
Love's a One-way street

Kim Beomseok, the richest young adult in Korea, initially despises Aera, the step-sister of his best friend, but when he learns about a nasty truth concerning her, he feels guilty for bullying her in the past. Despite this, his egoistic nature prevents him from apologizing, so he strikes a deal with Aera instead. Aera agrees to pretend to be his girlfriend to help him make his best friend give up on him, and in return, Beomseok promises to stop bullying her. However, as they continue to spend time together, Beomseok finds himself feeling jealous of Aera's best friend. His jealousy makes him feel insecure, and he struggles to come to terms with his newfound feelings for Aera. Meanwhile, other characters become embroiled in their own one-sided love interests, leading to a complicated love square. The novel explores the complexities of relationships, unrequited love, and the challenges of navigating one's desires in a world where emotions are often unpredictable.

lee_jiwoon · Urban
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10 Chs

Lets hold hands from now on (Episode6)

(MinTae's POV)

I was talking to a junior while standing in the hallway with some papers that were supposed to be taken to the principal's office. He was asking whether I used some kind of cream to make myself this handsome and was requesting for some advice for dating and attracting girls. I was definitely abashed, so I just laughed at what he asked. I patted his shoulder and brought him closer and whispered in his ears

"It's a secret...I'm only sharing it with you...coz I trust you and like you....You'll keep it to yourself right?"

"Y-yes seonbaenim"

*Reader's note:- (seonbaenim) is a Korean word that refers to a far more experienced person within the same school, company, or group*

I chuckled at how he stuttered

"The secret is..." I looked down at his hands and they were shaking "My mama applies a facewash, I secretly use it"


"I am kidding....I was born with this stupid face" I whispered and then started to laugh and backed off "Now if you excuse me, I have some important documents to be delivered to the principal, so I need to go" 👊

He was red-faced, and awkwardly laughing "You're so cool seonbaenim! You're the best"

I laughed and winked at him and started to move further. I don't know how I can make boys' hearts flutter as well!

As I was hopping through the hallway, while swinging the file that had earned me a warning from Mr. Kang "THIS. FILE. SHOULD NOT. BE. HANDLED CARELESSLY" he told me with a death glare.💀💀

At once a rush of fear of him took over me as I brought the file near to my chest and close to my heart. I could imagine my brain loosening the tie and the collar and gulping hard. KEKEKE

I don't know but from thin air Isabella showed up and I flinched hard

"o-oh it's you!" I thought Mr. Kang was coming! GOD!

she smiled lightly and then said "Mintae, can...can we talk? if you're not busy??"

What does she want to talk about? Does she want to give me some kind of warning? Like she is bossy afterall

The documents were important but giving them to the principal right now was not really necessary...so I might as well stop for two or three minutes to listen to what Isabella has to say.

"Sure! Why not" I flashed a big boxy smile "What's it about?"

"Uh...I wanted to...wanted to.."

"wanted to?"

"I wanted to apologize"

Okay that was TOTALLY unexpected! Apologize for what? For her behavior with Aera. Well, in that case, she should go and say sorry to Aera herself. Why is she coming to me?!

"for what Be-I mean Isabella?"

"for being rude with you when you saved me from that ball the other day...I was actually not used to any physical contact with boys except Beomseok, and it was sudden for me" she said looking down, apologetic...wait...did she do her hair?! Damn it Mintae, this is not the time

Well that's really not a big reason to apologize and be guilty for. So I decided to forgive her.

"Don't worry! I didn't mind! Honestly....it was my first time, awkward for me too...and besides...I was kinda used to that behavior"

"how?" she said looking up sadly...OMG...SHE'S sooo pretty...I'm left in awe

"well...how you treated Aera...I mean..." she looked even down

Oh snap! shouldn't have said that! I bit my bottom lip in confusion because when she looked back up, she was...CRYING?!

I dropped the files, the pages however were not scattered THANKGOD THEY WERE NOT! I MEAN WHO THE HELL WOULD SAVE ME FROM MR. KANG THEN?!

"B-Bella! w-why are you crying?!?! I said running to her and reducing he 6 feet distance to a one feet distance.

"B-Because I can't take it an-anymore" she said in between her cries

" Take what?!" I said clearly panicked. I just saw Aera crying her eyes out after 10 year. And now Bella??????! I grabbed her from her shoulders and made her sit on the chair that was placed right behind her. I ran and brought her some water

"Here drink it" I said panting

She looked up at me not taking the bottle

"Drink it and we'll talk...we'll listen to you. Okay?" she took the bottle and drank some of it.

"Good girl! Are you okay now?"

She dropped the bottle and cried even louder. It was as if she was speaking in some loud speaker

Cautiously I grabbed her head from behind and pushed it forward my chest. I moved closer to her and hugged her. I had no choice, I had to make her calm.

"Shh Shh don't cry! Now there, look you're a strong girl! Don't...shh" I said rubbing her back"

"I'm so so-s-sorry for doing all those awful things to Aera! I-I" She regrets it. Genuinely. Now I'm a type of boy who forgives really easily! I can't see someone crying in guilt.

"It's-It's okay I forgive you on Aera's behalf"

"Y-you can't! I-I already tried but-"

"but?" I asked? She would've forgiven her right?! Then what's the problem?!

"Sh-she refused to for-forgive me! But it's okay! I know getting an apology should be hard. Because it's always been hard for her!" What?! Aera's not the type of person not to accept apologies! But Bella's right! It's been so hard for Aera

"It's okay! She'll forgive you...sooner or later"

*End of Mintae's POV*

*Aera's POV*

I was looking for Tae and Beomseok was continuously following me like a tail. He insisted that we spend our time together so Bella won't suspect him. But I won't. I mean, I have to spend my time with Mintae.

"Listen to me Aera, according to our deal you must do as I say. If Bella sees us she might get the idea. She's not stupid"

"Exactly! She's not stupid! Why are you even pretending when you and I both know that she'll find out"

"What's the harm in trying?"

"I'm afraid that Mintae will get the wro-" I spotted Mintae hugging Bella. He was back facing me and Isabella was smiling. No, she was smirking! What happened?! My heart broke in millions of pieces. Isabella had started to snatch Mintae from me as well. I could sense it. I couldn't bear being there, looking at the saddening sight. I put the hand on my mouth to stop any sound of sobs to escape my mouth in front of Beomseok. I looked down to hide my tears that were now glistening in my eyes and moved past Beomseok leaving him confused. He followed me once he saw my reason of crying.

I went and sat in an empty classroom and Beomseok sat behind me

"Why didn't you go to them?" he asked

I did not reply

"You should've confronted them and asked him why did he hug her." he said calmly

I face palmed myself "why is Bella doing this" I murmured

"Probably because she wants to get back at you" He said "you should've gone there"

I looked at him "Why should I? No! What if I went there? Then what huh?! I say 'Mintae you're not supposed to hug her because I LOVE YOU?!' or should I say 'Bella You shouldn't hug her because YOU LOVE BEOMSEOK!' You know what Beomseok?! You're right! maybe he really sees me as a friend only" I said wiping my tears harshly

He remained silent "but why is Bella using Mintae to move on?"

"I know Bella far better than you do! Once she sets her eyes on something or someone, she either gets it or snatches it! And now that you've included me in your personal matter, she's using Mintae against me because she thinks that I LOVE YOU WHICH I DON'T! please tell her"

"R-right" he said

I looked at him in surprise. He didn't have to agree with me. He was not bound.

"Sorry, I should've kept in mind that you're here. I'm sorry"

"Don't be. It's okay" he simply said and grabbed my hand into his, locking it by intertwining the fingers. He stood up and pulled me as well. I at once yanked his hand away

"Don't hold my hand" I said setting my eyes on the floor. If I looked up, I might have seen his cute pout which he made.

"Why not?" he asked

"just because"

he sighed and grabbed my hands again, then said

"Let's hold hands from now on, we never know who gets jealous?"

"What do you mean?"

"Look, if we hold hands and Tae sees us, if he has any kind of romantic feelings towards you, he'll get jealous and if you're luckily enough, he might as well confess."

"and what if he doesn't love me?"

"Then we'll give him a hard time"

"and how will we do that?"

He smirked. I scowled. He came near my ear and I pushed him

"What are you doing?!"

"I won't bite" He glared and said "bring your ear here"

I stood up on my toes and he whispered something. I gasped

"But that's cheating" I complained

"That's exactly what Bella is doing"

"You sure about this?"

"That's the least I can do really. Come one now let's go for an ice cream"

"Are we friends for that?" I smiled bringing out my hand

"Name one person who takes his business partner for an ice cream" He said smiling shaking my hand

*End of Aera's POV*

*Beomseok's POV*

I was gonna walk out with Aera when Bella called. I put it on speaker


"Uh! Hi Beomseok! How are you?"

"I'm fine and you?"

"good. Where are you?"

"in a classroom, third floor"

"with whom"

"with Aera"

"When are you going to give me a proper introduction with your girlfriend?"

"my girlfriend is your sister Bella! Do you still need an introduction?"

"I won't be meeting her as her sister, but as the bestfriend of her boyfriend and also the one who fell for her boyfriend way earlier than

"I'm sorry Bella but don't take my rejection on heart. You'll find someone better"

"well let's hope for the best"

I dropped the call, and looked at Aera. She had pressed her lips and gave me a sweet smile.

"Let's go and grab some ice cream" I said putting the mobile in my pocket and offered my hand and she held it.

I took her to Jungsik restaurant.

"Weren't we going for an ice cream?" she asked as I took off my coat and asked a waiter to hang it. I told him to come and take our order after 20 minutes

"well, we were but while driving, I heard your tummy grumble and realized that proper meal comes first" I took out my mobile and took a selfie with her.


"Never!" I said smiling, looking at it. She was looking like an angel. No she is an angel. She was looking so damn beautiful...all thanks to my camera filter because why not? My ass is expensive dude!

"By the way, come to think of it, we still haven't exchanged numbers." With that I grabbed her mobile which was placed right in front of me .

"HEY" she complained

I started feeding my number in her mobile, with the name of 'namja chingu' which means boyfriend in korean.

I handed her her mobile back.


"What? Oh! well, it was of you and Tae being all touchy so I thought that if Bella sees this....I didn't want to give chances" I said. Then I grinned "I don't take pictures, with girls. Consider yourself lucky" I winked at her

"lucky my foot! Just how long will we have to act?"

"Depends on Bella's feelings" I shrugged

"The hell?! I mean, if she keeps loving you for eternity than we will have to pretend till our breath lasts as well?!"


"I honestly like dark rooms and a bad reputation of my friend better than all of this"

"you don't...believe me" I said resting my head on my arm '

"I do"

"You don't"

"It's my opinion"

"but I know you better"

"you don't"

"I do"

"You don't"

"I do"

"You and I only talked for a week now, less than that even 4 days only"

"But Tae only talks about you and so does Bella"

"They don't"

"They do"

"They don't"

"They fucki- I mean they really do"

"You were going to curse right?"

"I wasn't"

she grabbed a fork and the butter knife and came towards me

"what were you saying?! say that again?! I'll kill you I swear!"

"AAAAH" I pretended to scream wearing an annoyed expression

"umm--sir?" said the waiter

"WHAT?!" we both glared at him after he interrupted our prolonged argument

"OH GODDAMN HOLY SHIT!" after cursing he dropped his pen and paper and ran away. It was actually really funny but we were hungry and that asshole just ran away without taking our order

"Now what?" we both looked at each other

"I'll go and give the order myself" I said

"k" she replied

When I returned I saw a man and a woman standing at our table. I couldn't really understand what the woman was saying but I could hear the man really well. Annoyingly well.

"Hey beautiful, can I have your number, cuz you're too pretty to ignore" he flirted

"Why would you need my number?" Thank god she has some sense in herself left

"So we may be in contact, I'd totally regret it if I let you go"

"Okay, I'll give it to you now that you're admiring me so much" she said blushing hard. Did she just blush at a stranger?! Has she lost it?! Bullshit. She is not pretty. I know men like him really well. They do not fall in love! They are just desperate of being in a relationship. I could beat shit out of him but neither did I want to ruin our mood nor the environment. So I just went up to them and said

"Aera, honey, our meal will be here in a while" I said going to her, rubbing her hair, pretending not to see the two people standing right at our table. She just looked at me in utter astonishment

"Uhmm-o-khay...I guess?" she replied awkwardly removing my arm from around her neck.

"Oh, sorry but who are you sir?" I acted as if I just noticed that bastard here. "wait! are you here to get my girlfriend's number or Kakao talk? I'd be lying if I said I'm surprised. Sorry man, but 100s of men come everyday asking for the same thing so I'm now kinda used to bearing the consequences of having an angelic girl as my love!"

"Oh my apologies! I thought you two are bestfriends so..." he said bowing continuously

"more like best enemies" said Aera under her breath.

Ignoring her, I directed to the woman standing.

"Oh no need to be sorry, Ahjumma (Aunty) are you with him? Don't tell him you're also moved by my girlfriend's beauty." I said not even trying to hold my laughter.

She chuckled.

"Oh no not at all! I'm not saying she's not! She is very lovely and charming but when you two were having a sweet couple fight, my husband who is sitting right there (she pointed towards a table and there was an old cute uncle sitting smiling and waving at us joyfully.) asked me to film a video of you two. I came here to give it to this pretty girl"

"so sweet of you" I said. Couple fight, my ass!

Both of them eventually went away.

"What was that for" she asked me

"Stop asking questions. I'll be the one to do that. How can you just give anybody your number?! People like them can hack phones and take all the personal photos and information. Do you want them to be leaked?!"

"People like them are smart" she said dumbly

"seriously? That's what we're focusing on right now?! That's what you learn from me?"

"I-" she said doing a useless attempt to defend herself

"s-sir y-your o-order" said the same waiter.

we picked our mobiles so he can place the food. As he turned to go, Aera stopped him


He froze on his spot

"Are you scared of us?"

"n-no n-not at all"

"You're Mintae's cousin right?!"

He turned around

"Y-yes I am"

"You know him?" I whispered

"OFCOURSE" she screamed and then stopped, then whispered back in my ear "he's my future brother in law"

I scoffed. She didn't even tell Tae yet and that stupid waiter is her brother in law. Wow!

"so Mr. brother in law--" Aera hit me from under the table "Ow sorry, Mr. MinTae's cousin, are you a waiter?"

"No" Thanks to Heavens he stopped stammering. "I'm here for internship."

"what are you doing after it is over?"

"Taking over he family business" he replied

"And may I ask what is that?"

"We own this restaurant and many more" he said with a little hint of a proud smile visible

I could see Aera was impressed so I don't know why but I said

"Oh, I own the Mingles restaurant...it's on number one at the moment...but I don't really care, I just bought it because I felt like it." I don't know why I was showing off

Aera kicked me from under the table and said "Mark, why don't you join us? c'mon!"

I'm impressed! now he will dine with us. I swear if he does then I'll just kick him in his little balls!

But looks like, he was still triggered on what I said as a response on him saying he owned this restaurant. so he just said 'no' and went away.

"Okay, that was rude now" I said.

"Why did you have to say that and what's this?!"

"what's what?"

"This is a mushroom right? she asked

"Yup! its BLACK GOD! my favorite dish here. It's like, dried kelp and songi mushroom"

"Ah...got it, but Beomseok...but I'm allergic to mushrooms?"

"really?! but Bella is crazy for mushrooms"

Aera looked down, awkwardly smiling.

"Should I--Should I order something else for you?

"I'd be grateful" she said laughing lightly.

I ordered the 'royal bibimbap' for her and waited for it to arrive. We both started eating and after a while we were done.

"what do you say? coffee?" I asked

" Actually, I have a better plan"

In no time, she got me standing inside a convenience store and went to the ice cream bar"

"If it was Isabella with me right now, she wouldn't even have thought of coming to a convenience store!" she looked at me and smiled

"what flavor are you taking?" she asked pressing her face against the ice cream fridge glass, like a fool.

"Strawberry and you?" I asked

"mint Choco"

"ew! you like mint Choco?" I asked making a disgusting and disgusted face


"then why are you even buying it?"

"I'm going to start eating it and try to like it as well"

"but why?"

"for Mintae, he likes it--in fact, he loves it"

I poked my tongue in my inner cheek and scoffed.

"Are you seriously changing your preference just for some puppy love?! Isabella likes it, but I never even dared to look at it. For me it's still chocolate chips in a toothpaste"

Aw Snap! I shouldn't keep mentioning Bella.

"I'm sorry, I am continuously mentioning Bella, you might feel uncomfortable"

She turned to me

"Why are you sorry? She's your bestfriend, it's only natural for you to bring Bella up now and then. Besides, we're just acting as a couple, as a deal...remember? I don't mind at all!"

I didn't know Aera was so considerate. Only I was the one who forgot the deal and was irritated and jealous on her speaking about Mintae. I didn't know we can never be the same.

I saw her taking out two of 9oz strawberry ice creams.

"Weren't you going for mint Choco?"

"actually, you were right, though I love him, I shouldn't give up my opinions especially when it comes to ice cream. I can't just eat a huge bowl of mint Choco, now can I?"

"Who can eat 9OZ OF Toothpaste? no one!" I joked

I was wrong. Aera and I can be the same actually...sometimes...It's good to know about her and spend time with her.