
57. Revenge of Jax part 5

Flashback-12 hours ago

Replicate watched as his youngest daughter slept in her bed soundly. While he normally wouldn't sneak into his own house, he made an exception for tonight. This was possibly the last time he would see his children, so he decided he needed to see them. He already went to Jay and Jack's room and he already stood by Sam's bed. Now he was in front of Ashley's. He smiled as he gently moved a strand of blonde hair away from her face. He then heard the door slowly open and sighed.

"Wasn't expecting to see you here." The person said.

"Last I checked I lived here too at one point Sarah." Replicate replied before turning to face his wife who was in a t-shirt and sweatpants. Her hair was also in a bun.

"C'mon. Let's talk in the dining room." Sarah said before walking off. Replicate sighed and followed her while closing the door behind him. As soon as he walked into the dining room, Sarah punched him in the gut. "That was for being gone for so long." Replicate chuckles.

"Guess I deserved that." Replicate said. Sarah rolls her eyes and then wraps her arms around his neck and pulling him into an embrace.

"This is for coming back." Sarah said. She then looks up at him with a smile. "I missed you Tom."

"I missed you too Sarah." Replicate said.

"Would you like something to drink?" Sarah asked.

"No I'm fine thank you very much." Replicate said as he sat down at the table.

"So what brings you back to your house?" Sarah asked as she sat down at the dinning room table.

"I'm here to see my family." Replicate said. "For one last time."

"One last time?" Sarah repeated. "What trouble did you get into this time?"

"An old friend out for revenge." Replicate responded.

"I take it that it's the same friend that damn near took out your eye?" Sarah said.

"That's the one." Replicate said. "I screwed up. Bad. Now it's time I faced those mistakes starting with Jax."

"Well you knew what you were getting yourself into when you hooked up that crew." Sarah reminded him. "I take it that there is another reason you're here."

"I screwed up in another way." Replicate told her. "I was brainwashed by a meta a few years ago and I did something."

"What is it?" Sarah asked,

"Well it involved one of my old teammates." Replicate sighed.

"Tom. What did you do?" Sarah asked sternly.

"I slept with another woman." Replicate said. "And we may or may not have had a child." Sarah closes her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose.

"Can you confirm that you were under mind control?" Sarah asked slowly.

"Yes because I didn't remember anything." Replicate answers. Sarah sighs and rubs her temples. "And I may have taken the child."

"You may have taken a child?" Sarah asked. "We're you Attracted to her?"

"No, I was never attracted this other woman. My heart belongs to you and always." Replicate said.

"Good because if you had said anything else, well lets just say you would wish it was Jax who beat you up." Sarah threatened causing Replicate to sweat bullets. "Where's the kid?"

"In the car I may or may not have borrowed without someone knowing." Replicate answers. Sarah lets out a sigh. "Sometimes i wonder if you are turning into my brothers."

"I need you to take care of him." Replicate said out of nowhere.

"You want me to take care of your kid which I just learned about now?" Sarah asked.

You're the only one I trust to raise him." Replicate said. "I screwed up already and I have enough enemies so he's not safe with me. Look, i just need you to raise him. He won't be any trouble I promise."

"Ok. But I have a condition." Sarah said. "You have to come home in the future and stay home. The boys and Sam need their father. Ashley deserves to know who her father is. Now do we have a deal?"

"I promise." Replicate said. "I'll come home."

"Good. Now, bring in my newest edition." Sarah said. Replicate nodded and walked outside. A few seconds later, he walked back in with a small boy about three years old with fair skin and blonde hair wearing footie pajamas in his arms.

"Meet Simon." Replicate said. "Simon, this is my wife Sarah. She's gonna take care of you for a while."

"Ok daddy." Simon responded. "Hi Mrs. Sarah."

"Hello Simon." Sarah said as she took the child. Replicate then hands her a duffel bag.

"This is his stuff." Replicate told her. "There's also some money in there. It should help."

"Thank you." Sarah said before placing a hand on his cheek. "Be careful. I love you."

"I love you too." Replicate replied. The two share a short kiss and then separate. He turns to Simon. "I'll see you around kiddo." He then turns to walk out but stops and turns to Sarah. "I remember why I married you. You give me more of a reason to come back." He winks at her and walks out to prepare for what was to come. "I will survive."

*End flashback*

The two fists collide forcing the two back. The two charge again and throw several shots with each being blocked by the other. The two throw forearms and they collide but keep them there.

"You've gotten tougher." Replicate growls.

"Yeah, because while you were hiding, I was training and doing my own thing I call Justice." Jax said.

"I would of gone with getting drunk." said Replicate.

"That too." Jax said before rocking Replicate with a left hook causing Replicate to step back before hitting a thrust kick on Replicate. He then stomps the ground forcing a large gravel to pop up and kicks it at Replicate who blocks it with his arms.

"That all you got?" Replicate growled.

"I'm just getting started." Jax smirked and two rocks appeared and were heading towards Replicate.

But Replicate manages to dodges the rocks as they collided in the air and smashed to pieces. Then Replicate dusts the gravel off his left shoulder.

"You got my trenchcoat dirty." Replicate said. "And your ruining this building. Time to do something stupid." He then charges forward as Jax starts shoots several fireballs at him. Replicate maneuvers around the fireballs and tackles Jax off the building causing the two to plummet down. As they fall Replicate hits several hard shots on Jax who tries to block them. "This is what you wanted isn't it? You wanted to fight me and look where it's gotten you?"

"I don't care. I have unfinished business with you!" Jax said and blocked Replicate's punches.

Replicate sees the ground fast approaching and pushes off of Jax which sends him to the ground faster. Replicate grabs a lamppost and slides down. "I was expecting more from you." He said once he got on the ground. Jax gets up with a groan and glares at Replicate.

"Alright. No more Mr. Nice Guy." Jax growled as he turned his arms to rock and igniting them in fire.

"So that's how you want to end things?" Replicate asked as his eyes flashed. Then the wind blows in a different direction as static appears on his hands.

"A wise man once said. Let's try and kill each other!" Jax said and charged towards Replicate.

He hits Replicate with a hard right hand followed by a left hook. Jax then goes for a jump kick but Replicate catches the leg and hits him with an electric punch. Replicate then turns one of his arms to water and shoots it at Jax before firing an electric blast at him. Jax drops to a knee and growls at Replicate.

"That all you got?" Replicate taunted. Jax stands up and smirks before turning his legs to rock and covering one of his other arms in ice.

"Not a chance." Jax responded. "I still remember what I did to your eye. I'm gonna finish the job." Jax then charged forward and hits a jumping knee to Replicate. He then hits a fire rock body shot followed by a ice uppercut. He then grabs Replicate by the head and starts kneeing him in the face repeatedly. Jax then slams him to the side and places his fire rock hand on Replicate's face causing him to scream in pain. "It's over." He is then suddenly hit by a energy blast knocking him off Replicate. Replicate looks and sees Surge and Armor.

"You're welcome." Surge said.

"This is suppose to be my fight." Replicate groaned.

"Still hiding behind kids Replicate?!" Jax asked.

"I'm an adult." Armor shouted.

Jax looks at Surge who just shrugs. "Look, you're exausted and he is beating the living hell out of you." Surge tells Replicate. "Let us buy you some time to recover." Replicate thinks it over and sighs.

"Fine. I'll give you five minutes." Replicate said. "That should give me enough time to rest and think of a plan."

"Nice." Armor said before walking up. "Let's rumble!" He runs up to Jax and hits him with a right hook to the face. However, Jax didn't seem fazed. "Uh oh." Jax then turns his arm to rock and punches Armor into the ground.

"What the hell was that?" Jax asked. "Your steel but soft."

Surge shot an energy beam at Jax, but he dodges the beam. "Nice try kid." Jax scoffed.

"I'm gonna make you regret the day you were born!" Surge shouted.

"A lot of people wish I wasn't." Jax replied as he shot a beam of ice only for Surge to fly out of the way. Replicate watched as he tried to think of a plan when he noticed Armor was now covered in rock.

"He's covered in rock now?" Replicate whispers. "How is that possible?" Armor then runs forward and jumps onto Jax's back and grabs on.

"Get off me!" Jax growls as he tries to throw Armor off but Armor had him in a death grip.

"Not a chance pal." Armor retorts. Surge then fires a beam at Jax's chest causing him to grunt. He then grabs Armor and throws him off his back.

"You're pissing me off!" Jax shouts. Replicate watches the scene until he now sees Armor covered in rubber.

"Now he's rubber?" Replicate muttered. "What is he?" Armor runs in front of Surge and folds himself into a ball.

"Ready?" Surge asked.

"You know it!" Armor replied and Surge blasts Armor sending him flying at Jax, nailing him in the face. Armor unfolds himself when he's grabbed by Replicate.

"Ok kid. What's your deal? How are you covering your body with rubber and rocks and steel?" Replicate growled.

"I can absorb any matter I want, just have to touch steel, Rubbor or rock." Armor said.

"Pretty much like Absorbing man from Marvel comics or Kevin Levin from Ben 10." Surge said.

"I could touch crystals but I haven't tried yet." Armor added. Replicate looks at him and gets an idea.

"Kid, I need to borrow your powers." Replicate tells him. Meanwhile, Surge is trying to dodge Jax's attacks until she is caught in the aftermath of a fire rock explosion.

"That sucked." Surge groaned. She sees a shadow loom over her and looks to see Jax.

"Playtime is over." Jax growled.

"You forget about me Jax?" Jax turned and his eyes widened at what he saw. Replicate with the right half of his upper body and face covered in rock and the other half covered in steel. He then looked and saw that his legs were covered in rubber.

"You look ridiculous." Jax smirked.

"But at least I'm using my head." Replicate said as Jax charged towards him.

Jax throws a punch but Replicate catches it with his rock hand before hitting him with a metal hand. Jax then fires electricity but Replicate kicks it away. Jax charges again and throws a punch but Replicate catches it. Jax then uses his other hand but Replicate again catches it. The two are then locked in a struggle.

"Your luck is running out." Jax growled. "Your hands are full."

"True, but I'll just use my head." Replicate responded before headbutting Jax.

"Damn it!" Jax groaned in pain.

"That's gotta hurry." Surge stated.

"Ok he has rubber to kick my lightning away and rocks can't move in the wind." Jax thought.

"Give up Jax." Replicate said. "It is over." He then starts to walk over.

"No." Jax said. "It's not over." He then hits a uppercut out of nowhere causing Replicate to stumble. Jax then starts to mercilessly pound Replicate with Replicate unable to defend himself.

"We gotta do something!" Surge shouted.

"No you dont!" Jax shouts before firing a ice beam at them causing them to get blasted back. He then turns his attention back to Replicate and picks him up by the throat. "Now it's over. And now to finish what I started with your eye." He then turns his hand to fire and starts to reach towards Replicate's eye when suddenly, a jet flies overhead and lands nearby. "What?" Replicate looks at the jet and a smirk appears on his face.

"Well what do you know?" Replicate said. Suddenly the jet door opens and eleven figures standing side by side start to slowly walk off and approach Jax. Jax drops Replicate and turns to face them. The eleven figures stop walking and glare at Jax. Surge and Armor smile and Surge looks up at her brother.

"They're back." Surge said. "The L-Crew have returned. And we should leave. We aren't exactly their favorite people right now."

"Oh yeah I forgot about." Armor said. Both Surge and Armor turn around and ran away.

"So where have you kids been?" Jax asked. "Having your mommy kiss your boo boos." Jax chuckled.

The L-Crew don't answer. They just continue to glare at Jax. On the ground, Replicate gets to knee and stares at the L-Crew. "I sense an increase in their power. Did they find it?" He whispered.

"Well if you twerps want to fight, I'd be happy to oblige-ugh." Jax choked when he felt pain in his stomach. He then looked down and saw Speed Queen with her elbow in his gut. "I didn't even see her move." Ms. Appear and Parkour then leap up and hit Jax with jump kicks to the head sending him flying into a car.

"Oh our dear Jax, we're not just here for a fight." Speed Queen said. "We're to beat you down."

To be continued. "Again, ain't we evil?"

Next tine on Loud Heroes: Jax vs the L-Crew and Replicate. Don't miss the conclusion of Revenge of Jax!