
LoTM system in Narutoverse

An innocent Otaku doctor got killed in a political turmoil, but inadvertently fulfilled the requirements of transmigration. Follow Zayaan Ansari, now Madoka Zentaro as he becomes the Fool of the Ninja world. The Otutsuki have just 1 God, we will have 9 Full Pillar level Gods. Chakra vs Potions Ninja vs Beyonders Read this before commenting: 1. This is my first actual work and English is my third language, so there may be some Grammer mistakes. 2. The first chapter isn't against any religion, as the 2nd one states that every religion and civilization has distorted the message of God (or Gods). The first chapter is based on my personal monologue that how India kills non Hindus, Pakistan kills non Muslims, China kills Non Han, Israel kills non Jews, France kills non Christians, and so on. 3. Parts of the power system of LoTM:CoI may be made AU (because it's still ongoing) , but no changes will be made to LoTM canon. 4. Parts of Boruto series maybe made AU (because it's still ongoing) , but no changes will be made to Naruto series canon.

ReaderLens · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

1- Politics, Betrayal & Death

In the New Delhi's People Hospital, a doctor is busy in front of the operating table. His name is Zayaan Ansari, 27-year-old, one of top 10 cardiologist in the whole world and inventor of 6 high value cardiovascular pharmaceuticals.

When Zayaan was 6 years old, his parents divorced their respective families. He had been living with his grandfather. When he was 14 years old, his grandfather died of old wounds he got while he was serving in the army. Zayaan decided to become a doctor to save the wounded. For this goal Zayaan has been working hard, the only fun is to look at the animation or read webnovels in his spare time.

It's hard to steal a half-day leisure. Zayaan finished a 9 hr operation and planned to watch the "Naruto" before taking a nap, but received a call from the director. He said that a group of rich families had a car accident and a major political leader is in very serious condition. The director asked him to hurry to the operating room to rescue him.

At the official level, the people were crushed, and the doctors were willing to die. They couldn't help but die. So Zayaan quickly rushed to the operating room and worked for 7 hours until the next morning at 5 am.

But before our protagonist can leave for rest, news came that the political figure has died. Everybody in the knowhow can smell a conspiracy brewing as such political murders have become commonplace in the past 6 years in the country.

Before anyone can investigate anything, a terrorist group by the name of Indian Mujahideen took the responsibility and funnily enough, thanked our protagonist Zayaan for helping them in their great cause. Long term lack of sleep and fatigue as well as the sudden turn of events made Zayaan unable to figure out what was happening. But he was sure of one thing, that he was being framed for something he never committed. Sure he hated the current government for their massacre of Muslims, Christians and tribals across the country, but he was still a patriot through and through. He never went to frontline like his grandpa, but he has always been a keyboard warrior for his country. He has operated on many Hindu extremists without any discrimination and has always drawn a clear line for the greater good of the country.

Following the announcement by the IM group, he was gagged and arrested quickly and arranged to be sent to detention center. On the way, the police jeep stopped for chai, and the personnel made him stand at roadside. Anyone who knows about Indian police would have known immediately that something is wrong. It was a cliché script played infinity times in newspapers whenever it is reported that the culprit tried to run away and was killed in encounter.

"W.. hy??", that was the only question he asked the policeman who approached him.

The policeman sighed but still coldly replied, "We need people to believe that anyone who isn't of our race, can't be trusted despite his great achievements. There can't be another Kalam Sir born in India."

With that Zayaan closed his eyes, preparing for a new journey.