
Love's Sweet Enigma

Love is a mystery, a riddle wrapped in an enigma. But, the moment I laid eyes on her, everything became clear. She was the missing piece of the puzzle, the missing beat in my heart's rhythm. Her eyes were like windows to her soul, revealing a mix of pain, love, and passion. She was a beautiful contradiction, as sweet as honey yet as dangerous as poison. With every touch, she ignited a fire within me, both scorching and soothing at the same time. I was addicted to her, to the thrill of not knowing whether she would care for me or reject me, to the excitement of never quite knowing what she was thinking or feeling. She was my sweet torment, and I loved every moment of it. I was drawn to her unpredictability, her fiery spirit, her captivating beauty. And despite all the madness, I was sure of one thing: She was the girl I had been searching for, the girl I had been dreaming of, the girl I was willing to love with every ounce of my being.

mtano92 · Urban
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6 Chs


Nathaniel Blaze Ravenheart was used to getting what he wanted. With his good looks, intelligence, talent, and wealth, he was the epitome of a narcissist. But only a few people knew the truth about him. To the rest of the world, he appeared humble, cold, and unapproachable, but deep down he was an egomaniac.

Nathaniel held an unshakable belief that he was at the top of the pyramid, with no one coming close to his level of greatness. However, everything changed when a new student, Sophia Alexis, entered the scene.

Nathaniel was irked by her presence and was even more irked by the fact that she was the only one who seemed to be able to keep up with him intellectually. He loathed losing and detested Sophia even more for making him feel that way.

"She's going to regret crossing paths with me," Nathaniel thought with a smirk. "I still have a few aces up my sleeve."

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Nathaniel's best friend Kurt asked, interrupting his thoughts. "You look strange."

"What do you care?" Nathaniel replied, annoyed by Kurt's nosiness.

Kurt pouted and put on a hurt expression,

"Chill, I'm just asking. Why are you mad?"

However, Nathaniel was not in the mood to tolerate Kurt's behavior. He was aware that Kurt would just bring up his relationship with Nathalie, and he did not want to hear it. Since becoming a couple, Kurt and Nathalie's actions had become intolerable for Nathaniel. He was repulsed by their public displays of affection and could not bear to be in their company.

Nathalie Jane Ravenheart is Nathaniel's fraternal twin. He was grateful for the divergence in their appearances as he considered his stunning looks too precious to be shared with anyone else, not even his own sibling.

Suddenly, Nathalie appeared, her piercing voice breaking through Nathaniel's eardrums as she spoke. "Well, well, well, if it isn't my dear twin brother. Why the scowl on your face upon seeing me? You disappeared on me earlier, ignoring my texts and calls. And now, you have the audacity to be upset with me? How dare you! I'll make sure to inform dad of your snobbish behavior, and I won't rest until you receive your punishment. Remember, you're not always untouchable. I'll have my revenge, just wait and see."

She was like a babbling brook, always talking, always chattering away.

Nathaniel ignored her as usual, but Nathalie's mood quickly changed when she saw Kurt. She approached him, wearing a seductive smile, and sat on his lap, wrapping her arms around him. They started kissing and Nathaniel couldn't take it anymore.

"Gross," he muttered under his breath.

Determined to escape the cacophony of noise created by Kurt and Nathalie at the library, Nathaniel made the decision to depart.

Kurt and Nathalie have the freedom to act as they please at the university, which was gifted to them by their parents who were also in business together. This was considered part of their dowry. The power and prestige that comes with owning a university is theirs to wield, as they bask in the glow of their parents' success.

On the other hand, Nathaniel is uninterested in his parents' inheritance and has refused any attempts to have properties named after him.

Nathaniel was determined to create his own success in the competitive business industry. Despite being just 16 years old, he was already well-educated, holding multiple degrees and actively pursuing further studies in business. Nathaniel's unwavering self-assurance gave him the conviction that his future held unlimited potential, and that he was destined for greatness.

With his towering height, chiseled features, and impeccable fashion sense, Nathaniel was truly a vision to behold. His fiery red hair, rich brown eyes, and perfectly symmetrical face made him the object of desire for many. Despite this, Nathaniel remained aloof, for in his eyes, no one had ever lived up to his exacting standards.

As Nathaniel strutted down the university halls, he felt a rush of excitement as he eyed a lone figure on a bench near the grand gymnasium. The girl, Sophia Alexis, was a mystery to him. They had been in several classes together but had never spoken. She was the only person who could match wits with him, and he hated it.

With a smirk on his face, Nathaniel approached her, eager to prove his superiority once and for all. But as he got closer, he was taken aback by the sight of Sophia, her gaze fixed on the clear blue sky as she silently cried. In that moment, Nathaniel's emotions were a jumbled mess of anger and confusion.

He was faced with a dilemma. On one hand, he wanted to assert his dominance and make Sophia realize who was the real boss. On the other hand, he was captivated by her vulnerability, and a part of him wanted to comfort her.

The bell echoed through the hallways, reminding Nathaniel that class was about to start. He was torn between his desire for revenge and his newfound fascination with Sophia.

"This is it," he thought, his eyes narrowing as he locked his gaze on Sophia. "She's about to learn who's the real in charge here."