
Chapter 37 New Girlfriend

Renata was also a competent businesswoman who treated her partners fairly and kept her promises to her clients.

Renata received Reagen's call in the middle of the night, and Sophia knocked on the door of the Schultz Villa before dawn, completing the hostage exchange.

The sun rose as usual, and Renata went to work at her company. On the way, Xzavier called her, "Bruce has booked two tickets to Zealanic City for an hour from now, and he's going with Sophia."

Renata glanced at the financial report on her desk and replied flatly, "I won't see them off then."

Xzavier continued, "Collin went to Louisen City."

Renata was wary of Collin's schemes and had Xzavier keep an eye on him. Hearing this, she remained composed. "Just keep watch."