery name like Moxie," Lucifer smirked, causing me to laugh.

"Yeah, my parents have a sense of humor," I said, rolling my eyes playfully.

Lucifer's eyes trailed down to my cheeks, and he couldn't help but notice my cheeks. "And those cheeks, they make you even more adorable," he said, smiling. I got embarrassed. I couldn't hide my embarrassment. "Oh, I always get so embarrassed when people mention my cheeks," I said, feeling a little self-conscious. "Don't be, they're beautiful. Just like the rest of you," Lucifer said, his eyes locking with mine. "U got beautiful green eyes" He added.

I rolled my eyes while chuckling and stared at his eyes, "You too. I love your eyes."

He smiled.

Our conversation continued, filled with flirting and playful banter. There was an undeniable chemistry between us, and both I and Lucifer could feel it. But as the afternoon wore on, the cafe was about to close, signaling the end of our time together. "Well, it looks like our time is up," Lucifer said with a grin. "It went by so fast," I replied, smiling back at him.

"I would love to see you again," Lucifer said, leaning in closer. "Me too," I nodded, feeling a flutter in my stomach.

As our orders arrived, our conversation flowed effortlessly. I was amazed at how comfortable I felt around him, considering we had just met. I couldn't help but admire his easygoing nature and sense of humor. Before I knew it, the evening had flown by and it was time to part ways.

We exchanged numbers and as I walked out of the coffee shop, I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face. I waved goodbye to him and couldn't help but say, 'You gonna call me?'

He chuckled and replied, 'Absolutely.'

I walked away feeling giddy and excited at the thought of getting to know this charming stranger better. As I reached my car, I couldn't help but think about the unexpected connection I had made in the most unlikely of places.

I drove home with a sense of contentment, my mind still replaying our conversation and the easy rapport we shared.