

Synopsis/ Blurb: Michael Evans, the heir to Evans Enterprises is being pressured to get a spouse so he can produce an heir to keep up their legacy. But what happens when he tries to elope with his disapproved lover and along the way, he gets involved in a car crash and forgets everything about his past life? What will become Michael’s end?

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16 Chs


Michaels' Pov:

I found myself looking for her, but I couldn't find her. She is so good at hiding and I am a miserable seeker. I called for her and told her I was tired of looking and that she should come out. She giggled which gave out her hidden spot.

I ran to where she was and carried her. She kept on laughing and begged me to drop her down. I finally dropped her and she wrapped her arms around me, I have never been at peace unless I was with her.

Then she looked up at me with her eyes piercing through my soul, she said;" Michael, promise me you won't leave me alone?" then I promised her. Before I knew it, she disappeared and I kept on hearing a voice echoing "You left me, you left me, you left me" repeatedly.

I woke up with a startle, my wife ran towards my side with a worried look. She kept on asking why happened and why had I fainted but I couldn't find words to say. I knew deep down that the woman at the supermarket was someone from my past but how could I say that to Cara?

Cara said I was out for like thirty minutes and she thought I went into a coma again. I hugged and kissed her at the top of her head and promised her that I was not going anywhere.

I asked where Sam was, and she said he left not long ago and that he would be back the next morning. After much pressure to eat, I ate and told Cara that I was off to bed. I lay on the bed with my eyes open throughout the night. Morning came and Sam came over.

We started to converse and he asked about my health; I told him I was fine but it was so obvious that he wanted to ask what was going on. He left because he had to go to his farm.

Cara offered to get some things at the supermarket and asked if I would be okay staying at home; I just nodded my head and she left. I went to my computer and began to do some research on that woman.

I needed to know her and how she was connected to my past. While Sam wasn't looking, I looked through his phone and found her name. I rapidly typed in Rosemarie Taylor and didn't see anything on her.

It was like my head made up an image of her like she never existed. That was what I thought until I decided to try if she was on Facebook and then boom I saw her. She works as a hairstylist at a salon not far from Sam's house and she had twins.

That wasn't the shocking part, but that the pictures of the girls were splitting images of me. One had my eyes, one had my hair.

I kept assuring myself that it was just a coincidence but then my dream made it obvious that we might have been lovers beforehand, I knew it wasn't just a dream but also pieces of my memories.

I kept on researching but found almost nothing. It was like she kept her life private like she was avoiding people knowing or she was running away from something. Cara came back and saw me lost in thoughts.

She kept on asking what was wrong but I got angry and snapped at her. She got angry and she left the house. I felt bad and I hated myself for snapping at her. After some hours, I decided to go look for her because I was getting worried. Then I had a knock on the door, it was Sam.

He asked what happened and I explained to him what I did and how I intended to go find my wife. He just told me that Cara would be fine that she did that when they were little and that she always came back. We sat down and there was an awkward silence between us.

Then Sam began to ask about what happened last night but then how can I tell Sam that the lady I saw yesterday could be my wife or be the mother of my children?

I just told him that I went into shock and that it was normal that it happens to me almost every time and I didn't know the lady, maybe I looked like someone she knew, I said. Sam just said okay but I could see it in his eyes that he doesn't believe all what I just said.

He left and I was back alone in the house but after some minutes, Cara came back and ran to her and hugged her. I apologized for being a jerk and all and she forgave me.

She told me how she encountered a nice lady at the beach and how she invited her over for dinner the next day. I was so happy that Cara already made a friend because back home Cara never had time for friends, she was so busy with work that she didn't have free time to mingle with other people.

I had made dinner most especially her favorite meal, it was my way of saying sorry for being a jerk. We dined and wined all night long. We planned to go shopping the next morning; that was Cara's favorite thing to do.

The night went well but as I lay on my bed, I began to wonder if that lady was truly what I think she is. I slept with a concluded mind that to know what was going on, I would need to know from the source itself.

Cara and I bought the whole mall, and she bought the whole clothing store, like I said; Cara loves shopping. On getting home, she began to prepare for our guests later in the evening. She invited Sam over too so it was going to be a full house.

I assisted her in cooking and anticipated to know who Cara's guest was. Sam came first and he brought his homemade lasagna for us. We thanked and he proceeded to ask who was coming again and Cara told him she was a friend she had met at the beach. Before we knew it, we had a knock at the door.

Cara told me to open it for her guest. On getting there, as I opened the door, It was her and not only her with her twins. I quietly whispered, "Oh, no".