

We cooked the breakfast in peace and tranquillity, so focused on the process to not even chit-chat in between. Or probably it was just me, too gone in the process of cooking to notice his stare on me. "Hikari..." "Yeah?" I don't look up from the bowl I'm mixing batter in, until I feel his presence right behind me. His hands began crawling up my arms, I let go of the bowl, and he turns me around. "Yes Taehyung?" a smirk forms on the corner of his lips and a shiver goes down my spine, this couldn't be good. "Up." Up? What could that possibly mean? Then it strikes me, I feel his hands wrapping around my waist, he wants me to sit on the kitchen counter. So I jump instinctively. I bit my lip out of habit, while he spreads my legs and walks forward, leaving no space between us. "Unbutton my shirt." I was hesitant but my hands followed his demands unwilling to upset him. My fingers were trembling against his buttons, his constant gaze upon me following each action of mine rendered me diffident. God why won't my hands stay calm, I strived hard to unbutton his fourth button when his hands engulfed mine and I bit my lip as he made me look up at him. "My turn."  My eyes widened on realisation as his hands swiftly reached the hem of my shirt. He leisurely unbuttoned my shirt, his eyes never leaving my face, he was absorbing every bit of my bashfulness, every reaction I made.  I felt a chill across my chest, and that's when I noticed that he was done with his task. "I love your sub nature."  I like his dominant side too, but at times he was too intimidating for me to bare with. "Kiss me." I gulped and reached for his lips, and to my surprise he stepped backwards and giggled. "Kiss me Hikari." I jumped off the counter and reached to kiss his lips yet again but he stood straight, he was too tall for me to reach without him bending down. "I can't...." I shrugged at his unusual demand to which he was being uncooperative. "Disobeying me, are you?" He expression switched to a daunting one, and I blinked in response and shook my head. "But I don't see you following my instructions?" I gulp as he advances towards me.. __________ Hikari Yi is a girl of a grim, fatalistic world, the love of a family was never one of her assets. Away from the fallen realm of her father’s menacing territory, she leads an independent life. Little did she know the world she was running away from, was advancing towards her at a pace faster than she was travelling at. Hikari admires a world famous boy band, the ORIONS, consisting of seven members. She somehow receives an offer to look after them as a manager or a caretaker. As unexpected as it looks, it isn't. The more time she spends around them, she grows infatuated with one of the seven. Are the feelings mutual? Is he the one to fill the void of solicitude in her life? Overtime, mysteries unfold, what was Hikari's past? What other plans does she have for the boyband she adore? What secrets has she locked? As it is, it isn’t just her. The Orions, too, have got their own darkness to unravel. ____________________________________ -"Tell me once you again that you love me" -"Reassure me once more that you'll stay forever, that you won't leave me alone." -"Who are you.. No... What are you exactly?" -"I want you Hikari. Now." -"Is that how you talk to your boss?" -"Your clothes are see-through" -"Yakuzas are the most feared mob group" -“This world won’t let us be.” ____________________________________ It's an enthralling, mystery, romance, action thriller. It has everything you've been looking for. High school romance? Office heated relations? Eternal love? Mafia? demons? Vampires? Boys? Best friends? Family? Action? Suspense? It's all there, read to indulge in the roller-coaster adventure!

s_cosmos · Fantasy
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194 Chs


I rang the bell as I stood at the doorstep of The Orions's manor-like-building!

I heard the sound of footsteps approaching the door from behind with a twist of the doorknob Someone opened the door "well, well, well" said a soft voice abruptly "look who decided to show up!" I saw Kyo standing in the doorway his eyes making their inspection of me.

"Hey HIKARI!!!" Jin says with a cute smile, lingering in the open doorway. His tone is that of an old friend that I haven't seen in ages.

I bow my head slightly to greet them while kyo tugs on my arm and drags me inside.

"Woah!" I gasp at the sudden action "Hi there!!" I say as I'm still being pulled by kyo.

"Hey Hikari!!!!" kyo replies as he finally stops dragging me.

Jin sees my hesitation and laughs. The motion stretches his beautiful lips thin, flashing a toothpaste-commercial-worthy smile.

"It's okay, make yourself comfortable! The other members will be here no time, here have a seat" he speaks while motioning me to sit on the white sofa in the living room.

"Yeah, sure!" he smiles sheepishly at me and sits on the sofa across the other sofa on which kyo sits.

"Hey Kyo-Kun, is that girl here yet?" I could hear Kenma shout from the other side of the wall.

"Come here and see for yourself!!" Kyo shouts back as a reply, returning his gaze at me and smiling, making his eyes almost non-existent. I giggle at him.

I could hear the sound of thumping of feet as if someone's running and soon the living room's door flew open and there stood a beautiful brunette, blondish tall and handsome man, Kenma.

"Hey, I'm kenma as you might know. It's a pleasure to meet you" he laid one of his hands on the corridor door frame while the other rested on his waist as he endeavored to put on a sexy look while the men present in the room along with me couldn't hold in our waves of laughter, there was an atmosphere of muffled laughter as all of us looked at Kenma and then at each other.

"What the hell are you all laughing at?" there was a hint of irritation in Kenma's voice

"you-yyouu are-" kyo said in between of his laugh"-in y-your iron man shorts!!"

and after Kyo's statement, the sound of our laughter boosted.

Kenma looked down at himself, cursing while blushing, and ran back inside saying "I'll be back in a minute!"

Hobi entered the conversation now.

"Hey, Hikari! how are you? I'm Hobi!" hobi spoke with flashing a smile towards me.

"Wow! Lovely name! too bad I already know you, so there's no need for an introduction." I replied to him with a pleasing smile.

"So you're a fan, I suppose?" Namhyuk asked while motioning towards the sofa and sat in front of me beside Kyo and Jin, hobi sitting on the corner sofa and I was sitting on the long white sofa alone!

"y-yeah, that's me" I replied hesitantly

"but won't it be a little difficult to do this job since she's a fan?" Yuki now jumped into the already going conversation.

Everyone agreed to Yuki's statement, but I fought back.