

Synopsis/ Blurb: Michael Evans, the heir to Evans Enterprises is being pressured to get a spouse so he can produce an heir to keep up their legacy. But what happens when he tries to elope with his disapproved lover and along the way, he gets involved in a car crash and forgets everything about his past life? What will become Michael’s end?

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16 Chs


Michael's Pov:

I got home to an empty house and didn't hesitate to call Cara and ask where she had been. She said she went for a stroll, and that she would be back soon.

I waited patiently for her, I knew I had to tell her about Rosemarie now or never.

I needed to tell her I remember everything from the past and I have to tell her now unless I might have second thoughts and never tell her. A few hours later she came back and hugged me like I had been gone for days.

She offered to make dinner and ten minutes later we were both at the table eating. I kept on picking on my vegetables and kept on wandering off in my head.

She noticed and asked what was wrong. As she looked at me with worried eyes, I knew to that extent that if I didn't talk now, I would forever remain silent.

Without much further Ado, I began to spill and tell her every single detail without leaving any table unturned. The more I began to talk, the more her eyes got teary and the more her breathing became shallow, she was practically gasping for air. I had to help her up when I was done with all my story.

She just continued to cry and kept on saying why did it have to be now? Why did I have to remember my past when we had just started our family? We went to bed both sleeping on opposite sides of the bed and by morning she was gone.

I woke up startled to an empty bed and I began to panic. I had assumed she was going to confront Rosemarie, so I drove over to Marie's place.

On getting there, I saw Marie about to leave her house, probably heading back to her sister's place.

I asked her if she had seen Cara, but she said no and asked what was wrong, I just told her it was nothing because I didn't have time to explain to her that I had told my wife that she was my lover, and she had twins for me.

Furthermore, I kept on calling Cara's line, and it kept going straight to voicemail. I ran to Sam's apartment and asked if he had seen his sister and he also said he hadn't seen her.

I began to become more scared and I made up a lot of bad scenarios what if she was involved in an accident, or she had been kidnapped? Sam asked me what happened and told him I was going to explain everything later and that our priority was to find where Cara went.

We drove back to the city since that is where we think she can be. As we got closer, I seemed anxious to meet her in our home. Every passing moment without her felt like an eternity and felt like a Stab in the heart.

Sam's support offered a silver of solace amidst the chaos, his presence a reminder that I was not alone in this desperate search.

On getting home, we began to search every corner of the house, and yet we didn't see Cara. Sam advised me not to worry and assured me we would see her.

He offered to check a place he believed to be her secret favorite hideout. On our way there, I began to tell Sam everything and give him the reason why she ran away.

I could see a little disappointment in his face because from what I know, he had feelings for Rosemarie and Michael had also made his sister cry. He had not hurt only one but two women in Sam's life. It was a garden not just any garden but that by the riverside and sitting at the center of it all was Cara.

She looked tired, and her eyes were gloomy like she had been crying all day.

Sam offered to go meet and talk to her first and told me to stay back. So from afar, I watched as Sam made his way towards her, I watched as he talked to her and comforted her, I watched as he broke down and kept on crying her eyes out, I watched as she cried into her brother's arm and I, the reason behind her heart being broken couldn't do anything about it.

I just kept on watching as I felt a sharp pain in my chest as she broke down.

After some while, Sam came back and gave me the go-ahead to go talk to her. As I approached Cara, my heart was heavy with remorse and I longed for reconciliation.

As I drew closer, every step felt like a mile, each breath a struggle against the weight of my guilt. Cara's teary eyes turned towards me, her eyes a mixture of pain and vulnerability that pierced through my soul.

"Cara" I whispered, my voice not clear above the gentle rustle of leaves. " I'm so sorry for everything. I never meant to hurt you, to cause you pain.

Please let me make things right." She looked up at me, her expression filled with emotions before finally nodding in acceptance. " I know you didn't mean to hurt me Michael" she said softly, her voice raw with emotions.

"But the wounds..... they run deep. It's going to take time to heal." She said, I reached out for her with uncertainty brushing a strand of hair from her face, a silent gesture of comfort and understanding.

"I'll wait" I vowed, my voice trembling with sincerity. " I'll wait for as long as it takes Cara. I love you, and I'll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust ".

A flicker of hope danced in her eyes, a little light amidst the darkness that threatened to consume us both" But you know, you'll have to choose between me and her right? " She said.

It dawned on me that instant that what she said was right because despite my love for Cara my heart still yearns for Rosemarie.

She seemed to notice my conflicting emotions and continued "Let's take it one day at a time, but I don't think I can bear to stay in the same apartment next to you.

I'll be heading to my parent's house for a few days. Once you have made your decision, let me know. Then we can be together, "she said swiftly.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I nodded in understanding, a bittersweet smile playing on my lips ." wait for me Cara," I said softly, my voice filled with a quiet determination.

"But please don't take too long. I want us to have a chance at happiness, whatever that may look like". And so with a heavy heart, I watched as Cara walked away to Sam's car, her shadow fading into the distance until she was nothing more than a distant memory.

As the weight of her absence settled over me like a shroud, I knew that I had to confront my past and make a decision not just for her sake but for mine as well.

For at that moment, as I stood alone in that garden, I knew that the choice I made would shape the course of our future, and I was determined to make it count.