
Love's a One-way street

Kim Beomseok, the richest young adult in Korea, initially despises Aera, the step-sister of his best friend, but when he learns about a nasty truth concerning her, he feels guilty for bullying her in the past. Despite this, his egoistic nature prevents him from apologizing, so he strikes a deal with Aera instead. Aera agrees to pretend to be his girlfriend to help him make his best friend give up on him, and in return, Beomseok promises to stop bullying her. However, as they continue to spend time together, Beomseok finds himself feeling jealous of Aera's best friend. His jealousy makes him feel insecure, and he struggles to come to terms with his newfound feelings for Aera. Meanwhile, other characters become embroiled in their own one-sided love interests, leading to a complicated love square. The novel explores the complexities of relationships, unrequited love, and the challenges of navigating one's desires in a world where emotions are often unpredictable.

lee_jiwoon · Urban
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10 Chs

Who's worried about you?! (Episode 7)

*Aera's POV*

Yesterday, when I saw Mintae hugging Bella, a fear took over me. A fear of losing another close person. A fear of my world breaking apart. A fear that could not be described in words. When I was on the verge of crying, it was not Mintae this time who consoled me. It was Beomseok. The one who only a few days back could kill me if he had the chance. Yesterday, I saw a complete different side of Beomseok. I sensed a change in his behavior the day he came to pick me up from the hospital, and I was absolutely right. The way he treated me yesterday, I realized that he had changed. He no longer wanted to see me drenched in tears, aching in misery. He stopped seeking pleasure in hurting me.

I heard that Isabella was out of city, and was coming back after two days. Right now, I was waiting in a classroom for Mintae, he told me to wait because he wanted to give me something. But before him, somebody else showed up. Somebody who was a little less unexpected and completely invited.

Yes, it was Beomseok.

"Hi" he said entering the classroom and taking the seat next to mine.

"watcha doin'?"

"Trying to get what you just said in a fluent American accent" I said making a confused face

He scoffed "Are you making fun of my accent?!"

"NO, I didn't mean it that way" I said thinking he was offended.

"Kidding...so were you waiting for someone?"

"Mintae" I said while he quirked eyebrows, which means that I'd have to explain why...which I did.

"He wanted to give something to me, he's just coming..."

"I see" said Mintae looking down

Right then, Mintae made his way into the class, holding a huge box, wrapped in pink ribbon.

"saeng il chuk ha ham ni da

saeng il chuk ha ham ni da

sarang ha neun -- Aera-ssi

saeng il chuk ha ham ni da"

He sang the Happy birthday song in Korean in such a delightful and cheerful manner. But Beomseok understood not a word. Mintae noticed and he started again in English which made me laugh.

"Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday Dear Aera

Happy Birthday to You.

From good friends and true,

From old friends and new,

May good luck go with you,

And happiness too." (Sung by Mintae + Beomseok)

I stared at how Beomseok got up from his seat and started to sing along, him too smiling.

I was getting tearful at the thought that after I entered teenage, Mintae was here to celebrate. And now, as I've left my teens, Mintae is still there and this time, I have one more person, though not close, to rejoice as well.

"Happy birthday Aera" said Beomseok sweetly. This calm environment ended when Mintae burst a party popper and started looking up howling and hitting himself on the chest like an orangutan. He looked at me and said

"This was not how I wanted this party to be! I waited for 2 hours at midnight! AND CALLED YOU AT THE FREAKING DEVIL'S HOUR CELEBRATE BUT YOU PICKED NOT ONE CALL!!! I HAD PREPARED SUCH A HUGE PARTY!"

I giggled "Mintae, you do it every time. Now it's good to have a change. Whether I pick the call or not, you're still the best man in my heart!"

"Did you just rhyme?" said Beomseok surprised

"Yeah, we do that randomly....very often....big deal?" Joked Mintae

"no...big brains though" we all laughed at what Beomseok said.

"How old are you Aera?" asked Beomseok

"well I'm--" suddenly Mintae slid from behind and put an arm around my neck, clinging to me like a Koala and said "This girl here, just turned 20"

Beomseok looked at me, shocked "Y-you're t-twenty?!!"

"Yup just left my good old young days" I said giving a proud glare to Tae, who was already looking at me, still standing with my (unneeded) support.

"Wow, then that means that you're two years younger than Isabella, three years younger than Mintae and four years younger than me?!" he asked eyes wide as sockets.

"Well I didn't know you're so old" I said

"Ahjussi (Korean for uncle)" whispered Mintae in my ear, making me laugh.

"What happened? why are you two laughing? Ya, Mintae tell me what did you say?!"

"He called you 'Ahjussi'" I said forcing back my laughter.

"What's that?" He asked

"That is-" Mintae shut me up by covering my mouth and said

"Now that is your fault, you don't know. Besides the joke would be too lame to laugh at if we have to explain everything? Right Aera?!"

"mmmhmmaaaa" I tried to to say something but it only came as a blabbering sound.

"Okay don't tell me, I'll see you later Mintae and just you wait and watch what I'll do" Beomseok pointed at Mintae mischievously.

"Can we cut the cake now, I still didn't see it yet!" I pleaded

"I think I should go, you two enjoy" said Beomseok but Mintae stopped him.

"Hey, where are you going? Why are you not cutting the cake with us?" he lifted the knife which he was about to give me and raised it towards Beomseok.

"I- uh, it's a party that you arranged for Aera. I'll only be an uninvited guest"

"Stay Beomseok, you're also my friend, and besides I never had any person to celebrate my day except Beomseok. We'll love to have you today...i-if you don't mind" I internally smacked my butt for stuttering! What was there to stammer about?! Aera, you foolish bish!


Mintae went and grabbed his arms and made him come forward the cake.

"No buts, you'll stay and you'll enjoy"

"Okay" he smiled

"you know what?!" said Tae

"what?" I asked and Beomseok looked towards him.

"Why not you cut the cake with Aera this time?" he said.

WHAT?! NOOOOO I want to cut it with Taeeee!!!!!

"M-me?!" he asked, PLEASE SAY NOOO

"ya you" Mintae said totally ignoring our shocked faces..."OH c'mon man, why are you even rethinking, this is a lifetime opportunity! I never let anyone cut the cake with Aera if it's not me! I'm giving you this chance, so WHYY?! no Isabella will come to hunt you down! Even if she does, then I swear upon Aera that I'll sacrifice my life to save you!" Said Mintae overdramatically.

"(cough cough cough) I-I can't breathe, Mintae why did you swear something we all know you wouldn't do?" I said acting. He looked at me annoyed, and then at Beomseok. Back at me. Back at Beomseok...we both just awkwardly smiled. That was until Mintae went towards the door and said.

"If you're not cutting the door together I'm leaving I swear"

"How are we supposed to cut the DOOR?" said Beomseok..

"I mean the cake! Look, that's not where you're focusing on. As you can already see, this party clown is leaving if he does not see the birthday girl and belated birthday boy cutting the cake together"

Belated birthday boy?

I looked at Beomseok and as if he already knew what I was going to ask, he said "It was yesterday" and smiled. Okay I DID NOT KNOW THAT. If I did, then I might've bought him a gift or at least payed for the meal.

So, Beomseok and I were eventually made to cut the cake together when Mintae wasn't agreeing to anything else.

I took a small piece of the custom printed (my photo obviously) double chocolate fudged cake and moved my head to make Mintae eat it from my hand. But, on that side Beomseok was standing and I stopped. He was looking in my eyes. His dark orbs piercing through my soul. I was, for a moment lost but snapped out of it, and offered Beomseok to eat it. He looked at me and without moving his eyes to the cake, he held my hand and brought it towards his mouth before taking a nibble of it. Then I offered a piece to Mintae, who was about to eat my fingers with the piece.

"Beomseok, now you take a piece and make us eat" said Mintae, readying his camera for pictures.

Beomseok hesitated for a second or two and then took a piece and moved towards me.

"H-here open you're mouth" he said

I ate it, carefully not letting my lips touch the skin of his fingers. After a small bite, I smiled and looked away.

"NOW LET'S FEAST" said Mintae in a royal tone.

*End of Aera's POV*

*Beomseok's POV*

I looked at Aera as she grabbed the knife and accidently cut her finger. My eyes widened. She was hurt. I quickly grabbed a tissue for her but I guess Mintae was faster than me. Fast enough to take hold of her hand and suck the harmed finger. I looked at them with alien like feelings inside my soul, until they realized that they were not alone. Mintae speedily left her hand and said

"it's not what you think it is...that's just our way of treating each other...right Aera?"'' he said trying to clear the doubts I possibly had. But, I could see the look on Aera's face. She was blushing crimson, as she gripped on her outfit, and turned scarlet. I bet if someone checked her pulse it'd be faster than a bullet train!

I mean, it's understandable why Aera loves Tae...can't count on my finger tips...he's sweet, caring, hilarious, jolly, an open book, and handsome. They are made for each other, then why am I being the one 'nosy' here?. Why am I 'not cool', every time they touch each other, or smile at each other? ON TOP OF THAT, they are fucking best friends then I have no right to say I'm not okay, right? If this is getting jealous, then I have no license to be desirous. My thoughts get interrupted when Tae speaks.



"your gift" he said beaming as he took out an elegant necklace...too much for a potato like Aera.


well, ya it's beautiful but-

Aera was going to take it from him but for some stupid reason Mintae showed her a hand.

"Allow me, your highness" SO, NOW HE'S GOING TO PUT THE NECKLACE AROUND HER NECK?! CAN'T THEY STOP BEING SO CRINGEY?! IT'S SO ANNOYING TO SEE THEM LIKE THAT. ONE MIGHT THINK THEY ARE LOVIE-DOVIES....Once again, my thought had the better of me and they caught me staring at them like fuck.

"What?!" I demanded

"That's what I want to ask.." said Mintae

"What?" I asked pretending to be confused

"You brought her no gift?" he asked and I looked at him, and then at Aera and then back at him. Of course I didn't bring anything! It's not as if I knew?!

I nodded totally embarrassed. Mintae, if you're intention was making me uncomfortable then congratulations! You succeeded🙄🙄

Maybe Aera noticed the redness of my face that she said

"It's okay, He didn't even know...it's okay Beomseok! You celebrated it with me, that's enough!" she smiled.

I remember Isabella telling me how much of a fit Aera throws whenever she does not have the things her way, but I guess, it was yet another lies told by Isabella. The one I trusted the most. I smiled and mouthed a thanks. But I was still so angry at myself. This was my chance to give her a gift as a token of apology. As a sign of friendship. Ruined. Lost. Finished!

"You two up for a game?" she asked mumbling, mouth filled with the cake

"eat the cake first. and wipe yourself off!" laughed Mintae

"hmm?" she said confused

"here, look you have cake on your mouth" I said giving her my mobile's camera.

"makes you look like a total fool" added Mintae

She looked at him and imitated him cutely and then looked at the camera

"SHIT!" she said, making her eyes nonplussed and dropping my mobile. I looked at my phone with a aching heart. Even so, I laughed at her silliness, because it was freaking adorable.

"This is so embarrassing" she said facepalming herself and turning her back towards me, and trying to hide herself.

"It's not....it can happen to anyone, happens to me all the time" I said while I grabbed her shoulders, turned her around and cleaned her mouth with a tissue. I did not know why I did that, but I felt like doing it. I wanted to do more. Spice things up with her. But we're not even close. These thoughts were floating in my head as I had my eyes fixed on her lips. My heartbeat increased with every time I rubbed the tissue on her rim and jaw bone. She too, was frozen and her eyes seeing through mine. And Mintae was not giving shit for what was happening around him, cuz he's busy in capturing our moment in his lil camera.

As I moved back, I grabbed the mobile from the ground and showed her her face.

"s-sorry my bad" she said referring to my phone and taking it. I just shook my head.

Suddenly, I received a message from Isabella. She had returned to Seoul and now was asking me to meet up. This time, with Aera. My girlfriend. My fake girlfriend. My girlfriend who probably hates me the most. My girlfriend who I hurt like a psycho. My girlfriend who likes her bestfriend.

"umm Mintae, can I borrow Aera for sometime?" I asked while my gaze was on Aera.


"w-we have a project of Mr. Lee" Wow! what a fantastic white lie on a perfect time. She's too smart for this world, should've been born on mars.

"A project?" he said suspiciously

"y-yes" she said losing confidence.

"c'mon, let's go, we're getting late" I said grabbing her wrist and running away. When we were out of sight, Aera jerked my hand, roughly. I really got hurt by her action even though, she did it unintentionally. What happened so suddenly? Why is she acting so harshly? I wanted to ask all of this, but I decided against it.

"D-don't hold my hand from now on" she said leaving me speechless. We planned we would hold hands, it's not that I'm trying to flutter her. But, it's her choice, I won't pressurize her anymore.

"Okay, I-I'm sorry"

"We are in a contract Beomseok, please keep that in mind and please don't consider me rude"

You're not the one to blame, it's just, karma is getting the better of me.

"It's okay, I'm not saying anything to you anyways..." I said with a hint of pain.

Aera nodded feeling bad, and said "why did you want me here?"

"She's here" I replied with a blank expression

"who's here?" she asked muddled


"so what?? should I cling onto you now that she's here and she might suspect your lie that will get me in trouble?"

I smirked. Cling onto you. Cling onto me. Sounds nice. cool.

"Your choice, like I said-"

"shut up" she said narrowing her eyebrows

"we're going to meet her in the 'Thanks nature café', be ready till 5.

"fine" she said turning to leave. I was about to grab her carpus but hesitantly just called out her name.

"Aera wait-"

She looked back "what?"

"That was a pretty good lie back there. Neatly done" I jested to lighter the environment. She let out a deep sigh and curved her lips

"I stammered, remember?"

"well, regardless of that, but...tell me one thing?"

"and what's that?"

"You aren't used to lying, are you?"

"you wouldn't believe me, even if I tell you."

From my experience of being lied to, I know one thing for sure. I completely trust Aera, no matter what.

"No, I do believe you"

"That was the first time" she said

"It looked like it"

"I'll go to Tae, see you"

"at 5, be ready, I'll pick you up" I reminded

*End of Beomseok POV*

*Mintae's POV*

I heard a sincere note in Isabella's words yesterday. Nothing what she said was empty of emotions. She changed and I was the first one to witness it, well at least that's what I'd like to think. I'm meeting her this afternoon at 4. She texted me for that, and I saw no reason to reject her request. I promised her my friendship yesterday, and on top of that, I always wanted her to be how she is now. I always wished that one day, she has a personality change. Aera rang, and she too wanted to meet up in her new flat. But I had to refuse her, for I had already made plans with Bella, from which I could not back off. I picked up a signal of displeasure and devastation, which I did not know why she had. She did not prolong the conversation but simply dropped the call and made me feel, guilty? I guess?. No! I was angry at myself, for making Aera feel bad by mentioning Bella. I made the only person I care about more than myself cry! Why did it have to be because of Bella, I hurt Aera?! I know she's hurt, and I know that too that even if I call her and tell her that I'm sorry and that we should meet up, she would just turn down my wish. She would very sweetly tell me how I should not cancel my plans with Bella.

*End of Mintae's POV*

*Beomseok's POV*

*2 hours later (5: 00 pm)*

I parked my car at 5:00 sharp. I buzzed her one time. two. three. four. five. No response. Worry took over me as cold blood started to run in my veins. I readjusted my seat belt and my own position on the drivers' seat as different thoughts about her state were driving me uneasy, bothering every part of my mind. I ranged again and again until their were 50 calls she missed.

"That's it" I said giving up to the disturbance I felt in every muscle as I did not have any idea why she was not picking up. Why, she was ignoring my calls. And lastly, and importantly, why did I care? I got out of my car and reached the doorstep praying in my head wildly that nothing is like what my fear was telling me. But was quite the opposite of it. I prayed in that short time, that the only reason she missed this much calls, would be that, like typical girls, she was getting ready, ignoring her environment. As soon as I got my hands on the door knob, the handle turned from the other side of the daughter, blasting a rush relief through my bones. I stepped aside as I allowed her to walk outside of her flat, to let the simple Aera come in front of me. But, the one who came out was not a human, it was an Angel.

"Perfect" I said unknowingly

"what?" she asked bewildered

"I-I mean perfect timing, you ready?"

"yes, let's go"

If there was one thing that I certainly did not like in her appearance was the way, her eyes were puffed.

"Did you cry?" I asked instantly as she sat at the front passenger seat.

"I-I did not, something got in my eye...so umm..it just swelled"

I was flustered, I mean it was clear that she was howling like a child just before I came.

"You sure you okay?"' I asked concerned

"why are you asking? Are you perhaps worried for me?" she said looking at me while I just focused on the driving.

I faked a scoff, then. "who's worried for you? y-you might ruin my plans with that red face" I scorned

"Don't worry, I'll try my best. I took acting lessons from Tae when I was younger." she chuckled "My acting will blow your mind"

Again Tae...

why does he have to enter all our conversations?! I mean, doesn't she have someone else to talk about? someone who's not a male? especially someone not Mintae?

I was for some reason annoyed, so I just nodded and drove in silence as I tried to make her her ask me the reason of my sudden annoyance.

Ask Aera


I want to tell you my answer

Ask already!

AAAAGGHHHH I internally screamed as she too seemed to like the quiet ride.

"So what did you learn from Tae?" I said giving up.

If its the mention of Mintae, that'll make her talk, then be it.

Better than nothing.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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