
Lots Of Love

The FL of the story is a CEO, as the ML cracks a deal with her and becomes her business partner, their fates have a lot more in store for them as their families try to get them to marry one another. Updates one chapter daily Love Love!!

Rashima_ · Urban
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5 Chs

The Gentleman

He hadn't noticed earlier, but now that he observed her up close, she appeared truly sensational. The sparkle in her eyes, the softness of her lips, the way the waves of her hair gracefully flowed with the air, the perfect fit of her dress, the radiance emanating from the elegant earrings she wore—every detail spoke of a captivating charm. Damien found himself marvelling at her, wondering how he had developed such a high regard for her and how he could observe so many nuances about her.

She glanced in his direction as he walked onto the balcony, and their eyes briefly connected before he averted his gaze into the space ahead. Despite her charming features, an air of exhaustion surrounded her, suggesting that the speech from earlier wasn't the sole occupant of her thoughts. Damien felt an undeniable curiosity about her but refrained from asking anything, cautious not to risk annoying her.

Breaking the silence, she queried, "Alone?"

Damien noticed a noticeable lack of energy in her words compared to the vibrant delivery of her speech.

"I thought conversations with the elites always started with an introduction."

Megan let a sarcastic remark linger before responding, "Those are just ceremonial games, and we're not meeting officially here or something." Without missing a beat, she added, "Plus, we both already know who the other person is; I'm sure my intro during the speech was enough."

"You've been introduced; I've not."

"Oh, trust me, my assistant has told me about you a thousand times over."

"That doesn't count as a formal introduction, my lady," Damien offered a charming smile.

"Then, my sir, please introduce yourself if you insist so much." Megan played along.

"Pleasure to meet you, my lady. Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Damien Knight, the CEO and founder of Diamond Co." Damien chuckled as the words left his mouth, content to see Megan's face instantly light up. She appeared much more relaxed and energetic than when he had just stepped in.

"The pleasure's all mine, my sir," Megan responded with light chuckles.

"Now seriously though, you look different from how you were inside."

"Good observer, I like that." Megan's smile had a peculiar effect on Damien, causing a sudden awareness of his heartbeat.

"You're flattering me. I'm much worse at observations than you would think."

"Oh, pray tell me why you would say that."

"It's a long story, but I guess I can tell you on one condition."

"Why do you think I'd be interested in your condition?"

"Because you and I both need an escape from this little hellscape of a social event."

"Very well, what's your condition?"

"Dance with me." Damien was surprised at how abruptly the words left him; he expected her to decline without a second thought.

But she didn't. "Sure," Megan said casually as if a stranger asking her for a dance was entirely normal. Damien snapped out of his thoughts when Megan continued, "Here would be better than the ballroom though, too many regulations were set for me tonight."

"Of course, I wouldn't like it if my life ended at the hands of your father. Although he is a kind and charismatic man, I don't think he could be so harsh."

"Let me advise you, don't test that theory of yours."

"Why not?"

"It won't be worth losing that attractive little head of yours for such a little theory."

"Attractive, you say?" Damien replied with a captivating smirk.

"It was a compliment. Take it or leave it. The choice is yours."

"I'll take it. Pretty sure it's hard to get a compliment from an attractive lady such as yourself."

"Okay, that's enough flattery worth a single day. About the dance..."

The Cinderella Love Story

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