

Synopsis/ Blurb: Michael Evans, the heir to Evans Enterprises is being pressured to get a spouse so he can produce an heir to keep up their legacy. But what happens when he tries to elope with his disapproved lover and along the way, he gets involved in a car crash and forgets everything about his past life? What will become Michael’s end?

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16 Chs


Michaels' Pov:

Michael begins to have memories of Marie, but he tries to ignore them because he doesn't want anything to come between him and his wife.

So he decided to do something special for his woman just to show her how much he loved her.

He took her out on a dinner date, it was a wonderful night because they talked, laughed, dined and wined.

He was so glad that she wore a smile throughout the night. Furthermore, he needed this just to remind himself how much she meant to him.

Furthermore, he had planned a romantic surprise at home, he had help from Sam for setting up the surprise. On reaching home, he blindfolded her and led her to the door

. As they got there he removed the blinds off her eyes and she was shocked with what she saw at her front.

There were rose petals scattered on the bed in the shape of a rose, scented candles and soft music playing on the radio.

It wasn't just any song, it was their song, the one that played as she strolled down the aisle on their wedding day. She kissed him and thanked him for making today special for her.

He poured her a drink as they danced the night away. They made love all night and cuddled. That was the first night in a long time that he didn't dream about Marie.

The next morning he headed out with Sam to get some kinds of stuff on the farm. Cara couldn't follow because she woke up sick that morning.

He had also planned on sneaking off to Marie's house to ask her for some answers since her house was close to Sam's apartment.

He was disappointed to get to Sam's house to hear him say that she had gone on vacation with her kids for some days but was able to steal her number from Sam's phone.

Night came, and they were rounding up their activities on the farm. As they headed home, he stopped at a supermarket to do a little shopping.

As he was about to pay, a call came in. For some reason, he thought it was Marie calling, but how could she call him when they hadn't exchanged numbers?

It was a strange number, he picked up and listened to what the other line was saying, all that he bought fell on the floor, and he ran to the car practically screaming to Sam that they should go to Good View Hospital.

A doctor from that hospital was the one who called him and told him how his wife had been admitted not long ago. As they got to the building he was led by a nurse to the doctor's office.

On getting there, he didn't even let the doctor speak, he kept yelling about where his wife was and Sam kept on asking about his sister. The doctor introduced herself as Dr Monroe and was barely able to make them calm.

She told them there was nothing to worry about and that it was just a minor thing. The results were out, and they found out that Cara was two weeks gone; she was pregnant.

Michael's emotions separated between being happy and sad and was overwhelmed with being shocked and anxious.

He was happy that he was going to be a father not only a father but a father to Cara's kids, but he was also sad because he hadn't really figured out his past and if Marie's twins were his. "That's... that's amazing news, doctor ".

Michael stammered, his voice trembling. He asked when he could see his wife and the doctor told a nurse to lead him to the ward his wife was admitted in.

Sam followed as they made their way to see Cara, he couldn't wait to share the news with Cara, to see the look of joy and disbelief on her face. This was the beginning of a new chapter in their lives, one filled with love, laughter and endless possibilities. She was sleeping but as he stroked her cheek, she woke up and was happy to see his face.

She hugged him and explained how she got to the hospital and that after he left, she decided to take a stroll in the garden, but then she started feeling uneasy, and before you knew it, she fainted.

Furthermore, she said it was their neighbor who rescued her and took her to the hospital. He just let her rant away before he revealed to her that she was pregnant. The abrupt silence that followed after he announced the news was unexpected.

He expected her to jump and scream for joy or just show her how excited she was, but she just wore a neutral look.

Then from nowhere water pooled in her eyes and she began to cry. " I am going to be a mother? But what if I am a terrible mother? What if I am bad at this?" She kept on listing a long list of what-ifs, but I just comforted her and told her it would all be fine and that she should remember that we are in this together.

She got discharged and they all went home. Sam offered to stay with them, but Michael told him not to bother. The next day, Michael knew he had to know more about his past one way or the other. He went to the site where his car crashed and began to look for clues or something that would make him see a glimpse of his past.

He lied to Cara that he was going to Sam's place, he just couldn't tell her the truth. On getting there, he paced around looking for anything but found absolutely nothing.

He was there for hours but still, his effort was futile. That was until a bus passed with Georgia boldly written on the body and as he stared at it. He had a flashback.

He was in his car and he was speaking to someone on the phone" Don't worry, I'm coming to my love; I'm almost there, and soon we'll be together and nothing, absolutely nothing will tear us apart "He said rapidly under his breath.

She giggled and said" I can't wait for us to be together Michael; me and you against the world on a bus to Georgia; I can't wait. I'm waiting for my love and I have fantastic news for you."

As the call ended just like a flash, He got hit by a truck and his car tumbled a lot of times. [BR]He woke up startled, he had laid unconscious for hours on the floor, and it was late already.

At least he didn't come here in vain. He checked his phone and saw a lot of missed calls from his wife. He knew she would have been worried, so he hurriedly left for home.

Furthermore, he knew he had to see Marie, and it had to be as soon as possible. On getting home he saw Sam and his wife in the living room.

Cara ran to him and hugged him desperately while screaming at him about where he was going and also why he lied about going to Sam's. He just told her that he was fine and that he lost track of time and didn't know it was late already. Sam said he was going home since he was safe and sound and left.

He left his wife on the bed and apologized to her for making her panic. She just kept on saying that she was glad he was okay. He decided to tell her the truth, not the whole truth but part of it. He told her where he went and how he had a flashback.

]He didn't tell the part that he was on his way to see Marie when his car crashed. Furthermore, he couldn't do that to Cara, she would break down to know the one friend she managed to make could be her husband's lover in his past. Furthermore, he just lied that he was running away from someone before the crash.

She just told him not to pull that kind of stunt again, and she almost had a panic attack because she didn't know where her husband was. He apologized again and made sure she was calm and not angry again.

That night, he was restless and couldn't sleep. He couldn't shake the fact that he loved Marie so much to the extent he was planning on eloping with her in his memory. And what was what she wanted to tell him?

A lot on his mind and he knew the exact solution was to talk to her before it was too late. He quietly left the room and went to the verandah to enjoy the soft breeze. He had to practically tiptoe because Cara was a light sleeper.

As he got to the verandah, he couldn't decide whether to call her or not, but then he later concluded and dialed her line and on the first ring she picked up like she was expecting him to call her. As she said hello, he took everything in him not to end the call because he began to feel like what he was doing was a mistake.

But then he gathered courage and told her that they needed to meet up, and she surprised him with her reply. "Let's meet by the lake close to my apartment in the evening, I'll be back tomorrow.