
Lotus Space: Passerby’s Road To Immortality

LianHua just finished reading the NP Mary Sue cultivation novel. Unexpectedly, her soul transmigrated into the body of a passer-by character in the book. Her role is not even as good as a supporting character. Looking at the peach blossoms luck of the heroine, the beautiful male protagonists and male supporting roles, the golden fingers of the lovely heroine, unlucky cannon fodders who goes against the heroine, LianHua decided to stay away from every character. By any chance, she got a mysterious lotus space. From then on, she stepped into the road of cultivation. Having the lotus space is liked having a carry-on portable small world. She could plant the spiritual plants, practice in the space , store things and many more. She tried to learn alchemy, beast contracting, drawing spiritual rune, and learning martial art to protect herself and her loved one. She was minding her own business, not involving with anyone, but the plot seemed to be wrong...no what's happening? Why are these protagonists acting so weird? Ugh...strange...something seemed to be off! Who is she? What is the secret behind everything? Can she cultivate the immortality quietly after the she discovered many secret behind the scene? Will everything goes to the way as she planned? Note: Ending Np, reverse harem. One woman Vs many men Covered from Pinterest. Discord: Littlecarrot#6510 Patreon: patreon.com/Littlecarrot

Littlecarrot · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Lixin’s outbreak disease

She kept repeating the habit of delivery the storage bag to the ancient dragon every week for a long time whenever she finished her practicing. Until one day ...

This day is the same as every day. She took the space bag that was prepared by Shangguang Feling for Lixin.

"Disciple has seen the senior."

She waited for a long time, but there was no sound. Just as she was about to put the bag in front of the cave, a weak voice sounded .

"Come in ... "

She was puzzled but didn't ask much. Opening the flower vines, she walked into the cave.

There was a smell of blood lingering in the air. LianHua frowned , then she saw a white dragon rolled up his body.

His eyes were dark and misty liked he was in deep pain.

"Do you need my help, senior? " She asked in concerned. If her master knew she couldn't take care of his lover, he might have thrown her into Kongbu mountain .

Kongbu mountain is an extremely mysterious mountain behind the sect. All the elder and disciples will never ever dare to walk near the foot of the mountain. No one doesn't know the horror of this mountain.

Every elder and disciple who did something extremely wrong that cannot be forgiven, will be punished and forced to go into that mountain.

For thousands of years, no one has come out of that mountain without getting any harm. Mostly, they nearly lost half of their life.

"...." Lixin frowned in pain and said nothing. He ignored the girl's concerned. He needs A'Ling now, but he didn't want to see A'Ling heartache wherever A'Ling saw him in this state.

"Give me the storage bag." He spoke coldly but one could see his trembling body as if he was enduring the intense pain.

As soon as he awared of the condition of his body, he immediately closed the contract channel with Shangguang Feling.

Fortunately, A'Ling now is closing his practicing and no one could disturb him, or else, A'Ling would have noticed his situation and appeared here anxiously.

"Senior, are you poisoned? " She asked hesitantly while handing the bag to him.

"Bomb!" As soon as she asked this question, the powerful pressure pressed on her like a massive mountain. No, it was more than massive mountain.

Lianhua slipped blood from her small mouth. Even though she practiced ancient chaos spiritual root, no pressure could hurt her, even if someone's cultivation is higher than her.

But this pressure could force her int this state, it means that the man's cultivation is extremely strong. Much stronger than anyone else she has seen, even stronger than the great elders and patriarch of the powerful sects.




"Little master!"

Everyone in space called out anxiously and wanted to come out to help, but she stopped them .

"Don't come out, let me solve this myself." she stopped them when she saw their anxiety. She knew doing this would hurt them, but if they really come out, the things would become worse.

She has to bear this power, so she could have deep understand of the powerful strength here. Besides , if she could bear this pressure , she might have some benefit.

She gritted her teeth, and her fair-white face was even paler than paper.

Seeing her weak state, the man didn't have any mercy or pity. He only cares for A'Ling in this world, no one could shake his emotion. He only treat A'Ling with tenderness.

This is the first time LianHua found out that this man is very cold. He was extremely ruthlessly and had no leniency feeling for people at all. If she was not Shangguang Feling's apprentice, he might not hesitate to kill her into a scum for a long time.

"Dis… disciple is an alchemist." she replied calmly. But the red blood keeps flowing from her mouth as her body was shaking. Her eyes went blur as her knees were soft but she refuses to fall down on her knees.

She had eaten the pill that could hide her blood color so people could only see her blood is red.

"...." The man looked at the stubborn white-hair girl who was in pain, but she didn't even retreat or showed any fear at all. She still insisted on facing his pressure with her calm face.

"How do you know am poisoned? " Several minutes later, seeing that she almost can't hold on, he put a way his pressure and asked her coldly.

He stared at her tightly, if she dared to lie to him, he will not hesitate to end her life.

His poison is not from this world. No one could see his condition clearly . His poison will always outbreaks once on a full moon night, but he didn't know what happen now. Today is not yet a full moon day .

In the past thousand years, Lixin and Shangguang Ling tried to find many alchemists around the world secretly, but no one could see or cure his poison.

A'Ling has to let him stay in this forest, where there is enough pure aura to reduce his pain. A'Ling even planted many spiritual flowers and plants for him.

Every day, A'Ling often closed his door to do the research for his disease, sometime A'Ling disappeared from the sect to travel around the world to find a cure for him, but it was useless.

That's why LianHua and Shenling Lianxue rarely saw Shangguang Feling in the sect. Not to mention most of the elders and sect's disciples has never seen their ancestor appeared in public.

"Disciple happened to learn it from an ancient book." she didn't lie. She has read many ancient books in her lotus space for hundred of years. She loves reading in her spare time.

She was very puzzled about everything in this magical world.

If her friends in the 22nd century knew this, they might have been amazed. They knew she didn't love reading lesson books . She only loves reading the novel books.

Now, this girl is reading all the books here, not to mention that those ancient book pages were very thick and complicated.

Just take this as an example, one basic knowledge book about spiritual plants has beyond ten thousand pages. The content in the book isn't even reach 5% of all the general knowledge about the spiritual plants. Leaning is endless.

"....." He looked at her without replying. He is in so much pain right now that it affects his brain. There was red blood coming from his white scales, mouth, eyes and ears.

"If possible, please allow disciple to check your pulse." Seeing his painful state, she suggested cautiously.

" ..... " Lixin stared at the girl closely, tried to see her real intention, but her red eyes were very sincere, without any schemes or calculations other than want to help him.

"Come!" He decided to trust her. She is the one A'Ling has chosen, if she dared to lie to him, he doesn't mind cleaning her for A'Ling .

"Can the senior transform into a human ?" She wiped the blood from her mouth. By the way, she felt that her cultivation is loosen liked a sign that she was about to advance. She forcibly suppressed her spiritual power. It's not time to advance now.

The men in space looked at her in heartaches. HuaHua is very kind. Even though the man hurt her, she didn't hold the grudge against him or had any grievance.

She could have chosen to ignore the man's pain, inform Shangguang Feling ,and pretended not to see anything. On contrary, she had chosen to check for him.

They have seen through her thought, they didn't think that Shangguang Feling would hurt her because of this matter.

It's not her fault, and this man got hurt because of someone else. Besides, even though she said that she was afraid of Shangguang Feling's punishment, she wasn't really afraid of him much .

If Shangguag Feling dared to hurt her when it's not her fault, she might decided to leave this sect without looking back.

The girl looked gentle and stupid, but deep inside, she was very ruthless to herself. She was kind to others but extremely ruthless to herself. She valued friendship, feeling and affection more than anything else.

There were countless sects in this world. Coming here is just to learn and her brother, Shenling Lianxue was also here. But if she really leaves, they believe that Shenling Lianxue might have to follow her.

He only cared about his only sister. They could guess that HuaHua is Shenling Lianxue's whole world. Men, often see through men's thought.

Lixin tried to gather his spiritual power and transform his body. The big dragon disappeared, the cave looked large without his body .

Lianhua looked at the sleeve breaking (gay) man ....

"... " Everyone's faces in space has black lines. Can HuaHua still think like this in this tense situation? What is sleeve-breaking?

The man wore an ancient long silver robe, his sleeves embroidered with exquisite white dragon patterns. His undergarment skirt and shirt are silver. His waist tied with a pale blue sash (a long strip tied around the waist) and a white silk ribbon.

Fair skin as snow, pointed nose, and pale sexy red lip . The man has a pair of rainbow-pure pupils like a polished gem.

Between his eyebrows there was a silver-golden tattoo shaped like a blooming lotus. But his tattoo is different from her lotus shape tattoo. She didn't know what is that strange flower between man's eyebrows called .

The man long cyan hair only tied with a white ribbon. There was a silver headband jewelry tied from his hair drop on his forehead exquisitely.

The man's pale face was difficult to distinguish between man or woman, but one word to describe him, devilishly pretty!! This face could charm both men and women.

His robe was wet with red blood, the blood was flowing from his pale red lip making him look like a pretty sick beauty that people wanted to ravage on.

Lianhua was a little flabbergasted . She thought that his human form could be majestic, tough, and handsome, but he looked pretty-weak instead. So if he and Shangguang Feling were with each other, who is on top?

No! LianHua! What dirty thought are you thinking this time!

This word wasn't suitable for describing the mighty dragon beast, but his beauty is really deserved this word.

Unfortunately, this beauty's face and body now were full of blood.

"The disciple is rude." She hurried walk over and touched his slander fair wrist . She introduced her spiritual power into his body.

Lixin's body shook like electric. He resisted the strange feeling. Normally, no women had ever get close to him, let alone touch his skin.

Whenever he smelt their fragrance or imagined that their hands touching his skin, he felt nauseous. He only allows A'Ling to touch him.

But when the doll's small finger touched his skin, he didn't feel much nausea. He just not used to it. He almost thought that she was a man in a girl's skin. He smelled the faint lotus fragrance from her body which made him relax his body.

"Please bear with the disciple." In LianHua's eyes, she thought that he was disgusted with her touching, so she comforts him. She also tried not to touch his skin or get close to him much.

" ..... " Lixin twisted his lips for the first time in his life. He is not disgusting of her touches but she seemed to dislike touching him. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, face, nose and ears. His sleeves were wet with blood.

Furthermore, he didn't know how to describe this feel. In the past, he might have chosen to kill anyone who threatens his emotion. But now, he can't kill her.

He was an ancient dragon, he was ruthless, and emotionless. Killing people is just to eliminate his weakness.

If LianHua knew his thought, she might roll her sleeves and walked away from him. How could this man always think about killing?? Can he be gentle a little bit.

The girl suddenly felt that the air is freezing.

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Author: Littlecarrot