

Synopsis/ Blurb: Michael Evans, the heir to Evans Enterprises is being pressured to get a spouse so he can produce an heir to keep up their legacy. But what happens when he tries to elope with his disapproved lover and along the way, he gets involved in a car crash and forgets everything about his past life? What will become Michael’s end?

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16 Chs


Rosemarie's POV: 

 Days turn to weeks, weeks turn to months and my sister is gone just like yesterday.

 Every day as I woke up, it still hit me hard that I was never going to see her again. It felt like a missing piece of me was gone but I had to move on. 

It wasn't easy because every day seemed to be a struggle but I had to be strong for the twins. Since the accident, Jasmine has been keeping to herself and it felt like she had fallen into depression. 

Jada complained about her twin almost every day that she wasn't as active as before which made me make up my mind for her to see a therapist, she had appointments twice a week.

 It really helped because she had begun to go back to her old self. Michael helped in his own way by coming every weekend to spend some time with the girls. 

They had really grown accustomed to him, he would even never come empty-handed but always show up with presents for the girl. Sometimes he got gifts for me too which I appreciated in turn.

 I had a feeling that he blamed himself for Anne's death so he tried to help out in every way possible.

At a point, I wished he could stay longer than the weekends he showed up. I wished he had made up his mind and decided to stay with the kids but I know deep down that I was just being delusional. There will always be cara in the picture.

 After finding out about Michael and me, Cara had reached out expecting to hear my own side of the story. 

We met over lunch and discussed it. I explained everything carefully with details because she deserved an explanation. 

I had actually thought she would have lashed out at me like every other woman would have reacted to that scenario but instead, she just looked at me with pity and hugged me and told me how sorry she was for going through that alone.

 She further explained how much she loved Michael and how he meant the world to her. 

I knew she said it with no harm intended but I couldn't stop being envious and jealous of the way she talked about Michael with love and care but I tried every means possible to not let my expression show.

 She also added that she won't advise me to let go of Michael and that she believes that Michael is old enough to make his own decisions and able to decide who he wants to spend the rest of his life with. 

"Whatever decision he ends up making, I'll fully support him but I hope he knows that I will wait for him, We will wait for him ". She said, I got confused about the "we" part but then she rubbed her belly while saying it which made me confirm that she was referring to herself and the baby growing inside. 

After that conversation that day, we had not come across each other since then but I do see her posts on her Instagram page. 

How she flaunted her baby growing and how when Michael wasn't with her, he was always with her. And after seeing this, that feeling of jealousy comes creeping In.

 The twins' birthdays were coming up and there was hardly enough time to plan the birthday party. I was adamant because I wasn't going to allow anything to stop me from making it the best 5th birthday party ever for my girls. 

Though I had silently wished that Anne was alive to have assisted with the planning. We had this crazy idea of making it an under-the-sea theme just like from the movie "The Little Mermaid ". 

We would have dressed the twins as little mermaids and it would have been a perfect beach party but since there wasn't enough time I had to plan for something different.

 My girls weren't really fans of other Disney princesses apart from Ariel so I decided for a whole different look. 

Jada had always said she loved Scarlet Witch and Jasmine had always been a fan of black widow so I came up with the idea of a superhero birthday party, it was going to be a birthday party to remember.

 My mum helped out a lot, she just wanted to make her grandkids happy. It was nice having her around since I moved back to my apartment, I had always felt empty. It didn't make any sense to still stay In Anne's apartment without her being around. 

It would have just made me feel worse and I wouldn't be able to move on from the pain and guilt buried deep inside me so I just moved back home. 

 I made my way to the shopping mall to get some stuff for the party so I could prepare in advance. On getting there, I began to get some decoration items and if possible find some equipment for setting up the chairs and tables.

 After getting everything I needed, I paid and made my way to the car. For some reason, I felt like someone was stalking me so I ran as fast as I could towards my car and locked it behind me.

 After some minutes, I was able to catch my breath and assured myself I had just been hallucinating that no one was actually there since I had been quite jumpy since I lost my sister.

 As I put the car into the ignition, my heart skipped at the sight before me, lo and behold I saw a car behind mine and the driver seemed to have an evil smirk on his face. Holding my breath, I realized that the face was familiar, it was James.