
Chapter 1:The curse of Malia

The small village of Isheia lay surrounded by wilderness on all sides.

It was said to be cursed by the godess of wind herself.

Malia, the godess of sweet winds had been extremely fond of her first son, Eloudon.

That is ,until he betrayed his siblings and decided to kill all of them siding with the Crown prince of Isheia.

Alour the Crown prince of Isheia was a greedy prince who hoped that by killing the family of the wind he could take over Malia's position as the God of the wind.

Alour then tricked the son of the wind into believing that he was not as loved by his mother as his siblings were and out of jealousy the eldest Wind decided to kill his siblings, but when the time came he could not.

He could not bring himself to kill his kith and kin and resorted to taking his own life before them ridden with guilt, sorrow and anger.

Malia then filled with rage invoked the godess of the forest, Valerie and the godess of the Seas, Trinity and together they cursed Alour that he would never be able to leave Isheia ever in his life and nor would any of his subjects or his descendants.

Immediately after being cursed the small village soon got covered with hearth and vegetation on all sides.

Malia then cautioned the villagers and the then shocked prince that if ever they were to lay even a single step on either sides of the enchanted wilderness they would be lost in it for eternity.

Valerie took pity on the villagers and proclaimed that:"Only the worthy will ever be able to survive in the woods for if one with an impure heart ever stepped in they would be reduced to dust that very second."

All the three Godesses then vanished leaving Alour to repent all his life and trying to lift off the curse by severe penance and charity.

Finally after thirty-two whole years, Trinity appeared and proclaimed:-"Alour your penance and humble way of life has greatly impressed me and therefore i shall free two sides the left and the right of this hamlet so that your people and you can see the world again, but remember the curse will stay rooted to the middle for Malia's curse is way too strong for me to remove entirely, be warned step in and you will vanish forever"

Alour thanked the Godess and fred the place for good much to the disappointment of his subjects.

Hence to this day Isheia is home to the enchanted woods known as the "Lost Woods" and serves as a reminder to stay within your limits said Mrs.Reluctade smacking her son Shon playfully on his head as he tried to slowly escape from his mother's story.

"But Mom is not the story of Malia and her curse just a myth?" put in Summer, Shon's younger sister.

"Well" said their mother heaving and slowly getting on her feet.

"Whether or not it's a myth we will never know, but a rule is a rule and none of you will go near the "Lost Woods"ok?" asked their mother.

"Suurreee, Mom why would we" said Shon dragging his words as long as they could possibly be dragged and winking mischeviously at Summer.