
6. Chapter 6(2)

'Looks like I misjudged you, Clyde.'

Lori never really thought much about Clyde, even when they were kids. When they were younger, Lori only saw him as Lincoln's annoying friend. Even after all these years and his rise to prominence, along with him building his company from nothing. He was just an afterthought to Lori. Now it looks like Lori will have to keep a closer eye on him, since he is proving to be quite the businessman. Which meant he was a rival, a rival she would destroy if he got in her way.

'Man, Clyde really has grown up. He's even younger than Lori and myself, but he's probably better at business than when we first started. You got my respect bro.'

Bobby watched Clyde's progress over the years and was surprised, he knew Clyde would be a great businessman, but he didn't think he would reach this far. If Bobby were being honest, he couldn't help but feel a little jealous. Still, he was glad to see that Clyde was doing okay for himself.

'This Clyde McBride, if he joined The Kengan Association then he would prove to be quite the rival. The Four Dragons, the Society of a Hundred, the Three Nobles and rest of the association. They would no doubt see him as threat, I'm not sure even Nogi or Hayami could handle him. I must keep an eye on this man.'

Gen Shikano proved to be quite experienced in the business world, from both the public and underworld. If he was wary of Clyde, then it was for good reason.

"So, that's where we're going to be fighting I'm guessing?"

Everyone looked over at Carlos, who got up from his seat to get a look down at the place where they would be fighting it seems. It wasn't a normal boxing or pro wrestling ring, both Clyde and Penelope thought it'd be best using an MMA ring. Otherwise known as The Octagon, which is an eight-sided enclosure mat where MMA matches are held. The structure is made of metal walls and chain-link fence that is coated with black vinyl. They thought about using a regular boxing or pro wrestling ring, but they didn't want to give any fighter an advantage. Pro wrestlers like Sekibayashi or El Puma, and boxers like Ronnie Anne or Carlos Medel would thrive in such an element.

"Yes, as you can see it is complete and ready for use. We debated on what kind of ring to use, but we settled on an octagon. While we know some of you are used to fighting in boxing or pro wrestling rings, we hope this works for you. We want everything to be fair of course."

Somehow a few of them could tell Clyde was bullshitting them, Lincoln smiled and shook his head a little. Guys who were used to fighting in professional rings would be at a slight disadvantage. Ronnie Anne and El Puma would be out of their element since they were used to fighting in rings, the same could be said for Sekibayashi and Carlos but they veterans in the underground fighting scene. So, they wouldn't be at such a disadvantage when fighting. Lincoln didn't really care about what kind of ring he'd be fighting in. Although he wouldn't mind fighting in a boxing or pro wrestling ring since he trained in both and knew the advantages and disadvantages of them. Still, it didn't matter to Lincoln, whether it was a boxing ring, pro wrestling ring, octagon, or even a junkyard. Lincoln would fight anywhere and anytime.

"While we are all waiting for the tournament to officially start, I think it would be best if the fighters went to the locker rooms to get ready and prepare. The rest of you are welcome to stay here or find your own private VIP booth if you like. Don't worry about the charge since I'll be paying for everything. If the fighters would please follow my secretary Penelope, she'll lead you to the locker rooms."

Penelope walked over by the entrance waiting for everyone to come to her. Lincoln was the closest, he lingered a little to give a hug to Lily. She looked very worried but didn't say a word, she only returned the hug and gave Lincoln a kiss on the cheek.

"Stay safe and remember to keep your promise."

Lincoln simply nodded and smiled, he then left to join Penelope. The Loud sisters were talking among themselves before they would separate.

"Remember, Lincoln needs us." Lori affirmed strongly getting all of her sisters attention. "Do everything in your power to win, we weren't there for Lincoln when he needed us, but we will all be here for him now. Let's get this tournament out of the way so we can get our brother and little sister back."

Each of the Loud sisters nodded or voiced in agreement, the only one who didn't nod or say anything was Lisa. She seemed troubled by something as she gave Lily and Lincoln concerned glances. Both Lori and Lucy noticed this but didn't say anything, but Lucy did give Lori and Lisa an uncertain look but went along with Lynn and the others.

The other group which happened to be Ronnie Anne's were talking to each other before the fighters would leave.

"Be safe and think smart out there, Nini." Bobby cautioned with clear worry for his little sister, he then looked at both Carlino and Carlos. "The same goes to you guys too. Try not mess around out there primo, Lincoln and his sisters look pretty tough."

"Hehe, don't you worry about me cuz." Carlino smirked. "I'll show everyone why they call me breathtaking."

Everyone in the group sighed or shook their head at El Puma, Carlos chuckled and left the group to join the other fighters. Carlino and Ronnie Anne shorty followed after him, but Ronnie Anne stopped to give Bobby reassuring smile.

"I got this big bro, it ends today."

After saying that, Ronnie Anne went to join the rest of the fighters. However, Bobby didn't look reassured as he looked at Ronnie Anne with more worry. He then found himself looking at Lori's direction, Bobby wanted to walk over and talk to her but decided against it. Now wasn't the time, perhaps later on during the tournament he would grow the nerve to talk to her. Both of Ronnie Anne's friends waved and wished Ronnie Anne, Carlos, and even Carlino good luck.

Sekibayashi finished his meal and let out a hardy laugh, he got up from his seat to look at his boss. Shikano looked up to give Sekibayashi a stern nod, this caused the pro wrestler to grin.

"Leave it to me Shikano, I'll put on a hell of a show!"

The big pro wrestler left to join the rest of the competitors, he wasn't the only one as Jack and Adam got up to join the rest of them too. Soon all of the fighters were standing together, that's when there was an intensity in the air. Luckily before anything could be said or done, Penelope cleared her throat getting all of the fighters attention.

"If you would all follow me, I'll take you to the locker rooms."

The fighters did as they were told and followed Penelope out of the room. Leaving only the family, friends, and bosses of the fighters. Lily seemed worried as she looked at the door where Lincoln and the others left through. Suddenly she felt someone nudged her, she looked to see it was Clyde. He didn't seem worried given his expression, but Lily could see the worry in his eyes as he looked over at the same door she was looking at a moment ago.

"I'm not going to say don't worry, because I'm worried too. You have to believe in your brother, and your sisters. You have to believe they'll win and make it out okay. That's all we can do now."

Lily didn't say anything, but she knew Clyde was right. She may not ever forgive her family for what they did, but her sisters were right here and now ready to fight with Lincoln. They were still a long way from getting back into her good graces. At least this was a start.

'Be careful you guys, and please win.'

No matter how things were going to go, one thing was certain that no one but a few knew what was going to happen. Though this little tournament may have started like a childish idea that was thought on the fly. It will end up being the catalyst of something very big. Also, there was one more thing that everyone, even the fighters that were walking to the lockers to get ready for this tournament knew for certain.

That whatever happens, this tournament will be bloody!

While following Penelope, each of the fighters either had serious looks or smirks on their faces. But each of them were somehow thinking the same thing. A deep and primal instinct that we all think when something like this is about to happen, that little voice in the back of our minds that roars to life!

'I will win!'

Somehow, Lincoln and the rest of the fighters all thought this at the same exact time. Each of them were vastly different than the other, but they were all here for the same thing. It didn't matter why, all that matters is right here and now. These men and women were here to fight, and they were going to get it!

The only question that they had on their minds was apparent.

Who was going to fight first?

To Be Continued

Hey guys, sorry I've been gone for a while, but a lot of stuff happened. For one my family and I got Covid-19. Yep, it sucked but thankfully we all came out of it okay. I know that a lot of people aren't so lucky, and I'm sorry if any of you have lost anyone to Covid-19. You have my condolences and prayers. Also, my puppy died which really sucked, I was dealing with all that and my online classes. I tried to update my other stories, but I've been really busy. Anyways, I'm still writing this and the rest of my stories. I'm just writing at my own pace and what interests me at the moment. So, don't worry. I'm still accepting OCs if any of you are interested. Here's what you got to do to send one through a PM.

Name: Here's where you put their name.

Gender: Male, Female, Transgender or whatever you like.

Age: Here's where you put their age.

Race/Nationality: Here's where you put Race and Nationality of course.

Occupation: Here's where you place their occupation if they have one, if they fight for a company place Affiliated Fighter and name the company they fight for.

Martial Arts/Fighting Style: If they only rely on Brute Force or something else then place that here for example. Also please don't crazy about them having learned a ton of martial arts. I'm trying to make this as realistic as possible, although we're probably already past that. So, 3 or 4 martial arts or fighting styles at the minimum.

Background: Their past, personality, likes, dislikes, goals, hobbies, strengths, weaknesses, and their reasons for fighting.

Physical Description: Be Specific as possible please, don't be vague. I need to know what they look like if they're going to show up.

If you have ideas for rival companies and CEOs, I'd be happy to hear them as well.

I also got something important to tell you guys, my friend and fellow writer coldblue2015 has made a Loud House/Kengan Ashura crossover fanfic called Kengan Ashura- A Loud Spiral! It's pretty good, if like seeing fighting and something a bit more mature and bloodier I highly recommend you give it a read. Please check it out since coldblue2015 has been a great help throughout this story.

If you guys are still curious about more fanart for this fanfic, check out my Loud House Amino where I'm called ChubbySnorlax and my Tumblr where I'm called chubbysnorlax619. There you'll find fanart I've commissioned from talented artists. Also, be sure to be on the lookout for a sneak peek of the fights on there too.

What do you guys think so far? I'm sorry for not enough action, but I can guarantee you all the next chapter will have plenty of it. What do you think of Lincoln's crazy plan so far? Will he and his sisters be able to withstand against these crazy strong fighters? Who do you think is going to fight first? What will happen in the background during these fights?

Thank you all for your patience and reviews, you all give me good advice and keep me going. Also, do you think I should do shorter chapters? That way they could be out quicker, but I don't know about that. Tell me what you think, would you prefer shorter chapters that come out quicker or keep the same type of chapters? Sorry for any mistakes, it's just been myself and my brother doing the proof reading. Should I get a Beta Reader? If so how do I do that? Leave your answers, thoughts, questions, and suggestions in a review. Expect the next chapter whenever, hopefully soon after I've updated my other stories. Be safe out there and have a good time too, see ya!