

Ian is a high school dropout and was bullied everywhere he went. His life changed when he met an angel by the name of Luna, but his dreams foreshadow something horrific.

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9 Chs

Ch.5 Family

Those nightmares, they're getting worse. Her screams echo in my head. who is she? I looked over at my clock and it read 4:15. Damn, I have 3 hours until I have to go to work. I really don't want to go.

It's so dark and quiet in my room. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realize the person sleeping next to me. Luna, her soft breathing is all I could hear. What is this feeling? I've never felt this way before. I shrugged off the feeling and remembered last night. What the hell happened?

I looked over to Luna and stared at her innocent face. I wish time would stop so we stay like this forever. Having luna by my side makes me happy. But she's an angel and I highly doubt they can have feelings for humans. My mind is at peace when I'm with her and when she smiles, I smile. I'm going insane. Whenever I'm with her all my pain goes away. Knowing I can't be with her hurts, a lot. I need to push these feelings away, I don't want to hurt her or make her hate me. So I'll act like my normal self and not care about her. My heart is racing, I can't handle this. BEEP BEEP BEEP. Luna jumped up and looked like she saw a ghost. "Don't worry, it was just my alarm going off!" I explained to her as she breathed heavily. Wait my alarm only goes off at 6 isn't it 4 something? I looked over at the clock and it read 6:01. Was I thinking about Luna that entire time? Oh god, I really am losing my mind!

I hurried up to gather my clothes and get into the shower. There was still an hour or so until I had to go to work, but I had to rush around because I didn't want Luna to notice I was staring at her. The cold water calmed me down. I was about to turn off the water and dry off, but then I heard the door open. I prayed that Luna wouldn't do anything.

There was silence for a good minute, but then I heard Luna's voice. "Are you okay? You're very quiet." All I could do was sit there behind a thin curtain hoping she wouldn't move it.

"Y-yeah! I'm okay! Just go back to the room, I'll be out in a sec," I blurted out.

"Are you sure? You've been in there for a long time now," those words echoed in my head. How long have I been in the shower? I'm so scattered this morning. I hurried and turned off the water and threw on a towel making sure Luna didn't see anything. I rushed out of the bathroom and got my clothes on. What time is it? I looked at the alarm clock. It read 6:48. A sigh of relief came out of me. I still had a little bit of time left, but not a lot.

I was ready to go already, but Luna was still in her clothes from yesterday. There was no time to find her more clothes in the closet. I threw one of my grey hoodies at her since it was bound to be cold. "What's this for?" she asked in a confused voice

"It's gonna be cold out there and that leather jacket won't do much, just put the hoodie over the leather jacket and get your shoes on. We gotta go."

"Where are we going?

"To the place I work at."

"Oooh, how long will we be there?"

"Well, I have to be there by 9 so until 5-6 o'clock."

"It's going to be so boring though. Can't I just stay here?"

"No! I can't just leave you all alone in my place, and besides, you'd probably like where I work."


All these childish games are getting very tiring.

"Look, I don't have time to answer these stupid questions or these dumb ass childish games." Luna could see the frustration in my eyes and dropped the act. I don't understand how she did it, but she changed her entire personality.

"I was wrong on how humans act? I thought acting this way was normal."

Her voice was cold, no longer cheery or childish. It scared me. All the emotion in her went away. "Luna are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just confused that my human impression was so fake." No, there is emotion in her voice. Pain and disappointment. "Hey look, nothing was wrong with it. Just act the way you want to, don't hide your real self. That's common knowledge for us." Why do I care how she acts or what she does? My own mind is like a maze. I won't care and then turn around and give two shits.

"Look I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, if you even have any, like that. Act how you want to. Don't act a certain way just to fit in," why am I comforting her? All I said was that I had no time for her childish shit and it escalated to this. "I'm sorry I just read one of those weird books on your shelf and thought that's how girls act." well shit. Of course she read one of those. On that shelf are my light novels. A lot of them are either romance, thriller, or fantasy. God I can see why I'm bullied now.

"Please don't ever mess with those without me knowing, and furthermost don't act like a character from a story!"

"Why not? Does it not show how humans act? Why make a story with characters that don't act like normal humans?"

"Because, if a person were to make a story like that then there'd be no thrill to it. Humans live mundane lives and stories like those ones gives us a peek into the lives of exciting lives."

We're wasting time just sitting here talking. We need to leave now before I'm late. I should apologize for exploding like that, or would she even care? She is an angel for god's sake. I don't think she feels normal emotions like us. "Look, Luna, I'm sorry for that burst. I'm just way too tired, but we need to leave now so I won't be late," I motioned to open the door and she obliged.

She didn't speak the whole time we were walking to my job. Maybe I was too harsh on her earlier and my apology didn't work. It doesn't matter, but the silence hurts a bit. I'm way too tired for all this. All I need to do is make through the day with no incidents. I looked over to Luna and her smile was back. We were in a part of the city she's never been to, so I don't blame her for being amazed. We're at a small portion where not a lot of people go to, and in the morning it's beautiful to see buildings of glass start to shine and the dew covered fields.

Since when did I start to see the world from a different point of view? Everything used to be so bleak. All I have ever felt was pain and anger. There was no color in the world for so long, and I saw no reason to live. When did life seem so fair? When did I start to smile?

That's right. It's all because I met her.

Whenever I see her I feel happy and I've only known her for nearly two days now. Why is it that I've never felt anything for any other girl and yet when an angel walks into my life I instantly fall for her? Fucking voodoo magic. I swear that's all it is. These feelings aren't actually mine, they're just the result of being in the presence of a heavenly being. If I'm not careful then i'll end up a broken man not willing to live without her.

That wouldn't be so bad would it? I'm already deep in depression so it would be nothing new. It's already too late for any change. Everytime I think about her leaving or anything like that my chest starts to hurt. I know at some point she'll have to return to heaven, but what would happen if she stayed down here? With me?

I can't bear the thought of her leaving. I've longed for someone to come into my life and whenever someone does come into my life it's a fucking angel. Even knowing that I can't stop myself from falling for her. I stopped in front of a gate that had what looked to be an old factory area in its field of view.

"We're here."

"Really? It just looks like an abandoned, complex building with small forested areas around it."

"Yep. That's the main play area I guess. Its where all the players will go once they go through the main entrance and are given the game rules."

"Wait so what do you do?'

"Well I get to stand in a tower and watch over the games. If I see anything suspicious like cheating or if something happened I phone it in."

"Sounds boring."

"Ouch. Common let's go to the main building so i can clock in and to let everyone know that you're with me."

This is going to be awkward. I can already feel the large amount of questions that I'll be bombarded with. Might as well just get it over with, right? Why am I so worried? It's not like my family ever cared what happened in my life.

I'm just the mistake they dump their problems on. Then again I'm constantly being used by people. I guess that's why I have no friends. I'm just tired of being used for one thing or another and not getting anything in return.

There's a word for people like me, but what is it? Oh right, they call my kind empaths. People who will help anyone even if it hurts them. That's right, my happiness never mattered. Will it ever matter? No, it won't. It never has. Not me or anyone else and that's just how it is. Everyone in the world's problems come first. Mine are always last or forgotten.

We walked down a dirt road that led to a white box office. Ugh, time to get this over with. I opened the door and motioned for luna to sit on the small black couch we had. I walked into the back to clock in. weird, no one's here. As I was clicking my time paper a low raspy voice broke the silence. "So who's the nice piece of meat out in the break area?"

"Keep your eyes off her dad. You're married, remember that."

His old worn hand grabbed my shoulder and spun me around to see my disgusting father. His messed up dark brown hair and hazel eyes is what my eyes had first laid upon. The closer you look at you see the moles that litter his neck and his badly trimmed neck beard. I hate him.

"I told you any girl you bring around will be my prey, remember that." his face made me want to puke. His words pissed me off.

"If you fucking touch her I'll kill you, and trust me I would love nothing more than to slit your throat."

"Oh no! I'm so scared!"

He gripped my neck and pushed me up on the wall. Great, now this pedophile is trying to hurt me. What can I do? If I fight back he'll just say I attacked him for no reason and I'll get thrown out. His skin looks so soft and weak. I wouldn't have to use my blade to cut him like the rest. I could just use my hands.

"I think you better watch what you say boy. I don't mind playing with the same gender, you know that. Remember the fun we've had in the past?"

"Get your disgusting hands off me" I grabbed his arm and squeezed. He let go immediately. Fucking weakling.

"Don't touch the girl or I really will kill you, got it?"

He grinned "No promises."

"Are you the only one here right now?"

"Your sister is in the back, but it's just me and her in here right now. Everyone else is already setting up the fields, and your mother refuses to come up here still."

"Well maybe if you didn't stick your wrinkly dick in one of the players she'd still help out and be willing to be around you."

"Oh fuck off! Watch what you say, that girl out there is ripe for the pickings."

"I'm heading to my post, she's coming with me."

"Fine, just know i'll be keeping an eye on her." that's it. One more fucking word out of his mouth and i'll murder him. I'd have to make him suffer of course. There's no fun in instantly killing someone.

I walked out and grabbed Luna's hand. "Common let's go to my post," she nodded and without resistance walked out with me. She was tensing up. "Are you okay?

"That man behind you in the other room had a shameful lust sin."

"What do you mean by shameful?"

"He's just a sick man. His sins are truly disgusting."

"Yeah, tell me about it,"

The next few hours were filled with Luna and I spending time together in my watch tower. It was peaceful family is normal except for my dad. I'm the only kid he's raped in the family. It was once but it was enough for me to realize how fucked up this world is. My siblings are just assholes and my mother and the basic bitch. But ever since she caught my dad fucking a 14 year old girl shes been distant.

I don't blame her. He's disgusting, I truly hate him.

As usual no one seemed to care to look my way so no one asked about Luna. Thank god. I don't think I could handle any more family time today. My shift is about to be over, I should start to head back to the office to clock out and head home.

I'm just ready to take Luna home and sleep next to her again. First, I have to get her safely out of here. I told her to wait in the tower and to not let anyone up or interact with anyone while I went back to the office. It's just across a small field so I'll be in and out.

It took me five minute to walk there and get everything situated. When I walked back out I saw a sight that fueled me with enough rage and blood lust that you could see it. I saw my dad rubbing up against Luna while he held her against a panel.

I ran as fast as I could and as I got up the stairs he was getting reading to rip off her tight jeans. His floppy, wrinkled cock was already out. Great, he gave me the perfect target. I spun him around and looked him deep in the eyes. "Here let me give you a hand job you'll never forget."

With one quick motion I grabbed his dick and ripped it off his body. While he was screaming and trying to put pressure on his wound, I reeled my arm back and put my hand in a grab position and shot for the neck. My fingers dug into his weak old neck and I yanked out the trachea. Blood was everywhere. I pushed him off the edge and into some bushes.

Knowing my family they won't care that he's missing. They'll thank me for this. Shit Luna! I ran to her and she was sobbing. When I reached her she lunged and clung onto me. She was scared.

"Don't worry. He's gone now. You're safe. I'm here now. I'm so sorry for leaving you alone."

I just spilled out everything. I picked her up marriage style and began my walk home while she held on for dear life. When I got home I laid her down and tried to go to the bathroom to clean up, but her soft grasp stopped me.

"Don't leave my side. Please, I want you to be near me at all times. I feel so scared if you're not with me. My insides feel weird when you walk near me and I try so hard to adjust myself so you'd like me. I don't know what's wrong with me but all I know is i'm sad when you're not around."

Her words were so soft. I couldn't say anything. All I could do was lay next to her and let her sleep in my arms. I swear to you Luna, I will protect you no matter what. I too have no idea what these feelings are but I don't want to act on them. The only thing I want is to hold you untill the day I die.

When I knew she was asleep I got up and called my mother. She seemed happy when I told her what happened. She told me that she'll worry about the clean up and hung up. Wow, for once she was happy to be talking with me. My life is going so well right now. I wish it would last.

I don't know if it will, But at least for now I can be happy. I got back into bed and held Luna for the rest of the night. I'm off for the next week so I can sleep in tomorrow. Yay.

Laughter filled the air and her soft crying could be heard in the distance. My body felt like it was on fire, and it was too painful to move.

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