
Chapter 1 Divorce

"What are the reasons for the divorce?"

"Marital infidelity." the men and women said in unison.

"Who cheated first?"

"Me," They said in unison again. But the man added. "Both of us cheated at the same time."

The female staff looked up at them. The man's charming eyes behind his gold-rimmed glasses were full of affirmation as if he was encouraging her that the fact was just what she thought.

Looking at the man's calming face, the staff cursed in her heart. "You are really a charming villain."

The woman next to the man was wearing sunglasses. The staff couldn't see her expression. But the woman's lips compressed into a thin line, revealing a low and cold aura.

The staff looked down at the two information sheets in her hands and knew their names: Collin Johnson and Renata Farley.

The two names were well-known. They often appeared in business news or gossip news. But today, they appeared on the divorce petition at the same time.

"Have you decided yet?" The staff routinely asked.

"Do you need to think twice before throwing garbage?" the woman's voice was aggressive.

The staff was embarrassed. Hearing Renata's words, Collin said, "You saw it. She is moody and capricious. Besides, she is very jealous."

The staff upheld the spirit of making peace rather than divorce. "Her jealousy is because she still loves you."

Collin smiled sarcastically. "She is jealous that I have two mistresses."

The staff's expressions suddenly changed. Just now, she thought the reconciling work could make s little progress, but the next second, she gave up when she heard Collin's proud words. Let it go. He was destined not to have a marriage.

The staff asked mechanically without looking at them again, "Do you have children?"


"Is there a division of marital property?"


"Are you agree to dissolve the marriage voluntarily?"

"Yes." Collin and Renata answered at the same time. The differences were their expressions. Renata looked a little impatience, but Collin was still indifferent.

The staff handed over two pieces of paper. "Fill these forms."

Renata's face immediately darkened. "How many times do I need to fill the forms? We both agreed to dissolve the marriage voluntarily!"

She was furious. The staff looked at Renata's short hair, which was even shorter than Collin's. Renata wore a white shirt and black sunglasses. She had a charming face and mouth. But at this moment, they revealed irresistible pressure.

After a moment of panic, the staff immediately explained, "What you submitted before was the divorce petition. Now, it is the divorce registration." the staff added, for fear she didn't explain it clearly, "It's just a routine. You can divorce today."

Renata was waiting for this sentence. She took the paper with a blank expression. The staff stood up and said, "You fill in this form first. I will prepare other materials for you."

Collin and Renata sat side by side with straight backs. They both wore white shirts as if they were prepared for wedding photos.

The surroundings were so quiet that they could even hear the slight sound of writing. Suddenly, Collin turned his head and called out, "Honey."

His voice was gentle, but Renata didn't even pause for a moment. Her mind was full of gossip about Collin bringing a twin sister into her wedding hotel. It was not news. After all, she was there at that time.

From the corner of his eye, Collin saw Renata writing her name on the form without hesitation. He also recalled the scene of bumping into her in the hotel lobby with a foreign male model.

Collin sneered. "This is the last time I called you honey."

After saying this, he neatly wrote down his name on the form.

If anyone else was here, this person would misunderstand that Collin loved Renata. But Renata knew Renata well. He still pretended to be affectionate before their divorce.

In Renata's eyes, Collin was a crafty devil.

The staff said honestly. It was the last step. The staff took their marriage certificates and forms. A few minutes late, she came back with two little red books.

Renata thought it was a side issue. She was about to get angry with the staff when she saw the words 'Divorce Certificate' on the cover. Collin said sarcastically, "Oh, the staff didn't cheat me just now."

Renata said subconsciously, "You cheated me."

Collin rolled his eyes at her and said, "So what? You cheated me, too."

Renata's face darkened visibly.

The staff was speechless. She stood in front of the two of them embarrassedly. She hoped they to take their divorce certificates and leave the City Hall immediately.

When Collin and Renata walked out of the City Hall, there were a few couples waiting for divorce. They sat in the corridor. Some of them looked numb, and some looked angry. But Collin's expression was different from theirs. He looked relaxed and happy.

Collin smiled and said, "I lost a wife but gained a friend. Great. It's not a loss."

Renata suddenly stopped her pace. She took off her sunglasses. Collin looked at her pair of eyes that would still be amazing no matter how many times he had seen them. When he was trying to find traces of sadness in her eyes, Renata said, "Collin."

She looked at him. "Even if we are divorced, we can still take care of each other in the future."

Collin and Renata married for the sake of profit. Today, they divorced because there were no other benefits. Even if they were not a couple, they would inevitably meet in the business field.

Collin stared at Renata's fake smiling face. After a few seconds, he smiled and said, "Of course, Renata. Don't worry. I don't mind helping you even if you are no longer my wife."

When they walked out of the door, the bodyguards were waiting outside. They immediately put on their umbrellas and stepped forward. When they were about to leave, a female voice suddenly sounded. "Collin."

Renata subconsciously looked in the direction of the voice. The entrance of the City Hall was on high ground. A woman in a red dress was standing under the steps. She walked up the steps with a bouquet of red roses. The umbrella hid most of her face. The red rose was dazzlingly red.

Those who didn't know would think she was the bride today.

As the woman walked up the last step, she closed the umbrella, revealing a face with delicate makeup. She walked toward Collin and sent the red rose in her arms forward. "Congratulations! You have finally escaped from your miserable marriage!"

Miserable marriage?

Renata had already walked a few steps. When she heard the two words, she stopped and looked back. She saw Collin standing still without taking the banquet of red roses. The woman held the rose for more than three seconds. Then, she turned around and went to Renata with a smile. "Ms. Farley, congratulations on becoming single again. All the men in Mondousville will have the opportunity to pursue you."

Renata said flatly, "Do I know you?"

The woman said, "I knew you when you were not Mrs. Johnson... Oh, I mean, I knew you before you were married."

There was no joy or anger on Renata's delicate face. Seeing the red roses in the woman's arms, she said, "You are not from Mondousville, are you?"

The woman smiled and said, "Maybe no one has ever heard of you. Ms. Farley, you are single. Many women in Mondousville will be on alert and can't fall asleep at night."

Renata said calmly, "It seems that you have only heard of it."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a sudden sound. To be precise, this sound was made by many people simultaneously. Because it was neat, the sound was superimposed together. The bodyguards of the Farley family were standing on the edge of the steps. They all held up their umbrellas and pointed at the woman unanimously. In an instant, the woman felt that her surroundings were dark.

Their umbrellas divided the space into two.