
Chapter Five.....Graver's Explanation

"Zerith!" Rhosyn sounded surprised and started to go towards him but Graver held her back.

"No Rhosyn. He is not who you think he is."

"Come now Graver, you should know after all these years I am the one she trusts the most." Zerith baited him. Graver clenched his fists by his side. When will this man learn? He thought.

"Graver what is going on?" Rhosyn asked. Her hands on her chest. She looked so confused and innocent.

"Why don't you tell her Graver? She's your responsibility. Anything she does will be on your life, your head. How you failed her." He hoped he had pulled off the threat without it backfiring.

Gale placed a hand on Graver's shoulder, "Bett'r pray pardon me what is going on h're."

"Rhosyn, I found proof that Zerith works for the evil king. The one that destroyed your kingdom and family. He is the right hand to the overlord Dravok. The markings of his pledge and loyalty are on his back."

"Show me." Rhosyn whispered. If this was true, she would be destroyed. She loved this man who came into her life, but to have a motivate and play with her all along, she felt betrayed.

"Are you really going to believe this fool Rhosyn?" Zerith began to sweat as he tried to figure a way to keep Rhosyn wrapped around his finger.

"She asked you to show her. If you have nothing to hide then show us your back." Aria said. She had a feeling this was going to turn ugly. She also felt protective of Rhosyn. Zerith sighed and began removing his armor. He felt the spell he sighed move across his back to hide the markings. He turned around once he was undressed and showed them, he had no markings on his back.

The sudden appearance of his servant brought Zerith back to an even more pressing matter. He turned around and looked at Rhosyn as he dressed.

"I would never harm you. I hope you know that in the bottom of your heart." He said sincerely. He turned around and walked back through the rift, "Take care of her Graver." He warned over his shoulder. He waited till the rift closed before shattering the nearest statue in anger. "and to hell with you both. I will make you pay dearly Graver for taking her from me."

The group watched as the portal closed behind Zerith. Rhosyn was confused to what just happened. Graver felt hatred towards Zerith. He knew Zerith had something up his sleeve, but just what was it?

"Grav'r, care to pray pardon me what yond wast about." Gale looked at Graver's serious face. Graver's eyes were cold as he turned to face them. "Let's continuing walk as I explain." Everyone nodded and started following Gale as Graver started to explain things.

"A hundred years ago, the night the castle was attacked, you were only fourteen years old. Your father, King Otebon, was always concerned about your well-being and protecting you as best as he could. He eating dinner when he was warned that an intruder had entered the palace. He called for us and told us to follow the plan we had made when you were born. Gale and I had signed a contract that placed you in our care and to take you to the safe houses that were planned by your father. Gale was responsible for you Aria." He looked at Aria as he said that. She nodded slightly as they continued to follow Gale.

"And I was responsible for you Rhosyn. I am sorry I failed you. I was to take you to Eyocia while Gale hide Aria in a church at Seetha. We had run to the Portal Universe where we were attacked by the J'ai lans. In order to protect you, I pushed you into the portal, while I held off as long as I could. I soon followed but by the time I got through the portal, someone had taken you under their wing. I spent years looking for you. I was worried something may have happened to you. Then that day I met you in the ravine, I watched as you fell. I noticed there was a body you had rolled over. I could smell the necromance magic from across the water. I knew something had happened but don't know what. I still don't. I didn't like it to Zerith until later on when he came to the cottage often. His behavior was odd, and that one day he helped chop the fire wood, he took his shirt off. That was when I saw the logo and marking of the dark overlord. He started spreading rumors around the village that brought the villagers to your door the other night. He was trying to frighten you to leave. To go back to Lotharis. However, I spent all those years trying to protect you from being taken by Zerith, I forgot to tell you about your heritage and history." He stopped walking and grabbed Rhosyn's hand, "I promise you, from now on I will do everything in my power to protect you, and to teach you. I hope you can forgive me." He bowed before her. Rhosyn looked down at Graver. She did not know what to think. It was a lot to take in, but she did know she forgave him. Without him she would have died years ago. She placed a hand on Graver's cheek and drew his attention to look at her.

She smiled so softly, "Graver I forgive you. I do have questions though." He quickly stood up, "Of course. Ask and I will answer." He looked at Gale and bowed to him as well, "I am sorry Lore Master, I have failed in my duty as a Lotharis Protector, I accept my punishment." Rhosyn was shocked that there was a punishment for failing a duty. She had a lot to learn. Aria noticed the shock expression on Rhosyn's face and whispered into her ear, "It is the rules that if a protector was to fail in his duty that he receives a punishment." Rhosyn thought over it. It seem reasonable but she couldn't help but ask, "What type of punishment?"

"If 't be true a protecteth'r is to fail in his duties set by the king, that gent is to taketh 100 lashings. If 't be true t is treason those gents are then fed to the creatures of hell." Gale replied over his shoulder.

"We art h're." Gale stopped. As they looked, they saw vines moving across the floor and walls. It was like they had a life of their own. Rhosyn felt a chill go down her spine as she looked at the portal. It looked like black tendrils that were moving, twisting and tangling amongst themselves. She couldn't take her eyes off them. Aria noticed the portal. It was constantly moving. Like a constant moving mirror that was shifting their reflection. It looked like it was breaking and remodeling itself. Telsa noticed the portal would break with each movement of the vines.

"That is just creepy." Graver pointed out.

"What is this place?" Aria asked. Rhosyn looked at her smiled. It seemed they shared the same thought.

"This is the shifting landeth p'rtal" Gale said as he moved closer to it.

"No, what is this place called Gale. The maze we just did. Why are these vines moving?" Aria asked.

"T is hath called the p'rtal univ'rse. Longeth ago bef're the realms w're did connect through this maze, t useth to beest just straight hallways yond hath met in the middle. All the realms beganeth to square. The biggest war in hist'ry. The l're mast'rs hath reached out to thy fath'rs home. The scarlet empire. Nay did dare to visage those folk. We madeth an alliance yond those gents wouldst holp to bringeth peace backeth between the realms, while we hath found a way to preventeth this. We did create this ev'r changing maze. Ev'ry few hours the maze changes. The p'rtals remaineth wh're those gents art, but the hallways changeth. T did prevent the realms from bringing an army through. Since then thy family rules ov'r all kingdoms and realms. Those gents holdeth the peace. People has't troubles navigating this maze and so thy fath'r hadst us signeth a contracteth yond up to five l're mast'rs might not but w'rk in the palace to holp navigateth what we did create." Gale explained. Rhosyn looked at Aria and Telsa for help.

"Basically, he is a Lore Master and they created this maze to prevent a war. They signed a contract with your family to work with them, and keep peace between all realms." Telsa quickly summarized.

"Oh, thank-you Telsa." Rhosyn was a bit shocked. She was having a hard time understanding Gale.

"You'll eventually catch on for the most of it. Aria still needs me to translate every so often." Telsa giggled. Aria looked at Rhosyn and shrugged. It was true, Aria thought.

"Cometh, thy uncle is waiting." Gale walked through the portal. The vines tightened as he disappeared.

"I still find that moderately disturbing." Graver commented as he waved the girls to go first. "After you." They all walked through the portal and entered The Shifting Lands.

I hope you guys are enjoying. I am excited to write this next part. Stay tuned!

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