
Lost Yet Found

Meet Willow - 19 year old fresh out of high school. She's been on her own after her parents' sad passing caused by a plane crash. She was used to being alone. She was an extreme introvert not caring for drama. She works at her favorite café and lives a happy life. but what will happen when a stranger walks into the café that she can't seem to keep her eyes off of? Meet Jackson- 21 year old Alpha of the White Shadow Pack. One of the most powerful packs in the world. Everyone knows who he is, but not what he is. But what will happen when he strolls into a little Café where a girl isn't intimidated by him? TRUST THE PROCESS

DaoistKyNFhC · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 15

-One Month Later-

Ive come very close with Jack's siblings. He's shown me around the pack grounds and introduced me to Wilson, his Beta, and I was properly introduced to Dr. Bill. 

Jason and Amara were always by my side if Jack wasn't. Jarred, Jacks older brother, was around the most. Yes, he is older than Jack, but Jarred didnt want the title or the responsibility of being an Alpha, which I understood.

I've been helping Jack a lot with files and helping him with the pack. It was all second nature to me. I picked up rather quickly on what I was in charge of doing for the pack. I was mainly the caregiver, but I wanted to do more, so I offered to help with files and everything else. I even help with the prisoners and interrogating them. 

Jacks been gone a lot lately, saying he's making a surprise for me, no matter how much I beg him to tell me, he's always telling me that I have to wait. So here I am with Jason and Jarred, Amara couldn't be here since she had just found her mate. They are super cute together. I really look up to the two a lot. 

"YOU BASTARD!" I heard Jarred yell, and next thing I see is Jason running through the house, with Jarred hot on his tail drenched in water.

I couldnt help the laugh that escaped my lips, "HELP HE'S TRYING TO KILL ME!" Jason yelled hiding behind me trying to get away from Jarred.

"What happened." I said laughing to the point I couldn't breathe.

"The dick poured ice water on me while I was in the shower!" Jarred yelled.

"IT WAS PAYBACK!" Jack retorted.

At this rate, I was about to fall over, completely out of breath, with my ribs hurting. "Oh you think this is funny?" Jarred said glaring.

I held up my hand, "just a little." i said through my fits of laughter, this whole situation was killing me. I seen an evil look cross both of the boys faces and quickly shut up.

The boys glanced at eachother, and went to grab me, "NO!" I yelled taking off running towards the door.

Sadly my speed hasn't improved so they easily caught and grabbed me, "What are you doing?!?" I yelled out.

"Payback is a Bitch" Jarred said. 

They took me outside and towards the pool, "GUYS LETS TALK ABOUT THIS!" I tried stalling.

"To late buttercup." Jack said as they chucked me into the pool. 

I screamed when I finally came above the water, "THATS NOT FAIR!" I yelled splashing them.

Now it was their turn to laugh at my drenched state. I caught movement behind the boys, quickly recognizing Jack as he was charging the guys.

I started laughing and they looked at me like I was insane, until both of them screamed as Jack tackled them with ease into the pool.

The three came up a few seconds later and it turned into a splashing war between all of us.

After about an hour of us splashing and sinking eachother, Jack told the boys to leave us so we could be alone. After they left he swam over to me and wrapped me in a hug, "Mornin' Princess." he smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Well Mornin' to you to, whats got you in such a good mood?" I asked.

"Remember that surprise I was telling you about?" he answered and I nodded, "Yeah?" I asked getting curious.

"Well it's done. Would you like to go see it?" He said. I smiled and nodded my head, "Of course!" I yelled a little to loud. I hate surprises.

After we got dried off and dressed, he led me out back. He had me put on a blindfold so I couldnt see where we were going. We walked for what felt like hours until we finally came to a stop. I felt a presence inside of me going insane, "Before you take that blind fold off, I want you to know that me and the rest of the pack came together and made this for you." he said, and I could hear the smile on his face. "You can take it off now." he said.

I did as he had asked and I couldnt believe my eyes, standing before me was a gorgeous little stable, and to my surprise, Ariel and Jass were already here enjoying their lunch.

My eyes welled up with tears and I jumped into Jacks arms, "Oh my god! Thank you Thank you Thank you!" I yelled. I didnt care how stupid I looked. I missed them so much! And he spoke the truth when he said his sister was taking care of them. They both looked AMAZING!

I jumped off of Jack and ran into the barn to greet my two best friends. They both looked over their stall doors when they heard me calling for them and in unision both let out a loud neigh. I hugged them both as tight as I could, "I missed you girls so damn much!" I cried in their manes.

I spent the rest of the day there playing and talking to them, not wanting to say goodnight. Jack walked up behind me and snaked an arm around my waist, "Dinner is ready Princess." He said. I nodded my head and kissed both horses goodnight, grabbed his hand and followed him as he led me outside.

All of the sudden, a horrible pain cracked down my spine, causing me to fall to the ground screaming. Jack quickly got beside me, "Whats wrong?!" He called.

I barely heard him, "IT HURTS!" I yelled.

He quickly picked me up bridal style and sprinted towards the pack hospital.

"What seems to be the problem?!" Dr. Bill yelled, trying to be heard over my blood curdling screams.


Dr. Bill quickly observed me, "Alpha Jack, Shes shifting!" He said in shock.