
Love's Triad

Amid swirling emotions, Moxie finds himself caught between two captivating guys: Ares, who used to bully him but now stirs unexpected feelings, and Lucifer, a mysterious stranger whose arrival changes everything. As Moxie tries to figure out what he really wants and who he really is, he faces tough questions about love and connection. Will he give in to Lucifer's mysterious charm, or will he find comfort in the complicated relationship with Ares? In a journey full of intense feelings and uncertainty, Moxie's heart will be put to the test as he discovers what he truly desires. Ares's smouldering gaze promises a forbidden thrill, while Lucifer's whispered words hint at darkness tinged with irresistible allure.

Vivicxer · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


In the school hallway, I found myself exchanging glances with Ares. His smirk suggested he was plotting something, but I chose to disregard it as we had agreed to keep our relationship a secret in public. I proceeded to my locker to retrieve some books when Lucifer suddenly appeared.

With a grin, he greeted me, his voice upbeat and friendly. "Hey! How are you?" This behavior was unexpected from the person I had previously fought with, leaving me confused. I raised my eyebrows and tilted my head, questioning his intentions. He laughed, his eyes sparkling with amusement, and clarified that he was simply inquiring about my well-being.

Lucifer's expression turned concerned as he asked, "What's wrong? You seem a little tense."

I sighed, my voice laced with frustration. "Lucifer, I can't just pretend like nothing happened between us. We had sex, and you have a girlfriend. That's not something I can just forget."

He rubbed the back of his neck, looking sheepish. "I know, I know. And I'm sorry. So are we good?"

I crossed my arms, my tone firm. "Good? Lucifer, you cheated on your girlfriend with me. That's not exactly something that can be fixed with a simple 'sorry'."

Lucifer leaned against the locker, his gaze intense. "But I can't stop thinking about you. You're so... intoxicating."

I raised an eyebrow, my tone skeptical. "Intoxicating? Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

He pushed himself off the locker, stepping closer to me. "Of course it is. You're beautiful, smart, and fiery. I can't resist you."

I held up a hand, my voice stern. "Well, you're going to have to learn to resist me. I'm not some toy that you can play with whenever you want. And I'm certainly not going to be the other woman."

Lucifer ran a hand through his hair, his expression pleading. "Yeah, but can't we just keep this between us? No one has to know."

I shook my head, my voice soft but firm. "That's not the point, Lucifer. It's not about keeping secrets or hiding things. It's about doing the right thing."

He looked down, his voice barely a whisper. "You're right. I know you are. But I can't help the way I feel."

I placed a hand on his arm, my tone gentle. "Feelings can be deceiving, Lucifer. And they can lead us down a dangerous path. You need to think about what's really important to you."

He looked up, meeting my gaze. "You're important to me. You know that."

I smiled sadly, shaking my head. "I do. But I also know that I deserve better than this. And so does your girlfriend."

Lucifer nodded, his expression resigned. "You're right. I know you are. I'll end things with her. And then we can be together."

I held up a hand, stopping him. "No, Lucifer. We can't be together. Not like this. I won't be a part of something that's built on lies and deception."

He looked down, his voice quiet. "I understand. I'm sorry. But can we still be friends?"

I bit my lip, hesitating before answering. "I don't know, Lucifer. You are blackmailing me-"

Quickly he put his hands on my mouth and whispered "Shut your fucking mouth" which confused Ares. He released his hands and I took some time, my eyes meeting his eyes and said "I'm just gonna go..."

Leaving the conversation, I noticed Ares staring at us, causing me to gulp nervously. Lucifer mouthed, "Fair enough," before I walked away. Despite knowing what Lucifer did was wrong, I still found myself attracted to him, which I attributed to his charisma.

Ares approached me, placing his arm around my shoulder, and inquired about my conversation with Lucifer. I dismissed it as mere small talk, but Ares seemed suspicious.

"Small talk, huh? He seemed pretty intense to me," Ares had said skeptically. I shrugged nonchalantly and replied, "Intense? No, not at all. We were just catching up."

Ares crossed his arms and gave me a piercing look. "Catching up, huh? You two seemed pretty cozy to me," he accused. I raised an eyebrow in confusion and defended myself, "Cozy? Ares, what are you talking about?"

He uncrossed his arms and softened his expression. "I don't know. It's just... I get the feeling that there's more going on between you two than you're letting on," he confessed. I shook my head firmly and replied, "Ares, you're being paranoid. There's nothing going on between me and Lucifer. We're just friends."

Ares' skepticism persisted as he raised an eyebrow and questioned, "Friends, huh? You sure about that?" I grew defensive and crossed my arms. "Yes, I'm sure. Why are you being so suspicious?" I demanded.

He let out a sigh and looked concerned. "I don't know. I just have a bad feeling about that guy. I don't trust him," he admitted. I placed a reassuring hand on his arm and replied, "Ares, you don't even know him. You can't just judge him like that."

Ares nodded, his expression serious. "I know you can handle yourself. But just be careful, okay? I don't want to see you get hurt," he cautioned. I smiled gratefully and replied, "I will be. But you don't have to worry about me. I can handle myself."

As I continued walking down the hallway, I couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed by Ares' suspicion towards Lucifer.

I sat next to Lilith in class, we engaged in casual conversation, discussing our plans for the upcoming weekend. Neuvi and his friends behind us started to eavesdrop on our conversation, and eventually, they joined in, contributing their own ideas for fun activities to do.

Neuvi leaned forward in his chair, a mischievous grin on his face. "I heard there's a new club opening up this weekend. We should all go and check it out."

Lilith raised an eyebrow, looking unimpressed. "A club? Really? That's your idea of fun?"

Neuvi shrugged, unbothered by her response. "Hey, don't knock it till you try it. Plus, I know some people who can get us in for free."

I chimed in, "I'm not much of a club person, but I'm down to try something new. As long as we stick together and have a good time, that's all that matters."

Lilith smirked, her confidence oozing from her pores. "Well, if we're going to a club, I'm obviously going to need to dress the part. I can't have anyone outshining me."

Neuvi rolled his eyes, but there was a hint of amusement in his voice. "Oh please, Lilith. You always think you're the queen of everything. But we love you anyway."

As our conversation continued, Neuvi and Lilith began to butt heads over their differing opinions on the new club.

Neuvi scoffed, "What's the big deal, Lilith? It's just a club. We'll have a few drinks, dance a little, and call it a night."

Lilith crossed her arms over her chest, her expression haughty. "I just don't see the appeal of going to some crowded, loud place where people are sweating all over each other. It's gross."

Neuvi rolled his eyes. "You're such a snob, Lilith. Not everyone can afford to go to fancy rooftop bars and sip on overpriced cocktails."

Lilith's eyes narrowed. "And not everyone wants to spend their weekend nights surrounded by drunk frat boys and desperate girls."

I could sense the tension between them rising, so I tried to intervene. "Hey, guys, let's not fight about this. We can find something else to do that everyone will enjoy."

But Neuvi and Lilith were too caught up in their argument to listen to me. I sighed

Neuvi leaned forward, his voice low and intense. "You know what, Lilith? Sometimes I forget that you're not actually royalty. You act like you're better than everyone else, but you're not."

Lilith's face turned red with anger. "How dare you, Neuvi! I may not be royalty, but at least I have some class and dignity. Something you clearly lack."

Neuvi let out a humorless laugh. "Class and dignity? Please. You're just as fake as everyone else. You just hide it better."

As their argument escalated, I felt my own frustration growing. I didn't want to spend our weekend caught in the middle of their petty squabbles.

"Guys, seriously, can we just drop it?" I pleaded. I eyerolled my eyes.

The teacher finally showed up and started teaching us math, but Neuvi and his buddies were laughing and being loud in the back of the room. I was trying to pay attention, but they were making it impossible. The teacher tried to quiet them down a couple of times, but they just kept going.

I was fed up with Neuvi and his friends. I couldn't take it anymore, so I turned around and yelled, "Oh for fuck's sake, shut the fuck up!" Everyone was shocked by my outburst, but I didn't care.

Neuvi smirked at me and replied, "Oh?" and laughed

I rolled my eyes and retorted, "And at least I don't need to rely on my dad's money to get me through life."

Neuvi's face turned red and he stuttered, "W-what did you just say?"

I shrugged and said, "You heard me. Maybe if you actually applied yourself in school, you wouldn't have to rely on your family's wealth to get ahead."

Neuvi was silent after that, and the rest of the class went on without any further disruptions. I felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that I had put Neuvi in his place.

Lilith leaned over to me and whispered, "Damn, you didn't have to do him like that."

I shrugged nonchalantly. "It's fine, he lives."

Lilith raised an eyebrow. "Well, you did just embarrass him in front of the whole class."

I smirked. "Like I said, he lives. He'll get over it."

God, this day is filled with so much drama. Lucifer then Ares then Lilith and Neuvi's argument then Me insulting Neuvi. What's next

Class is done.

As I was exiting the door, I muttered under my breath, replaying the events of the morning in my head. Suddenly, my shoulders touched Neuvi's arms, and I looked up to him, startled. "Sorry for all of that," I said, trying to avoid his gaze. 

"It's fine," he replied coolly, but then added, "And for the record, I don't-" 

"I don't care," I interrupted, cutting him off. 

"The fuck?" he exclaimed, clearly taken aback. 

I let out a deep sigh. "Look, it's not important. I'm gonna go to my next class," I said, trying to brush off the awkward encounter. As I walked away, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that the conversation was over.

As I strolled towards my next class, Chemistry, my heart skipped a beat as I realized that Ares, the object of my secret desire, was also enrolled. My gaze followed his every move as he ambled along, his laughter echoing through the hallway with his friend. An irresistible urge surged within me to eavesdrop on their conversation, to hear his hot voice that sent shivers down my spine.

Entering the classroom, I took a seat alone, my mind racing. I was a junior, surrounded by seniors in this advanced class, but my intellect had earned me a place among them. As I glanced up, I met Ares's gaze. His eyes were fixed on me, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. It was the kind of smirk that could make any girl's heart flutter, but I had to resist its allure. My studies came first.

Suddenly, without warning, Ares took the seat next to me. 'Are you sure you and Lucifer are just friends?' he teased playfully.

I had had this conversation with him before, and I was determined to end it. 'We've been over this, Ares. Drop it.'

The air was thick with tension as Ares leaned in closer, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine. 'But it's so much fun to see you get all flustered,' he whispered, his voice low and seductive. I couldn't help but smile, despite the situation. 'I'm not flustered,' I lied, my face burning with the truth.

Ares chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. 'Oh, really? Then why are your cheeks so pink?' He was right, of course. My cheeks were on fire, betraying my true feelings. 'Fine,' I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. 'I'm a little flustered. But that doesn't mean anything.'

Ares raised an eyebrow, his gaze never leaving mine. 'It means you're interested in me, and there's nothing wrong with that.' I couldn't deny it any longer. The chemistry between us was undeniable, even if we were enemies in public. 'Yes, there is,' I said, my voice trembling. 'We're enemies in public. We can't be together.'

Ares's eyes softened, his voice taking on a soothing tone. 'Why not? Because of what other people will think?' I hesitated, knowing the answer would only complicate things further. 'Because it's complicated,' I said, my voice breaking. 'I don't want to hurt anyone.'

Ares reached out and took my hand, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through my body. 'You won't hurt anyone,' he said, his gaze intense. 'We'll keep it a secret. Just between us.' I hesitated for a moment before nodding slowly. 'Okay,' I said. 'But only if we're careful.'

We were in public, surrounded by people who would never understand our secret affair. But as Ares's hands began to caress my thigh, I found myself lost in the moment, forgetting about the world around us. 'Of course, Brainy,' he whispered in my ear, his voice deep and seductive. 'We are being careful, aren't we?'

I couldn't find the words to respond, my mind clouded with desire. As Ares's hands continued to explore my body, I knew I should stop him. But the feeling of his touch was too intoxicating to resist. 'We are in public...!' I whispered, my voice barely audible.

Ares's hands moved to my crotch, caressing my growing erection. 'And yet you are letting me do this,' he murmured, his voice filled with desire. I had no words, my body betraying my intentions as Ares continued to touch me.

'I want you, Brainy,' Ares whispered, his voice a low growl. 'I want you right here, right now.'

His words sent a shiver down my spine, igniting a longing that I had never felt before. I wanted him, with every fiber of my being. But the risk was too great. We couldn't be caught.

'We can't,' I whispered, my voice trembling. 'We are literally in the class.'

Ares's hands paused for a moment, but then he continued his exploration. 'We are being careful,' he said. 'We can do this.'

His words were filled with such confidence that I found myself believing him. I closed my eyes and let myself go, lost in the ecstasy of his touch. The classroom around us faded away, replaced by the intensity of our secret passion.

'Go to the bathroom,' Ares instructed, his voice barely above a whisper. 'I'll follow in a few minutes. That way, the teacher won't find it suspicious.' I nodded, my heart pounding in my chest as I made my way to the restroom.

As I stood in front of the mirror, I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. The thought of what we were about to do sent a thrill through me, but I couldn't help but worry about the consequences. If we were caught, our secret relationship would be exposed, and the repercussions could be severe.

A few minutes later, I heard the door open, and Ares slipped into the bathroom. His eyes met mine, and I could see the same desire reflected in them. We didn't need words; our bodies spoke for us as we came together in a passionate embrace.

The restroom walls echoed with our whispered words of love and longing, our bodies moving in perfect sync. We were careful, cautious, but the intensity of our secret encounter only heightened our pleasure.

As Ares smirked, his eyes locked onto mine, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. He leaned in, his lips brushing against mine, and I knew there was no turning back. His hands found their way into my hair, and I reciprocated by touching his toned body, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath my fingertips.

His lips moved from my mouth to my neck, leaving a trail of kisses that sent shivers down my spine. I gasped, gasped, gasped, unable to contain the pleasure that was coursing through me. Ares, ever the attentive lover, placed his hand over my mouth to muffle my moans, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of desire.

I reached down, my hand finding its way to his bulge, feeling the hardness of his erection beneath the fabric of his pants. Ares responded by kissing me passionately, his tongue exploring my mouth as he deepened our embrace.

Without warning, he scooped me up in his arms, carrying me towards the restroom. My hands instinctively wrapped around his neck, my body pressed against his as he walked. Once inside, he closed the door, sealing us off from the rest of the world.

As Ares set me down, I took a moment to admire his toned abs, which were now on full display as he removed his shirt. I bit my lip, unable to contain my desire for him. Ares, ever the observant one, noticed my reaction and grinned.

'Oh brainy, you must really like me,' he murmured, his voice low and seductive.

I nodded, my eyes filled with desire. 'Oh yes, I fucking do,' I whispered, my voice barely audible.

Ares chuckled, a wicked glint in his eyes. 'Good, now take off my belt.'

Without hesitation, I reached for his belt, my fingers fumbling with the buckle as I worked to remove it. As I did so, Ares leaned in, kissing me deeply, his hands roaming over my body.

Once the belt was off, Ares unzipped his pants, revealing his hard erection. I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as I took in the sight of him, my desire for him growing stronger with each passing moment.

Ares wrapped his hand around my neck, pulling me closer to him as he kissed me harder. I could feel his erection pressing against my thigh, and I wanted nothing more than to feel him inside of me.

As if reading my mind, Ares spun me around, pushing me against the wall of the restroom. He pulled down my pants and boxers in one swift motion, leaving me exposed and vulnerable. I gasped as I felt his fingers probe my entrance, teasing me and making me beg for more.

Ares leaned in, his breath hot against my ear. "Do you want me to fuck you, brainy?" he whispered, his voice low and seductive.

I nodded, unable to speak. I wanted him more than anything in that moment.

Ares didn't need any more encouragement. He positioned himself behind me, his erection pressing against my entrance. I braced myself against the wall, taking a deep breath as he slowly pushed inside of me.

The feeling of him filling me up was indescribable. I moaned loudly, my body trembling with pleasure as he began to move inside of me. Ares wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him as he thrust deeper and deeper.

I could feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge, my body tensing up as the pleasure became almost unbearable. Ares must have sensed it too, because he began to move faster, his thrusts becoming more urgent.

With one final thrust, I felt myself go over the edge, my body convulsing with pleasure as I came hard around Ares' cock. He followed soon after, his own orgasm causing him to groan loudly as he filled me up.

As we both came down from our highs, Ares pulled out of me, his arms still wrapped around my waist. He kissed the back of my neck, his breath hot against my skin.

"Did I take your mind off Lucifer?" he murmured, his voice still low and seductive.

I nodded, still unable to speak. Did he do this for me to stop thinking about Lucifer or...?

Ares pulled up his pants, a smirk on his face as he looked at me. "Same time tomorrow?" he asked, his tone playful.

I grinned, feeling a surge of excitement at the thought of doing it all over again. "You bet," I replied, my voice filled with anticipation.

As we left the restroom, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. I was excited, nervous, and a little bit scared. But one thing was for sure - I was definitely horny for Ares because goddamn that boy is 8 inches.